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Speaking Out Against Hate

cool water

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S1ingh said :

Agreed that not all hindus were part of anti-sikh movement in 70's or 80s BUT why it is taking Hindu majority government to punish guilty and bring hope of justice? If killing 9 police official can bring swift justice by giving death penality to ahfzal guru then why not give justice to the family members of 10,000 sings of delhi? Neither congress nor bjp interested in that because they don't have any value for sikhs.

It is not your or common hindus fault, u guys are too being fed lies and false history by central government. Bad guys are in power because they manipulate everything and feed lies to the majority. If common ppl realizes the truth, I am very much sure that they will be our side.


I agree with you S1ngh.

The govt is only Hindu majority in NAME, they are politicians who are THIEVES, out for themselves they are Hindu muslim sikh christian in name only!

Problem is no one gets justice In most eastern countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka unless YOU GOT POWER and MONEY - corruption is rife and selfishness at its peak. its not religious thing its a MONETARY one.

Hindus from Kashmir seeking justice, Hindus in Assam still awaiTing justice, Hindus in nepal awaitng justice - NOTHING

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Cool Water...please give it a rest. You keep making threads and yelling at everyone who disagrees with you. You sound like a hippie liberal who is a little out of touch with reality. I'm curious to see how your approach would work on Paki gangs and RSS types. I suspect you would get stomped on. You aren't going to convince anyone on this forum to agree with you, and even if you do, this forum only reaches a tiny fraction of the 30 million Sikhs around the world. Your efforts would be better served on the street, not on the internet.

Hindu Veer, I suspect you are BJP or maybe RSS. I know there is a lot of accusations of people being RSS on here, but...you are a Hindu on a Sikh forum. I've encountered a lot of RSS people whose job it is to monitor Sikh forums. Also, your accusation of West London Singh for hating Hindus and supporting Muslims gives you away. Also, your need to put all Sikh grievances on the Congress Party is a red flag. Do not forget that the BJP and RSS have mischievous tactics to undermine Sikhs separate identity.

Your thinking is that BritishPakistani came here and spoke eloquently on behalf of his people, so why not you. Am I right? What bothers me is that this means you have been watching our forum for some time. I would advise you to stick to your own forums, and stop sticking your nose in our business to try and create mischief. There are no threads that are bashing Hindus on this forum so your pretext for coming here is totally baseless, unless you have an agenda, which I suspect you do.

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Ok Singhsabha, you GOT ME! You must be related to James Bond in some way, well done!

1. I was sent here by the RSS BJP wing in India, contacted last night via payphone, (they reversed the charges - DAMN) and ordered to infiltrate this site and turn everyone here against the Congress govt, so that all the sikhs on sikhsangat would get there relatives to vote for BJP, and hence secure a NEW HINDU right wing govt in India, CONVERT all sikhs muslims and christians in India to Hindu and once done, take over the world, and rename it HINDUWORLD.

2. Yes i get paid 500 rupees to monitor sikh forums Rupees 550 on Sundays, (overtime rates) plus cha and samosas ( orginal Shahenshah - North RD, Southall, only)

3. Yes the fact that I worked out ( because i can read) that West London likes muslims and hates Hindus means Im hardcore RSS BJP, i even got the tattoo and piercings to prove it ?!

4. Yes British Pakistani ( whoever he/she is/was???) told me he/she brainwashed you guys so I thought i would too!

5. Yes I have been watching this forum, and dont take my eyes off it ( even when im driving or eating) . I have installed special cameras to watch all of YOU.

6. I am here to create mischief as none of my posts can be deleted and I have already gotten rid of the moderators, so it is impossible to ban me, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Hon tussi bach ni sagde, main thwanoo Hindu bannaa dennaaa, (as I twirl my mustache, and stroke my bald head) hahahahahah

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Cool water, I dont know if you read my post on the other thread, if you didnt, THANK YOU for welcoming me on this site.

You seem like a good guy and I hope the majority of sikhs here are like you.

No matter if you get shouted down continue your sewa, as people like you show what sikhi is.

Avtar95 - thanks for the welcome

Paneer, If I can do anything to help ur cause let me know, thanks for your apology

I dont care what the HATERS say, hindus and sikhs are brothers and sisters. I will continue to give respect to both gurdwaras and MANDIRS, and just like the Hindu Punjabis and Hindu Tamils were protecting mandirs, last week, we were also looking out for gurdwaras.

Im not gonna let some of the haters on this site who HATE us Hindus, change my attiutude towards sikhs.

Peace, Jai MATA DI

If u really wants respect and wants to give respect then one thingh u should accept and understand that Sikh and Hindus are two separate Nations and Sikhs might have some relation with Punjabi Hindus but not with whole Hindu community .

Khalasthan Zindabad.

