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Why Are The No Asian Footballers ?


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Plenty of asian kids are good at football. Asian footy leagues always have goreh agents snooping around them. It's just that at young ages, Sikh boys are more likely to follow what their parents want (the academic route) than see how far their talent can take them. Or to try and get an education and be a sportsman. Doing two things at once is something most Sikhs find difficult, look at all the time wasted on forums with people on the same side arguing about what problem/thing is more dangerous/important than the other.

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Boozing is part of UK culture. If you've got nothing better to do and your community runs it's own off-licences it's no surprise we like a bit of a drink.

As for the money, bare in mind that many parents go on about how one injury can wreck a career and make you useless. Of course life destroying injuries arent that common but Sikhs like to focus on negative things that close down chances of leaving their comfort zone. Much better to take the safer route of accountant, dentist, lawyer, doctor or pharmacist and live a steady life in their eyes.

Whilst we're on the subject of sports personalities, look at Monty Panesar. A figure of fun for many English and often put across as a docile <banned word filter activated> by his team mates and media. In Flintoff's biography he talks about how once MP came to his room whilst Freddie was raiding the minfridge for booze. MP had bought a lot of notes and wanted to go over tactics and FF told him to piss off. Also look at how many coaches white english players get whilst Monty is expected to just wing it and still be as good as his teammates. Or how his team mates give him a load of grief on the field for every little mistake he makes. Worst of all is how MP just bends over and takes it all like a good little Sikh coconut.

Another way of looking at it is seeing how Amir Khan is treated. White people hate him for being a pak i. Sikhs think that we get more acceptance if we educate people and try and get in the public eye a bit more. The truth is we just dont get the psyche of a lot of people around us. Asians know that they would have to do twice as much with half as much help in sports to even be considered equals to the ordinary Brits who have turned sport into nothing more than a projection of their own views on the world. We cant talk about asian footballers without asking the question of whether the people here would accept them unless they were incredibly skilled rather than plain old mediocre like their own white athletes.

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I dont think anyone can hide behind racism, and its gone.

That an ubelieavably incorrect statement to make.

Wher has racism gone? Its still here live and kicking. Dont be fooled by the amount of foreign players in the premier leaugue. Yes there are players of all nationalities. Thats because the Typical white fan at the terraces doe not have hate for other nationalities. ie nigerian, chinese, mongolian just about any nationalty. He will gladly go on and cheer on these players. But there is still hate for the brown british footballer.

the whte man has resentment to asians. we are seen as a threat. he see's the brown asians in larger number taking over uk areas with their population.

in essence the typical white english person doesnt care about any nationality in his team. except if he's a brown asian. there maybe some who would accep an asian. but most would never like to see a brownie in their teams or any teams.

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That an ubelieavably incorrect statement to make.

Wher has racism gone? Its still here live and kicking. Dont be fooled by the amount of foreign players in the premier leaugue. Yes there are players of all nationalities. Thats because the Typical white fan at the terraces doe not have hate for other nationalities. ie nigerian, chinese, mongolian just about any nationalty. He will gladly go on and cheer on these players. But there is still hate for the brown british footballer.

the whte man has resentment to asians. we are seen as a threat. he see's the brown asians in larger number taking over uk areas with their population.

in essence the typical white english person doesnt care about any nationality in his team. except if he's a brown asian. there maybe some who would accep an asian. but most would never like to see a brownie in their teams or any teams.

ive been going to football before the preimship was created, i have across very minimul racism.

Football clubs do everytthing they can with their social inclusion programmes.

Theres laws which can used agianst anyone who is racist at football.

They give cheap tickest to local asians.

The asians do nothing but moan and segregate themselves.

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^^ That’s all very well to have new initiatives for Asian youngsters to get into football and Asian kids may have better chance in today’s society then they did 10 -15 years ago. But do the majority of English white males want to go to the grounds and cheer on a 'Paki'.

we brown people are the trational enemy of the working class white man. Their only escape from us brownies is at a football match where they don’t mind cheering on any person along as he isn’t south Asian brownie, Especially from Britain. I was a very talented footballer myself. The last thing the white English man wants to do is see a brownie in his teams shirt. They have a deep hatred for us.

personally if I made it in football. i would go to Italy or Spain to play. Where people don’t hold onto their predijuce against us and stereo type us. As being smelly, curry munchers, not good at sports ect.

British blacks are not seen as a threat to the white man. They love black people but they hate the Asians generally. These are the working class types though.

your probably another asian who thinks he's black by the look of your name. why dont you do us a little hammertime dance?? lol

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if their is racism in soccer in england towards desis shouldn't that motivate you guys more to succeed

end of the day its lack of motivation, the most motivated hardest working smartest athlete always makes it and succeeds

i love boxing and i love training hard and getting better everyday but for me i joined to learn to selfdefence and getting better and better so i can protect myself and anyone else who would need help but i never had the motivation to train to go profesional

If you want it bad enough you make it happen two things happen when you face adversity you either let it make you stronger or weaker

its a choice

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