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How To Get Back On Sikhi Track

Guest neech

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Guest neech

I am very ashamed telling that I have not been keeping my rehet seriously which includes: no amritwela, no nitnem, no respect for kakaars, no naam no bani, no carefulness while eating at outside places, remain indulged in maya and padarath and vikaars. This is the worst that possibly cud happen to someone. It is like I am amritdhari only because I am wearing a SRI SAHIB nothing inside, no pyaar or shardha or fear of maharaj for not following rehet. No inner desire of seva and simran. Knowing everything that this is wrong and this is what i shud not do I have been doing these things. I can tell my self ok now u cannot do this and u have to wake up early and do ur nitnem but i am not being able to do that. Amritwela will take time but I want to start the basic things like nitnem and I need mind shaking advice. You all can say whatever bad words you want to say to me for doing all above mistakes. and advice me to start it all over so I do not mess up in my life again.

My schedule is wake up at 5:45am because it takes me 2.5 hrs to get to my work. so i have this 2.5 hrs travelling time in bus/trains where i cannot really concentrate and keep falling asleep if i start nitnem. and same on my way back to home. I reach home at 8pm.

so please someone guru ka pyara help me like his own brother to manage my day according to gurmat.

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Veer Ji..First of all, I suggest you do ardas to guru sahib and if you have committed any of the 4 bujjer kurets..you should do pesh..or you can just go in to get naam dhir again..and explain to panj piyaare how you lost your routine..

since it does take u 2.5 hours to get to work...i suggest you try to listen to your nitnem at least..if you cannot do it...and try to memorize it as well..add more bani into your nitnem..since you have so much..try not to listen to any songs or anything...to stop u from falling asleep TRY to read the nitnem along..on your iphone or any smart phone or even itouch..that helps as well..

and avoid eating out..i know there are circumtances..where you can't but only limit it to when there is no other way...

and strict amrit vela is very hard to do..you can do that only wth guru sahib's grace..

MOST IMPORTANT DO ARDAS VEER JI..i do not have a strict amretvela as well..once you lose it it is very hard to gain it back..but just try your best..take baby steps..but from NOW on no matter what happens DONT never miss your panj bania da nitnem at least..make that your priority

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I am very ashamed telling that I have not been keeping my rehet seriously which includes: no amritwela, no nitnem, no respect for kakaars, no naam no bani, no carefulness while eating at outside places, remain indulged in maya and padarath and vikaars. This is the worst that possibly cud happen to someone. It is like I am amritdhari only because I am wearing a SRI SAHIB nothing inside, no pyaar or shardha or fear of maharaj for not following rehet. No inner desire of seva and simran. Knowing everything that this is wrong and this is what i shud not do I have been doing these things. I can tell my self ok now u cannot do this and u have to wake up early and do ur nitnem but i am not being able to do that. Amritwela will take time but I want to start the basic things like nitnem and I need mind shaking advice. You all can say whatever bad words you want to say to me for doing all above mistakes. and advice me to start it all over so I do not mess up in my life again.

My schedule is wake up at 5:45am because it takes me 2.5 hrs to get to my work. so i have this 2.5 hrs travelling time in bus/trains where i cannot really concentrate and keep falling asleep if i start nitnem. and same on my way back to home. I reach home at 8pm.

so please someone guru ka pyara help me like his own brother to manage my day according to gurmat.

My friend, do not just read Nitnem- Apply it physically to your life...

Embark on the path of bhagti, for this is how Brahmgyanis are made- this is the aim of our lives and our birthright- so take it.

Clean yourself and mind from within, no point in taking amrit and showing the world you are pure when you are not- that is the guilt you are feeling. Guru ji says we can take as many cleansing baths as we like but can still have alot of sh**t inside (Kalyugis are literally full of it), some of our bhagats did not even wear a pagh yet were immaculate within- that is a message of Truth, that it is the inside that must be pure....

Naam simran- attuning oneself to the frequency of God/Truth- the balanced gyan that applies across a universal spectrum is key- attuned to it, you live in truth and with each discovery you make when in truth, your frequency becomes finer and finer and more aware. Pure Truth is what God realised himself to be after many ages and he wished to share it with others- hence he discovers through us....

eihu man saachaa sach rathaa sachae rehiaa samaae ||2||

This true mind is attuned to Truth, and it remains permeated with the True One. ||2||

thin mukh ttikae nikalehi jin man sachaa naao ||

the faces of those whose minds are attuned to the True Name are anointed with the Mark of Grace.

naam rathae sae niramalae gur kai sehaj subhaae ||

Those who are attuned to the Naam are immaculate and pure; through the Guru, they obtain intuitive peace and poise.

anadhin naamae rathiaa jothee joth samaae ||

Night and day, they are attuned to the Naam, and their light is absorbed into the Light.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gurfateh jee,

Try spending more time in saad sangat.

Set yourself small achievable goals and think about HOW you are actually going to acheive them. For example, if your first goal is doing nitnem, then make a note of what time you need to do it, in order for you to get to work on time and the same for the evening... roughly have a planned day so you know when it's 6pm or whatever time, you need to start rehiras sahib. Once you have managed to get nitnem back on track, try something else. Start with things that are going to be easy for you to achieve, for example:

Goal: 5 x chaupai sahib

How you will achieve it: Recite during journey to work (If you dont know it off by heart, then take a mp3 player)

Goal: Visit gurdwara

How will you achieve it: Catch the no x bus on the way home from work and stop off at the gurdwara for 15 minutes (If getting to the gurdwara frequently is a problem, there is plenty of katha available online. Start off by listening to katha of today's hukamnama, then spend a bit of time reflecting upon what maharaj has said to you).

Hope that helps.

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