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Hindu Veer, why are you here? Just answer that much.

I saw how you called Rajiv Gandhi "Rajiv Gandhi Khan" in another thread. A complaint of BJP/RSS is that Congress Party shows a lot of favoritism towards Muslims.

Do you agree that Sikhism is a separate religion from Hinduism completely? As such, we should be recognized in the Indian constitution and have our own marriage act?

You have become very defensive so I think I have hit a nerve.

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There were no Hindus looking out for any Gurdwaras. Check the news reports. Only Sikhs and Muslims were mentioned. If anything, Sikhs were looking after the Mandirs. Hindus were nowhere to be found. You were watching our conversation with BritishPakistani very closely I see.

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Hey Kalyug Singh,

I support the sikh campaign for justice Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Singh Tytler and other Congress thugs.

What disgusts me is how some people here are hating on cool water for preaching peace and standing up against hate.

Why people here hate US HINDUS who have not done anything to you Sikhs. You war should be against the congress criminals of 1984, NOT 900,000,000 Hindus.

Why are people here wanting to aleinate millions of hindus or otherwise support the sikh fight for justice, albeit quietly like many sikhs too.

Hindu gave congress a thumping majority in the election for killing Sikhs and u cant deny Hindu celebrating after operation Blue Star .

And its just a false propoganda that it was just 1984 that Sikhs were killed even 1984 sikh were killed by Hindu mob.

The perfect example is Bidar college of Sikh attack by Hindu Mob in 1988 and many such more incidents i will post soon .

No doubt who participated in the riots are guilty what about those who encourage them.

Average Hindu wanted this genocide thats the truth .

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1. I feel Us Hindus and Sikhs, as religious labels go, are today further apart in practice than we have ver been, however our goals remain the same, being one with god, as with most religions.

2. whether you want relations with Hindu punjbais, Hindu tamils or no Hindus at all, is a matter for you, your democratic CHOICE

3. Hindu punjabis from all over India visit Harmndir sahib, and I was there in April 2009, my family in punjab and uk, go there. I dont know ANY HINDU PUNJABIS that celebrated after operation bluestar as harmandir is SACRED TO US. Dont say Hindus celebrated operation bluestar, maybe the sikh army led by kuldeep singh Brar celebrated it, but the Hindus I know didnt.

4. Between 1978 - 1993, many hindu adn sikh places of worship and businees was attacked by thugs police terrotists - SAD, TO ME THESE people were neither true sikh or Hindus

5. The average Hindu wants to live in peace, just liek the average siksh and does not want a genocide of sikhs.


1, U have already made ur mind up abotu me,, Im an RSS BJP man, so im not going to waste my timeanswering you.

2. I was in Hounlow and Southall last week, with my Hindu Punjabi borthers and Hindu tamils brothers, who protected the Hindu mandir in Ealing. Our mandirs in Southall closed at 6pm, adn we kept an eye on them, all night, as well local businesses. Hindu punjabi tooti nungs and smokes were also out and about, like Subhash and Shinh. we also chatted with the Singhs outside Havelock gurdwara adn Park avenue, mostly these guys were the old nungs and local gangsters, there were also a majority of freshie guys, showing love, much respect to them, whilst most guys from UK, sat at home watchin eastenders.

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Do you agree that Sikhism is a separate religion from Hinduism completely? As such, we should be recognized in the Indian constitution and have our own marriage act?

Of course Sikhism is a separate religion from Hinduism, and should be recognised in the Indian constitution as are other faiths and none, and have ownmarriage act, if other faiths do, though rather there be a secular marriage act, but thats another topic altogether, but if one faith has then other faith should too.

Just a matter of time as India is on secular pathway and still has a far to go to reach UK standards.

Average Hindu wanted this genocide thats the truth .

oh dear utter rubbish, nothing short of hate spreading.

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I've not read all of the posts in this thread but it's something that I have noticed. Many members on here write very derogatory remarks about other faiths namely pakistani muslim and hindu.

Please just a benti try to become a good human being first and then and only then can you try to become a good Sikh. I'm not saying be a push over. Our faith dictates us to stand up not only for ourselves but also others.

However, theres no reason to hate someone for the actions of someone who follows the same religion as them. I mean in UK most of us are happy and proud to be British. I wont name ID's but on this site theres some members who HATE brahmins/hindus/India or mughals/muslims/Pakistanis etc. But on the other hand are proud British even saying they support EDL etc. Why do they not see what the British did - They raped our land, stole our Sikh soverignity of us, treated us as second class citizens, Jallanwalla Bagh, used us in 2 world wars etc. If you don't relate the actions of imperail Britian with all British people, why make a connection with the religion of those who commited crimes against Sikhs and blame the whole community and harbour hate against all Hindus or all Muslims.

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