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Baby Formula For Newborns


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Sangat jeo I'm having difficulties in finding formula for our new born baby, (in the UK) as sma and all other high street brand ALL have fish products in them,

I know there are some soya based products but I read that they are not always good for newborns and lack certain nutrients....

Does sangat know of any formulas that are veggie friendly? I am breast feeding soon I gotta take some meds that won't allow to me to continue to do this, I really worried, I need to make sure baby gets the best of what he needs....

Thanks in advance sangat jio

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Yes soy is really bad because it has been genetically modified. and i don't think there are any vegetarian/soy free baby formulas. I've just been trying to look for some, it seems they don't exist. There are some formulas, that are diary free/soy free and fish free, like this one http://www.neocate.co.uk/aaa_neocate/2319-what-is-neocate.html. Im not sure if it is a 100% vegetarian though. But it does seem to be.

There is a goat's milk alternative for infants, but it says its not 100% vegetarian http://www.ulula.co.uk/shop/baby-food-item.php?CatID=128&ProductID=500. But then there is another one for children 6 months + that says it is vegetarian http://www.ulula.co.uk/shop/baby-food-item.php?ProductID=533&CatID=128. Not sure if that helps. Don't know how old your child is.

On the web it seems, most people are suggesting its best to ask your GP/doctor, who can prescribe something. That is usually for babies with allergies, although your baby might not have any allergies, still it seems there are no vegetarian and soy free baby formulas. Because all the vegetarian ones have soy in them. But soy is detrimental to health. So I think its going to be best to ask your Doctor, they might be able to prescribe some special formula.

But its weird how there isn't any vegetarian baby formulas.

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Your only option is SMA WySoy powder. This is soya milk but is the only vegetarian new born baby milk on the market. There is nothing wrong with the Soya milk as it is an alternative other baby milks, especially now with the likelihood of allegies etc to cows milk. You can move on to the other SMA products (powder only) in 6 months time which is suitable for veggies and no fish

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First of all JustMe, many congratulations and best wishes re; the baby.

As for your predicament, the only advice I can give you, and please bear in mind that this advice comes from a complete non-expert in the subject matter, is that I do know that many hippie / vegan types in this country make their own homemade baby formula using light corn syrup (btw...don't be put off by the sugar element because breastmilk itself produces a high sugar content also).

Talk to some bajurgs about desi homemade formulas......I'm pretty sure the old skool desi formulas would entail corn syrup also.

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Your only option is SMA WySoy powder. This is soya milk but is the only vegetarian new born baby milk on the market. There is nothing wrong with the Soya milk as it is an alternative other baby milks, especially now with the likelihood of allegies etc to cows milk. You can move on to the other SMA products (powder only) in 6 months time which is suitable for veggies and no fish

I second that. Having done lot's of research and due to complications of not being able to breast feed anymore, we found SMA WySoy powder is the only newborn milk available for us as Gursikh Vegetarians. All others will have fish oils in some form or the whey is from animal rennet.

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I think it would be best if you contact your local http://www.laleche.org.uk/ group, they would be more experienced to advise you on vegetarian options, women there have alot of experience and give there time freely, you will meet new mums and get support on breastfeeding when you start.

Another recommendation is not to feed the baby from a bottle, once babies get used sucking on a bottle nipple is will be so hard to go back to breastfeeding. Newborn babies only need a little milk and I would recommend feeding with a spoon, and go straight to breastfeeding. I appreciate is a worrying and difficult time for you. But it is best if you seek advice from experienced women on your concerns.

Take care

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Your only option is SMA WySoy powder. This is soya milk but is the only vegetarian new born baby milk on the market. There is nothing wrong with the Soya milk as it is an alternative other baby milks, especially now with the likelihood of allegies etc to cows milk. You can move on to the other SMA products (powder only) in 6 months time which is suitable for veggies and no fish

I second that. Having done lot's of research and due to complications of not being able to breast feed anymore, we found SMA WySoy powder is the only newborn milk available for us as Gursikh Vegetarians. All others will have fish oils in some form or the whey is from animal rennet.

Yes but soy is extremely bad! This thing should be banned!

Look at what this doctor says about soy. Please watch this video, DON'T FEED YOUR CHILD SOY! Watch this video, it will explain the effects it has. 2:45 seconds, goes into alot of detail.

Look at the facts.

http://www.naturalne...d_soybeans.html Research this link!

This is an epidemic, seriously there is no alternatives available either for vegetarian baby formulas. I think asking your doctor, if there is any alternatives, is the best thing to do. But this is a major problem guys. Look anyone out there who is thinking about giving their children soy, you seriously need to look up the true effects. Its not good at all.

Who is evil enough to put these products out there in the first place? Well thats a whole story on its own.

Look i don't know anything about baby formulas, but I do know, do NOT give children, especially babies any soy. If you have already been doing so, you need to find an alternative, if you can't find an alternative then make an alternative. I don't think people are realising how bad this situation really is. Pretty much all foods these days have soy added to them, when there is no need. There is a force out there trying to destroy humanity. We need to rise up, everything is interconnected. There is a conspiracy in everything. Please everyone open your minds.

I hope you will find something better for your child, with God's grace you will.


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I know what you are all thinking and this is all i have to say

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Just like when people laughed at the law of gravity, now people accept it, just like people laughed at the idea of the Earth being a sphere, but now that is accepted as obvious truth. And before they use to hang people who said that. I hope you understand.Its just like men's sperm count is at an all time low, all across the world, its because we are being bombarded, with electro magnetic pollution, chemical in the foods, this whole worlds insane, and then people are going to start calling me insane.

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