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Does Mukti Or Sachkhand Only Available To Sikhs?


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I also agree with bhai mehtab singh ji as ultimately you must make up your own mind. However I have done a lot of research into this and what I will say is that Sant Isher Singh ji, Sant Nand singh ji, sant jagjit singh ji harokowale, a lot of taksaali elder singhs who have done sangat with taksaali mahapurakhs believe that you don't need to be a sikh to get to sachkand.

However reading bhai randhir singh ji's literature I've noticed that he only believes that amridari sikhs can reach sackhand. Therefore over the years I have noticed that majority of AKJ hold his views. Therefore you will notice that this subject can lead to a lot of arguments.

I think you should read as much literature as possible and then make your mind up. Remember read from many sources and then make your mind up.

Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh ji Khalsa, has stated that those Sikhs who don't take Amrit from the Punj Pyare, they will not receive Sachkand.

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1. Naam Simran(Given by our Satgurus) is the shortest and quick method to liberate one self from Maya and Merge with Akal in Kalyug(where Human age is shortest).

2. Other Methods(Yoga, Paryaam...whatever) is longest and slow menthod to attain liberation and were used only in Satyug/Treta and Dwapur where age of Human was long.

But people like Raamdev and yogis think Yoga and Prayaam you can attain god in Kalyug. YOU can...no doubt...but it will take hell lot of time of yours

soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 AstpdIAw (641-16)

sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 2 asatpadee-aa

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (641-16)

ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pwTu piVE Aru bydu bIcwirE invil BuAMgm swDy ] (641-17, soriT, mÚ 5)

paath parhi-o ar bayd beechaari-o nival bhu-angam saaDhay.

They read scriptures, and contemplate the Vedas; they practice the inner cleansing techniques of Yoga, and control of the breath.

pMc jnw isau sMgu n CutikE AiDk AhMbuiD bwDy ]1] (641-17, soriT, mÚ 5)

panch janaa si-o sang na chhutki-o aDhik ahaN-buDh baaDhay. ||1||

But they cannot escape from the company of the five passions; they are increasingly bound to egotism. ||1||

ipAwry ien ibiD imlxu n jweI mY kIey krm Anykw ] (641-18, soriT, mÚ 5)

pi-aaray in biDh milan na jaa-ee mai kee-ay karam anaykaa.

O Beloved, this is not the way to meet the Lord; I have performed these rituals so many times.

hwir pirE suAwmI kY duAwrY dIjY buiD ibbykw ] rhwau ] (641-18, soriT, mÚ 5)

haar pari-o su-aamee kai du-aarai deejai buDh bibaykaa. rahaa-o.

I have collapsed, exhausted, at the Door of my Lord Master; I pray that He may grant me a discerning intellect. ||Pause||

moin BieE krpwqI rihE ngn iPirE bn mwhI ] (641-19, soriT, mÚ 5)

mon bha-i-o karpaatee rahi-o nagan firi-o ban maahee.

One may remain silent and use his hands as begging bowls, and wander naked in the forest.

qt qIrQ sB DrqI BRimE duibDw CutkY nwhI ]2] (641-19, soriT, mÚ 5)

tat tirath sabh Dhartee bharmi-o dubiDhaa chhutkai naahee. ||2||

He may make pilgrimages to river banks and sacred shrines all over the world, but his sense of duality will not leave him. ||2||

mn kwmnw qIrQ jwie bisE isir krvq Drwey ] (642-1, soriT, mÚ 5)

man kaamnaa tirath jaa-ay basi-o sir karvat Dharaa-ay.

His mind's desires may lead him to go and dwell at sacred places of pilgrimage, and offer his head to be sawn off;

mn kI mYlu n auqrY ieh ibiD jy lK jqn krwey ]3] (642-2, soriT, mÚ 5)

man kee mail na utrai ih biDh jay lakh jatan karaa-ay. ||3||

but this will not cause the filth of his mind to depart, even though he may make thousands of efforts. ||3||

kink kwimnI hYvr gYvr bhu ibiD dwnu dwqwrw ] (642-2, soriT, mÚ 5)

kanik kaaminee haivar gaivar baho biDh daan daataaraa.

He may give gifts of all sorts - gold, women, horses and elephants.

AMn bsqR BUim bhu Arpy nh imlIAY hir duAwrw ]4] (642-3, soriT, mÚ 5)

ann bastar bhoom baho arpay nah milee-ai har du-aaraa. ||4||

He may make offerings of corn, clothes and land in abundance, but this will not lead him to the Lord's Door. ||4||

pUjw Arcw bMdn fMfauq Ktu krmw rqu rhqw ] (642-3, soriT, mÚ 5)

poojaa archaa bandan dand-ut khat karmaa rat rahtaa.

