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Does Mukti Or Sachkhand Only Available To Sikhs?


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@ Mirror veerji, You are absolutely right. I didnot mean thAT YOU are wrong. just wanted to highlight few points.

Since i'm living in UAE(a Muslim country), I know few Muslim friends(Bori sect) who do worship Pir of age around 60-70(Please donot compare Pir with Some Black magic or Voombo jhoombho), They have told me that they dodnot worship him beacuse he had shown some divine powers or something but whenever they go to his sangat, they feel strong presence of Naam Simran and they feel very peacful and joyful presence. Even though worshipping any Human in Islam is strongly prohibited, yet they worship him and they even had put his pictures in their offices.

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I hope you can provide Gurbani, with ang number and which Shabad to say the above. I'll will be waiting for these Shabads.

What evidence are you looking for....Those bhagats were muslims by their religion yet their gurbani is written in SGGSJI.

Also please refer to ebooks of Sant Waryam singh ji ratwara sahib wale to get more insight of Bhagat Fareed ji life in very detailed description with Gurbani Quotes and How Did he meet Puran Muslism Sant to merge with Akal PUrakh.

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Even Krishan Maharaj ji had to obtain teachings from his guru, Even Jesus christ had to bow to his Guru, Even after spending 36 years by doing tapp, Bhagt a Farid ji had to go to look for Puran sant/Guru, that is why GURu gobind singh ji said VAHO VAHO GOBIND SINGH APE GUR CHELA.

Which Puran Sant/Guru did Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj look for? If Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj was looking for a Puran Sant/Guru, then why didn't he say: Vah Vah Gobind Rai Ape Gur Chela? By your thinking Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj started looking for a Puran Sant/Guru after he gave Amrit to the Sikhs, which means Guru Sahib was not jivan mukht, which translates into saying Guru Sahib had faults in him. You are slandering Guru Sahib and you don't even care. Also Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj was given Guruship at the early age of 9, in 1675. By your understanding at this time Satguru was not pure and is able to teach wrong and had faults in him. And he only got pure after giving Amrit?

You have taken Bani of Maharaj and completely twisted it to serve your manmat ideas. In the process you had no problem slandering Guru Sahib as well. Also you can't go back and say, I was saying Guru Sahib's Guru was Vaheguru, because then you wouldn't have pointed out to Vah Vah Gobind Singh Ape Gur Chela. This Bani specifically speaks to Guru Sahib after he took Amrit and is saying I am the follower of the Khalsa and the Guru of the Khalsa, as Guru Sahib himself took Amrit and gave Amrit.

I hope in the future you think about the young kids that read post on here and how you're misleading post can mislead them.

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I hope you can provide Gurbani, with ang number and which Shabad to say the above. I'll will be waiting for these Shabads.

I think there is a sakhi when Bhagat Kabri got NAAM as "RAM" from Ramanand ji when Ramanand ji went to do ishnann and Kabir ji slept on the ground. When Ramanad ji put their feet on Kabir ji and told him "RAM ke bande RAM bol" . Then Kabir ji thought that he got naam from Ramanand ji and the Kabir ji strated reciting RAM RAM. So the mian idea is that evryone has to get the Gurumantra from Puran sant and Puran sant can be from any religion. Even if sone Puran sant from Muslim give "ALLAH" to anyone. That person can reach Sachkhand. So Guru is must for everyone

"Guru bina Gat nahi"

One thing more even in SIKH religion Brahamgyani mahapurush can give naam to anyone but they don't do it. They want to follow Guru Shaib maryada.

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Which Puran Sant/Guru did Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj look for? If Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj was looking for a Puran Sant/Guru, then why didn't he say: Vah Vah Gobind Rai Ape Gur Chela? By your thinking Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj started looking for a Puran Sant/Guru after he gave Amrit to the Sikhs, which means Guru Sahib was not jivan mukht, which translates into saying Guru Sahib had faults in him. You are slandering Guru Sahib and you don't even care. Also Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj was given Guruship at the early age of 9, in 1675. By your understanding at this time Satguru was not pure and is able to teach wrong and had faults in him. And he only got pure after giving Amrit?

