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Gravesend Gurdwara Issues For Awareness


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1. Just before you enter the Gurdwara main hall you have luxury chairs for paathis to sit on and distribute parshad -- what hypocrsy - you have sangat who sits on the floor 5 yards just outside the hall you have paathis sitting on grand charis and distibuting degh

2. GURDWARA Main hall is not to be used for GURPURBS at all the comiittee wants to raise money due a debt loan in the excess of 5 million pounds so the MAIN hall is for WEDDINGS only- counteless gursikhs have argued and debated with the committee but it conitnues to fall on deaf ears . 13 MILLION POUND GURDWARA and NOT ALLOWED TO HOLD A GURPURB AKAND PAAT IN THE MAIN HALL!!!!! WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING THE GURDWARA SANGAT JEEO if one cannot even celebrate Gurpurbs????

3. a patthi was given a good old beating about two weeks ago due to having taken ALCHOL before SITTING TO DO PAAT during an akand pAAT!!! commitee are obviously supporting the paati and again all debtaes arguments falling on deaf ears.



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No offence but alot more will happen, sorry to say - but your gurdwara has missionary thinking, too much, its run by so called khalistanis - but none or very few seem to have dharam, its all about money for them. Sampardaic parcharaks are banned from the gurdwara sahib - in the sense they never book them and if someone does book and state they from a taksal, nihang dal or anything sampardaic they tend to say - all our weeks are full.

The last parcharak i think was giani thakur singh who went there, or very few go in comparison to all the missionarys - like e.g. gulshan,etc - what do you expect to learn. Alot of the people in the area are anti dasam, the last amrit sanchar was done by so called akaal takht maryada - not even the full one, the singhs doing seva shouldnt be doing - stating 3 bania, ok to eat meat, no need to do simran, - i spoke to them they clearly said fish and egg is ok, cussed gatka, and all sampardas and dasam granth bani. What do you expect to happen - the singhs even said - that people - sants scare sangat and tell them to wake up at amrit velah - arvinder singh marway said all this to me.

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it aint my gurdwara jeeo-- it's not yours too- Gurdwara belongs to SGGS and sangat.

your points are valid.

grave situation - committee boaks have lost the plot --

committee is about 15- jatt boots all with personal agendas -- basically a gurdwara which was the first to raise the khalistan voice around the 80's has now become a badal run grudwara due to dhesi being his right hand man.

all the panthic lot - including so called seva singh lallee and narinderjit thandi are just manipulative politicans both have been hand in glove with the indian giverment

check the contrast we have AMY WHITEHOUSE who was recently booed off stage due to being too drunk to perform on stage -- -however we have a paati whose been drinking and doing paat from HOLY SGGS and no one gives a hoot.

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I for one want to see high standards in all Gurdwaras in all towns. If we approach the committee now they will reject this by asking for proof. Is there any eye witness proof of the paati's accusation? Without evidence we won't be able to put a case forward.

If any commitee refuses to disclose accounts then what options are available to the sangat. A new commitee could be formed to oust the existing.

Like minded people have to come forward. There are plenty of well educated high standard Gursikhs in the community now , they must join forces before the rot sets in. Turning a blind eye to beadbi in Gurdwara will make things even worse in the future and even harder to combat.

Any misconduct has to nipped in the bud.

Please inform of evidence of misconduct so that the president can be informed. Without evidence they will say that people on here are just lying.

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That's some wild statement you have just made about mr Dhesi , mr Lalli and mr thandi. Clearly as you are a newbie you must have an agenda yourself. Every gurdwara I am sure have their minor issues which can be resolved easily. Sangat out there should be proud of the achievement that Gravesend has made. As for the granthi Singh that was allegedly drinking I have heard the thugs that beat him up also stole the CCTV hard drive. I suggest you should bring that up with the committe as well ( stealing from Gurdwara )

it aint my gurdwara jeeo-- it's not yours too- Gurdwara belongs to SGGS and sangat.

your points are valid.

grave situation - committee boaks have lost the plot --

committee is about 15- jatt boots all with personal agendas -- basically a gurdwara which was the first to raise the khalistan voice around the 80's has now become a badal run grudwara due to dhesi being his right hand man.

all the panthic lot - including so called seva singh lallee and narinderjit thandi are just manipulative politicans both have been hand in glove with the indian giverment

check the contrast we have AMY WHITEHOUSE who was recently booed off stage due to being too drunk to perform on stage -- -however we have a paati whose been drinking and doing paat from HOLY SGGS and no one gives a hoot.