He may remain devoted to worship and adoration, bowing his forehead to the floor, practicing the six religious rituals.

hau hau krq bMDn mih pirAw nh imlIAY ieh jugqw ]5] (642-4, soriT, mÚ 5)

ha-o ha-o karat banDhan meh pari-aa nah milee-ai ih jugtaa. ||5||

He indulges in egotism and pride, and falls into entanglements, but he does not meet the Lord by these devices. ||5||

jog isD Awsx caurwsIh ey BI kir kir rihAw ] (642-4, soriT, mÚ 5)

jog siDh aasan cha-oraaseeh ay bhee kar kar rahi-aa.

He practices the eighty-four postures of Yoga, and acquires the supernatural powers of the Siddhas, but he gets tired of practicing these.

vfI Awrjw iPir iPir jnmY hir isau sMgu n gihAw ]6] (642-5, soriT, mÚ 5)

vadee aarjaa fir fir janmai har si-o sang na gahi-aa. ||6||

He lives a long life, but is reincarnated again and again; he has not met with the Lord. ||6||

rwj lIlw rwjn kI rcnw kirAw hukmu APwrw ] (642-6, soriT, mÚ 5)

raaj leelaa raajan kee rachnaa kari-aa hukam afaaraa.

He may enjoy princely pleasures, and regal pomp and ceremony, and issue unchallenged commands.

syj sohnI cMdnu coAw nrk Gor kw duAwrw ]7] (642-6, soriT, mÚ 5)

sayj sohnee chandan cho-aa narak ghor kaa du-aaraa. ||7||

He may lie on beautiful beds, perfumed with sandalwood oil, but this will led him only to the gates of the most horrible hell. ||7||

hir kIriq swDsMgiq hY isir krmn kY krmw ] (642-7, soriT, mÚ 5)

har keerat saaDhsangat hai sir karman kai karmaa.

Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is the highest of all actions.

khu nwnk iqsu BieE prwpiq ijsu purb ilKy kw lhnw ]8] (642-7, soriT, mÚ 5)

kaho naanak tis bha-i-o paraapat jis purab likhay kaa lahnaa. ||8||

Says Nanak, he alone obtains it, who is pre-destined to receive it. ||8||

qyro syvku ieh rMig mwqw ] (642-8, soriT, mÚ 5)

tayro sayvak ih rang maataa.

Your slave is intoxicated with this Love of Yours.

BieE ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjnu hir hir kIrqin iehu mnu rwqw ] rhwau dUjw ]1]3] (642-8)

bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan har har keertan ih man raataa. rahaa-o doojaa. ||1||3||

The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful to me, and this mind is imbued with the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||Second Pause||1||3|| ang 641

Naam simran is also not restricted just to Sikh dharam, It is also followed in Islam, Sufi mat, Hindu mat and other religion.

So point out where in their religious scriptures does Naam Simran exist or even point out Satguru's grace?

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soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 AstpdIAw (641-16)

sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 2 asatpadee-aa

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (641-16)

ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pwTu piVE Aru bydu bIcwirE invil BuAMgm swDy ] (641-17, soriT, mÚ 5)

paath parhi-o ar bayd beechaari-o nival bhu-angam saaDhay.

They read scriptures, and contemplate the Vedas; they practice the inner cleansing techniques of Yoga, and control of the breath.

pMc jnw isau sMgu n CutikE AiDk AhMbuiD bwDy ]1] (641-17, soriT, mÚ 5)

panch janaa si-o sang na chhutki-o aDhik ahaN-buDh baaDhay. ||1||

But they cannot escape from the company of the five passions; they are increasingly bound to egotism. ||1||

ipAwry ien ibiD imlxu n jweI mY kIey krm Anykw ] (641-18, soriT, mÚ 5)

pi-aaray in biDh milan na jaa-ee mai kee-ay karam anaykaa.

O Beloved, this is not the way to meet the Lord; I have performed these rituals so many times.

hwir pirE suAwmI kY duAwrY dIjY buiD ibbykw ] rhwau ] (641-18, soriT, mÚ 5)

haar pari-o su-aamee kai du-aarai deejai buDh bibaykaa. rahaa-o.

I have collapsed, exhausted, at the Door of my Lord Master; I pray that He may grant me a discerning intellect. ||Pause||

moin BieE krpwqI rihE ngn iPirE bn mwhI ] (641-19, soriT, mÚ 5)

mon bha-i-o karpaatee rahi-o nagan firi-o ban maahee.

