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Abduction Of Hindus, Sikhs Have Become A Business In Pakistan


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Just stumbled across this news, made me feel pretty sad.

August 27, 2011

Shravan Krushna Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

AMRITSAR, India: Incidents of abduction of Hindus and Sikhs, especially of girls, for forced conversion and marriages to Muslims, and for ransom have increased in the recent past in Pakistan, said Punjab's ruling party, Pakistan Muslim League (n) member parliament Dr Haresh Chopra talking to TOI here on Saturday.

Chopra has also sought Indian parliamentarians to take up the issue of plight of Hindus and Sikhs as it did in case of illegal transfer of gurdwara lands in Pakistan so as to put international pressure on Pakistan government to protect minority communities.

Chopra, who is also member of standing committee on human rights, was here on a personal visit on the invitation of Nankana Sahib Sikh Yatree Jatha president Swaran Singh Gill. "I receive information of at least two cases of abduction of Hindu and Sikh girls in a week," he said. There are organized gangs of mullahs and terrorists, who even abduct minor girls of minority communities and procure their age certificates with Muslim names from madrassas proving them adults. "In such cases we can't do much to save the children," he added.

Chopra, who is MP from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province, said, "Being a soft target, many Hindus and Sikhs are abducted from the province for ransom, but cases of forced conversion are more in Sindh province. Those who can't bear their persecution anymore often think of migrating to India as they are not financially sound enough to shift to European countries."

"Being a minority MP, I have always been raising issues in the parliament and demanding protection for minorities, but that's all I can do," he said.

Chopra squarely blamed Pakistan Evacuee Trust Property Board (PETPB) chairman Sayed Asif Hashmi for doling out gurdwara and temple properties. "PETPB is acquiring the properties, selling them to builders at higher prices and there is no one to stop all this," he added.

Meanwhile, Swaran Singh, who often takes Sikh jathas to Pakistan, asked him to press Pakistan government for increasing the frequency of jathas from India.


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two, three abductions a week?!!

Why are the gurdwarras not taking steps to stop this from happening. Oh yeh thats right, their operators are too busy pocketing money, running party halls and getting piss*d down at Glassy junction!

-I also don't see money being put aside by every single gurdwarra to go to the poor each week- what happened to helping the poor as per gurbani, what happened to giving Daswandh to charity or the gurdwarra to go to charity???!!!

-I don't see serious issues being addressed by gurdwarras, only a business like mentality.

To everyone on this forum who has any sway with gurdwara leaders- please try and convince them to start taking their roles more seriously or to step down.

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the problem in pakistan is that the non muslims are a microscopic minority, even worse than sikhs in india. Sikhs just dont have the numbers for anything in pakistan, and the muslims especially the older ones remember the sikhs for their fighting in 1947, 1965, and 1971.

The muslims look at hindus as tho they are animals, because of their idol-worshipping. they believe that they have the right to commit atrocities on them, although there are way more hindus in pakistan than sikhs.

In living in hostile conditions you have to have the numbers to protect yourselves, and Sikhs simply dont, and the hindus are too weak/feeble community-wise. Personally I dont know why the Hindus didnt leave pakistan in 1947, and the indians make all the muslims leave for pakistan. A comeplete total exchange of hindu and muslim population would have solved this, and it probably still could.

I hope that Hindus reading this will feel some sympathy for what the Sikhs have had to endure living in India, as it hurts when your people are terrorized, but when its your own people terrorizing another minority eyes and ears seem to close.

It wasnt that long ago that killing Sikhs was well rewarded by the indian govt.

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