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statements are crystal CLEAR - ask anyone living and breathing in gravesend for the last 30 years. These 3 have done only one thing which is build a gurdwara for that i commend them -- well done a great job. BUT BUT

What is the point if there is no protocol, if there is shyness on who and which parchark to do katha on the stage, sad thing is protocol - rehat have fast dissappeared which is a shame

i have no personal agenda - just was wondering if our wonderful youth forum here hass any ideas on how to deal and what to do with this situation?? if you have ideas suggestions please list here. Don't just focus on thugs and what happened focus on solution -

so far there has been more views than responses to this thread - what's up is the kaum getting sick and tired of it all or is there no solution to these commitee boaks- we can't kick them out, we don't have the time to play silly political

games they play - they have loads of time on their hands - what is youth going to do ? i know some gurdwara in the uk are run by youth - i need to know how is is that they have become so successful? how do they share the workload?? how is it they are bringing on more of a paanthic role in the gurdwara ?? what is the experience required? can it ever be acheived ??

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I will give an example of something i seen myself and was inivolved in, a few months a go one of the singh sahibs from darbar sahib came to england, they did katha at gravesend, after the katha they wanted to see sachkand sahib - they went to see it, the chandoa sahib was on the bed and not a seperate one on the ceiling, singh sahib jee was not impressed and commented that you spent soo much on gurdwara but cudnt even make the satkar of guru jee good.

2) We went to the langar hall, now gravesend has a few table and chairs in langar - a few. Singh Sahib Ji on seeing these commented to the committee that why do you have them, some said we need, some said we disagree with them so didnt comment, then one said - we disagree but cant do anything or it will break the committee - meaning we will use our positions. Singh Sahib jee replied then what the point of everything else. Untill we dont follow maryada, there is no point.

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I for one want to see high standards in all Gurdwaras in all towns

That can never happen. Its impossible. Because........we have far more gurdware than we actually need. For every 3 we need....we have 7. Thus....each of them have no choice but to think of ways of bringing money in if they're to pay the gas bill. And then.....you get ramgharia sikhs going off and making their own gurdware because they don't have the self confidence to compete with or even talk to the majority sikhs. And then you get the bhatra sikhs going off and making even more gurdwaras just for themselves. The whole things a farce.

GURDWARA Main hall is not to be used for GURPURBS at all the comiittee wants to raise money due a debt loan in the excess of 5 million pounds so the MAIN hall is for WEDDINGS only

Be carefull what you wish for fella. One of the greatest things about being a sikh in England....the thing that makes us pretty unique in worldwide sikhi....is the fact that our gurdwara weddings are just as important as the party afterwards. You go to a wedding in India. There, 400 people turn up for the drink and dance but on average you get about 12 people that go to the actual gurdwara wedding. Similar story among the sikhs in Canada and America who tend to follow the Hindu wedding tradition of having night time wedding bashes. Here, at least, we find it disrespectfull that anyone should bother turn up at the party and yet not bother to turn up at the gurdwara and witness the actual religious ceremony. So....you relegate the weddings to the minor side halls in the gurdwaras and you're pretty much putting the nail in the coffin when it comes to this tradition. Then....you'll be starting a thread here complaining about the way that people turn up at the party but don't think it important enough to attend the gurdwara ceremony.

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west london singh jeeo - you make a great point jeeo about what to wish for -- i only want our beautiful gurdwaras to celebrate the main gurpurbs which they have celebrated before in main halls - nothing else - i do not wish for a moment to thrust any ideology on anyones wedding. all are welcome in a Guru Ghar - but alas we must think Guru Ghars are because of our Guru Sahibans - if we cannot celebrate their lives AS A BARE MINIMUM in the main halls and admire others for further learning than we are a FAILURE.

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