One may remain silent and use his hands as begging bowls, and wander naked in the forest.

qt qIrQ sB DrqI BRimE duibDw CutkY nwhI ]2] (641-19, soriT, mÚ 5)

tat tirath sabh Dhartee bharmi-o dubiDhaa chhutkai naahee. ||2||

He may make pilgrimages to river banks and sacred shrines all over the world, but his sense of duality will not leave him. ||2||

mn kwmnw qIrQ jwie bisE isir krvq Drwey ] (642-1, soriT, mÚ 5)

man kaamnaa tirath jaa-ay basi-o sir karvat Dharaa-ay.

His mind's desires may lead him to go and dwell at sacred places of pilgrimage, and offer his head to be sawn off;

mn kI mYlu n auqrY ieh ibiD jy lK jqn krwey ]3] (642-2, soriT, mÚ 5)

man kee mail na utrai ih biDh jay lakh jatan karaa-ay. ||3||

but this will not cause the filth of his mind to depart, even though he may make thousands of efforts. ||3||

kink kwimnI hYvr gYvr bhu ibiD dwnu dwqwrw ] (642-2, soriT, mÚ 5)

kanik kaaminee haivar gaivar baho biDh daan daataaraa.

He may give gifts of all sorts - gold, women, horses and elephants.

AMn bsqR BUim bhu Arpy nh imlIAY hir duAwrw ]4] (642-3, soriT, mÚ 5)

ann bastar bhoom baho arpay nah milee-ai har du-aaraa. ||4||

He may make offerings of corn, clothes and land in abundance, but this will not lead him to the Lord's Door. ||4||

pUjw Arcw bMdn fMfauq Ktu krmw rqu rhqw ] (642-3, soriT, mÚ 5)

poojaa archaa bandan dand-ut khat karmaa rat rahtaa.

He may remain devoted to worship and adoration, bowing his forehead to the floor, practicing the six religious rituals.

hau hau krq bMDn mih pirAw nh imlIAY ieh jugqw ]5] (642-4, soriT, mÚ 5)

ha-o ha-o karat banDhan meh pari-aa nah milee-ai ih jugtaa. ||5||

He indulges in egotism and pride, and falls into entanglements, but he does not meet the Lord by these devices. ||5||

jog isD Awsx caurwsIh ey BI kir kir rihAw ] (642-4, soriT, mÚ 5)

jog siDh aasan cha-oraaseeh ay bhee kar kar rahi-aa.

He practices the eighty-four postures of Yoga, and acquires the supernatural powers of the Siddhas, but he gets tired of practicing these.

vfI Awrjw iPir iPir jnmY hir isau sMgu n gihAw ]6] (642-5, soriT, mÚ 5)

vadee aarjaa fir fir janmai har si-o sang na gahi-aa. ||6||

He lives a long life, but is reincarnated again and again; he has not met with the Lord. ||6||

rwj lIlw rwjn kI rcnw kirAw hukmu APwrw ] (642-6, soriT, mÚ 5)

raaj leelaa raajan kee rachnaa kari-aa hukam afaaraa.

He may enjoy princely pleasures, and regal pomp and ceremony, and issue unchallenged commands.

syj sohnI cMdnu coAw nrk Gor kw duAwrw ]7] (642-6, soriT, mÚ 5)

sayj sohnee chandan cho-aa narak ghor kaa du-aaraa. ||7||

He may lie on beautiful beds, perfumed with sandalwood oil, but this will led him only to the gates of the most horrible hell. ||7||

hir kIriq swDsMgiq hY isir krmn kY krmw ] (642-7, soriT, mÚ 5)

har keerat saaDhsangat hai sir karman kai karmaa.

Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is the highest of all actions.

khu nwnk iqsu BieE prwpiq ijsu purb ilKy kw lhnw ]8] (642-7, soriT, mÚ 5)

kaho naanak tis bha-i-o paraapat jis purab likhay kaa lahnaa. ||8||

Says Nanak, he alone obtains it, who is pre-destined to receive it. ||8||

qyro syvku ieh rMig mwqw ] (642-8, soriT, mÚ 5)

tayro sayvak ih rang maataa.

Your slave is intoxicated with this Love of Yours.

BieE ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjnu hir hir kIrqin iehu mnu rwqw ] rhwau dUjw ]1]3] (642-8)

bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan har har keertan ih man raataa. rahaa-o doojaa. ||1||3||

The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful to me, and this mind is imbued with the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||Second Pause||1||3|| ang 641

So point out where in their religious scriptures does Naam Simran exist or even point out Satguru's grace?


Sufi Sant like Bhulle shah, Sarmast, inayat hussain, Rumi and many more achived that avasthaa which is described in SGGSJI. Outer Amrit is given by Panj Payre is just given to awaken the Immortal Amrit Inside you.