You have taken Bani of Maharaj and completely twisted it to serve your manmat ideas. In the process you had no problem slandering Guru Sahib as well. Also you can't go back and say, I was saying Guru Sahib's Guru was Vaheguru, because then you wouldn't have pointed out to Vah Vah Gobind Singh Ape Gur Chela. This Bani specifically speaks to Guru Sahib after he took Amrit and is saying I am the follower of the Khalsa and the Guru of the Khalsa, as Guru Sahib himself took Amrit and gave Amrit.

I hope in the future you think about the young kids that read post on here and how you're misleading post can mislead them.

I THIINK YOU FORGOT OUR GRANDFATHER GURU TEG BAHADUR JI, Father of GURU Gobind Singh ji who had given guruship to Guru Gobind singh ji.(Vaho Vaho Gobind singh Ape Guru Chela)

Please read Suraj Parkash Granth before raising such typo questions here.

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What evidence are you looking for....Those bhagats were muslims by their religion yet their gurbani is written in SGGSJI.

Also please refer to ebooks of Sant Waryam singh ji ratwara sahib wale to get more insight of Bhagat Fareed ji life in very detailed description with Gurbani Quotes and How Did he meet Puran Muslism Sant to merge with Akal PUrakh.

I told you the evidence any person that follows Gurmat is looking for. Also now since you have made another claim that these Bhagats were Muslim, provide from Gurbani that these Bhagats say they are Muslims. All these claims are being made by you and no evidence is being provided.

I am not going to no ebook of. This is a matter of Gurbani so provide the shabads. And if Sant Waryam Singh ji has given the Gurbani to the claims you have made then it would not be hard to look for the Shabads. It's astonishing how people avoid such easy questions. Especially after they make claims. Why make them when you are not willing to provide Gurbani for them. Keep them to yourself, until you can provide Gurbani, if such Gurbani exist to prove your claims are true.

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I think You are taking it very Personal here veerji. I never wanted to offend you.

Its your destiny and luck if you do not want to read the ebook of sant mahapursh. I just wanted to tell that it will give more insight detailed Information of Bhagats with GURBANI quotes

Har Har Jan Duee Ayk Hai(n) Bib Bichar Kachh Naahi

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I THIINK YOU FORGOT OUR GRANDFATHER GURU TEG BAHADUR JI, Father of GURU Gobind Singh ji who had given guruship to Guru Gobind singh ji.(Vaho Vaho Gobind singh Ape Guru Chela)

Please read Suraj Parkash Granth before raising such typo questions here.

Please learn to read post carefully. I have already cleared this up for you. Here is another attempt. When the Ninth Guru gave Guruship to the Tenth Guru, his name was not Gobind SIngh, but his name at the time of Guruship was Gobind Rai. So if this Bani which you posted was refering to looking for a Puran Sant/Guru, then Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj would have wrote, Vah Vah Gobind Rai Ape Gur Chela and not Vah Vah Gobind SIngh Ape Gur Chela.

If you think Suraj Parkash Granth says what your saying then provide the page number and we can look at it. Again you make a claim, then attribute this claim to be in a place and then refuse to provide where exactly this claim exist. I am beginning to think, there is some other agenda here for you other than coming to learn and provide Gurmat ideas to others, who can learn from these ideas.

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I THIINK YOU FORGOT OUR GRANDFATHER GURU TEG BAHADUR JI, Father of GURU Gobind Singh ji who had given guruship to Guru Gobind singh ji.(Vaho Vaho Gobind singh Ape Guru Chela)

I think Mohinder Singh ji you are confusing with the meaning of pankiti "Vaho Vaho Gobind singh Ape Guru Chela"

IT means the Guru Gobind Singh Mahjaraj created Khalsa Panth with Panj Pyare Sahiban and started maryada of Amrit.This described them as GURU

Then after that Guru Gobind Singh JI maharaj himself took Amrit from Those Panj pyare stating that this is maryada from Akal Purk himself . This described them as Chela.

Don't compare 10 Guru Sahibans with bhagats or anyone else. Our 10 Guru sahibans were Avtaar of GOD , they didn't have to look for anything

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