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Why Are Men Considered Inferioin Overall Society?


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First of all I apologise if I have put this in the wrong section, as I thought it was suited here.

I'm not judging anyone it's not my place, also I'm not talking about particular individuals I'm just talking about society overall. particlarly the MALE society, (I'm not discriminating) just stating opinions forgive me if I say anythig wrong. Over the years you hear bad things happen to others or bad things that happen in the Gurdwara and beadbi to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the more I realised that most of the crimes are committed by MEN. Yet I know religion sees men and women equal, why then do we still have issues within our community that men are inferior, when it's men who commit crimes, start fights over money etc?

Wouldn't the world be a better place if women could be committee members rather than men? Why don't women have a say on how the gurdwara is run why has the power got to go to a man? wouldn't the world be a better place if there were more women around to carry out tasks rather than men?

The recent beadbi of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jis saroops thrown into a well, were not these actions carried out by MEN? why is it that the seva done by women in gurdware gets unoticed yet MEN get rewarded are we not discriminating WOMEN even inside a gurdwara?

Why are we killing girls before they are born? Why becuse MEN are greedy is it true or not?

I was wondering if I can get peoples opinions on the matter

Thank you :D

Sorry for some errors i'm using my iPod!

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Neither can a committe of all women be all good and help further society or a committee of men. Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj has taught us what a woman can do, if she gets into power or stands behind a man who has power. Also when it comes to business, some women are more inclined to help another business person out and some women would go to the greatest lenght to destroy another person's business. So her business would profit more. There are good and bad examples in both genders. What we need in the Gurdwara committees are Gursikhs. Whether that be man or women. But those that are greedy, man or woman thrive to land positions of power.

There is one solution to this problem. Let's go back to the Guru's path. Make the Punj Pyare the heads of Gurdwaras and let them serve

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Wouldn't the world be a better place if women could be committee members rather than men? Why don't women have a say on how the gurdwara is run why has the power got to go to a man? wouldn't the world be a better place if there were more women around to carry out tasks rather than men?

I suggest you read charitropakyaan to find out how women can also be immoral and evil.... men and women can be just as bad as each other...you say its men who cause fights and start trouble?..well i wouldnt be surprised if it was the women in their lives egging them, encouraging them or manipulating them into making the situation worse

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men vs women is a superficial argument with regards to sikhi.

Gurbani looks way beyond this to our soul. This body we take so much pride in is just like a cloth, once old and wore it will be disposed like the millions before us.

All we will take with us is the condition of our aatma, which is neither male nor female. The condition of that aatma is what will determine countless cycles of pain or being at one with parmaathma.

The problems of this world are neither in the hands of males nor females, this is as Waheguru intended. There is evil and there is good, and these battles have been going on since beginning of time, and will continue to do so until maharaaj does kirpa on mankind.

If women had higher spirituality, then the sons they gave birth to would be saints, and the husbands they married would be transformed. These arguments are non-gurmat.

One must be aware of evil, direct and non-direct. Evil men and Evil women tend to act in different ways to progress their evil ways. Men generally attcking directly, while evil mischievous women use manipulations and deceptions - Maharaaj gave us the arsenal to be wise and aware of devious cunning world of kaalyug through Dasam bani- as paaji mentioned above. This is to help us be aware, ready in all forms of evil.. not just straight up bullets from the enemy, but all the underhanded evil that is now spreading the world.

Just pick the side of truth and justice and fight regardless of your gender..

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

I think m4andy has a point,

therefore will strongly recommend that Equal number of female members be on the moderating team.

They have no say on Sikh Sangat, see for yourself


Am hopeful that they will publish all my posts in return for lobbying ;)

Seriously where are women leaders or are both words "women" and "leader" Antonyms ?

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

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I am female, and I believe at times women can be there own worst enemies at times. They form cliques, petty arguments take place, in some gurdwaras you just need to go into the kitchens to see this. If someone else does the seva they have always been doing they don't like it. These are just a few Minor examples.

Like onlyfive said it should be gursikhs, not whether they are men and women. Women can be very manipulative too, sometimes we just have to look in our own families to see that. And regarding the female foeticide in the majority of cases it is the women doing it, either themselves or from pressure from there mother in law, it is women who cry when a girl is born in the majority of cases.

Like someone once said, if women ruled the world there would be no wars, just a whole load of countries not talking to each other.

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