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Weight Loss...How?


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Okay well,

I'm 14 years old, a male..I've been gaining a lot of weight. I started working out recently, but seems like I have been having a lot of junk so thats why I got fat...fat in the sense that my stomach has started to come out...

just wondering, what kind of diet shud i go on, and which type of yoga is best for weight loss?/



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Expend more calories than you take in. Lead an active lifestyle. Don't forsake the junk food completely as you'll end up craving its forbidden goodness (:lol:), and then you'll binge on it thus ruining any progress you'll have made. But DO cut-down on the consumption of junk food so that it becomes a once-a-week treat - NOT a daily occurence. Willpower and positivity is the way!

Oh, and remember Waheguru before embarking on this struggle - it won't be easy but its not impossible. Nip this issue in the bud now whilst you're still young and you'll save yourself from a life of battling with food. Let it get out of control and it will consume you.

Specifically, you probably already know to increase your intake of vegetables and also any foods that contain protein. Being a vegetarian myself I can't recommend any of the lean meats as I've never touched them myself (and nor should any Sikh to be honest).

As for exercise, you can't beat running. Any exercise worth doing is never easy and you'll have to sweat. However there are a lot of other exercises that can also be done. But like I said, running is ideal (if possible). Don't get sidetracked by weights or muscle-building. Due to your relatively young age you shouldn't start lifting weights as you're still growing. Best to get your weight sorted in a gradual and calm manner before hitting the weights when you're 18 or 19.

There's so much more stuff I could've said, but I'm sure you get the idea.

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no offence, but why would you ask this on a sikh forum?

what is the point?

I reconmend searching on websites/forums about health and fitness

or plain common sense

for example: cutting down on junk, eat more fruit, regular running (start of slowly and light, and then eventually push it up to 30 mins running everyday)

but you have given me an interesting idea for a new thread ;)

sorry for the harsh words

wjkk wjkf

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At a young age of 14, it should not be hard to loose weight. Although, you should not assume it will be easy either. A few tried and (personally) tested pointers which will prove helpful.

First, the magic formula (which as already been mentioned). In order to loose weight, you need to produce a calorie deficit. So, number of calories you eat must be less than the number of calories you use. But wait! the deficit here should not be large or you may actually end up gaining weight!

1. Eat 5 meals per day. Yes, that's 5 meals per day, NOT 3 meals and 2 snacks. This will be bit of a challenge to begin with, so you would want to start by adding 1 additional meal (on a weekly basis) to how many you eat now, until you get to 5 meals/day. Basic idea is to eat just enough that you will be hungry again in about 3 hours.

2. Do resistance training to build muscle.

This is by far the best thing you can do to get the weight off and keep it off. The reason is simple, muscle is metabolically active tissue, this means that in order to sustain itself, it uses energy which your body produces by "burning" food. Basically, more muscle = more calories used by the body, even at rest!. Stick to the basic exercises for now, just utilizing body weight. Push ups, pull ups, chin ups, squats, and lunges would suffice to being with. Another option is to play sports which require you to build some strength.

3. As it has been noted earlier, increase intake of vegetables. This is highly recommended as vegetables will contain lots of vitamins and minerals which your body needs. Ideally, you would want to steam the vegetables (sorry no punjabi turkha should be done as it is extremely unhealthy for you). But, if steamed veggies taste too bland for you, you could stir fry them. (again, no turkha!)

3a. Cut on sugary and junk foods. Sugar will ruin your efforts very easily, so stay away from it as much as possible. You only need about 1 table spoon of sugar circulating in your blood, when you eat more (and we all do), your body releases insulin to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. Basically, this instructs the cells to absorb the sugar (i.e. take it out of the blood stream) and store as fat. Now we certainly don't want to aid the body's efforts to store fat! I mean, it's crazy good at doing that as it is :sleep:

4. Drink 3-4 liters of water per day. Keeps you hydrated and you will likely loose some water weight the first week.

5. Do not EVER EVER EVER starve yourself!!! Don't ever miss a meal, any meal. This can not be stressed enough. Through millions of years of evolution, our bodies have perfected the art of storing food as fat. At the time food was scarce and this served very good purpose and likely prevented deaths by starvation. So, if you do not get food on time (as per your body clock), your body goes into 'starvation mode'. It starts to panic and begins to store what ever it can as fat, basically preparing for a famine. More importantly, the next time you do eat (after missing a meal), your body will try to store much of that as fat rather than use it to produce energy. All in all, don't EVER EVER EVER miss a meal.

75% of your efforts should be concentrated on the food you eat, and only 25% toward the workout. Most people do the opposite and then they wonder why they can't loose weight :rolleyes: I have even lost weight in the past without doing any exercise whatsoever (not recommended however).

Another tidbit; it's a huge myth that you need to do "cardio" to loose weight. I'm a living example of this, I have lost weight twice now without ever doing "cardio". All that's needed is a moderate calorie deficit, which can be achieved by fixing your diet, and exercising.

Lastly, pick the exercises which you enjoy. Sports is probably the easiest I suppose for kids, but each person is different. I picked up my first dumb bell at 16 and have not looked back since :L: Find out what you love and stick to that.

I could go on for a while, but I think what I have already noted should be sufficient to get you well on your way. Good luck

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