Some people think just by having Amirt from Panj payre, You are done . But that is the first step to get admission in to Satguru's School. People like me didnot even pass Kindergarten of Satguru's Class and talk about higher avasthas.

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But the only problem now in other religion is that. There has to be Puran Sant in other religion who can give NAAM.

We are fortunate that we can get Gurumantra from PANJ PYARE which are equivalent to GURU SAHIB but its very very difficult to find Puran Sant in other religion.

Here the problem starts

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But the only problem now in other religion is that. There has to be Puran Sant in other religion who can give NAAM.

We are fortunate that we can get Gurumantra from PANJ PYARE which are equivalent to GURU SAHIB but its very very difficult to find Puran Sant in other religion.

Here the problem starts

Veerji who said you will find puran sants only in Sikh dharam. AVAL ALLAH NOOR UPAYA KUDRAT KE SAB BANDE. Allah/Waheguru/Ram/Rahim/Akal Purakh didnot differentiate that HE IS SIKH....HE IS MUSLIM........HE IS CHRISTIAN......HE IS JEW. Uthe amalan de hon gye Nibere, kise ne nahi teri Jaat pushni.

Even Krishan Maharaj ji had to obtain teachings from his guru, Even Jesus christ had to bow to his Guru, Even after spending 36 years by doing tapp, Bhagt a Farid ji had to go to look for Puran sant/Guru, that is why GURu gobind singh ji said VAHO VAHO GOBIND SINGH APE GUR CHELA.

If we are telling its difficult to find Puran sant/guru in other relegions, then pardon me what i am going to say. HOW MUCH WE ARE GIVING RESPECT TO PURAN SANTS and Mahapursh who are in sikh dharam.

With out Puran Satguru/Sant/Mahapursh, Earth cannot even survive for one microsecond. that is why even if you roam entire earth right now, you woul find a Puran Sant Mahapursh(one or may be more than one).But

Tu Beant ko virla Jaane,Gurprashad ko Shabad Pehchane.

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Yes rehat is more dear to Satguru. The Shabad i posted is telling us the rehat on whether yoga can take one to Sri Vaheguru Ji Maharaj. And the Shabad answers this question and says NO!!!!! Yoga can't take you to Sri Vaheguru ji Maharaj, as you tried to say it can.

Sufi Sant like Bhulle shah, Sarmast, inayat hussain, Rumi and many more achived that avasthaa which is described in SGGSJI. Outer Amrit is given by Panj Payre is just given to awaken the Immortal Amrit Inside you.

The Sufi Sants that are accepted by Satguru are in Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj the rest can do as they wish and Sikhi is not here to prove their life style is correct. Accept Sikhi or don't, be in Gurmat or Manmat. People are manmat who say yoga can take a person to Sri Vaheguru ji Maharaj, because Guru Sahib is very clear in the Shabad i posted.

Putting Sant infront of a person's name doesn't make them Sant. People start following or people that don't follow or teach Gurmat and they forget, REHAT PEYARI MUJKO SIKH PYARA NAHI. And there is no such thing as outer Amrit. The Amrit the Punj Pyare give, takes the Sikh to Sachkand. Satguru Sri Guru Gobind SIngh Sahib ji Maharaj gave the Punj Pyare the same grace he has and its described in Sri Mool Mantar Sahib. Gursikhs have developed the eyes to see what the Punj Pyare are truly and others wander around begging at the feet of the walking dead.

Also you forgot to give us the quotes, page numbers and which text of other religions specifically teach about Naam Simran and have Satguru's grace? Also it good to acknowledge when someone has presented Gurbani, instead of going off on a tangent to avoid mistakes made in saying yoga is accepted.

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veerji , i think you got me wrong. now in India in every city or every village we have Amrit Sanchar.

Guru ji has given all the power to Panj Pyare. Now those Panj Pyare sahiban need not be Brahmgyani or Puran Sant. They have to be SINGHS with rehat and Nitnem.

There is 100% Guranate that Any one can reach sachkhand if one follows all the rules after je took Amrit. No one is going to ask from which Panj Paye we took Amrit.

Its all responsibility of GOD.

There may be Puran Sants in any religion but they will not be so easily to reach as we have Panj Pyare ji.

DOn't get me wrong, but can you please mention me one single name of Puran Sant from any religion or who has the power to given gurumantra like Ramanand ji.

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Also Remember That Bhagat like Kabir ji , Farid ji didnot get VAHEGURU mnatar from their Gurus, They did naam simran of gurumantar given by their guru(Ramanand ji incase of Bhagat Kabir ji and Bhaktiyar Kaki in case of Bhagat Fareed ji).

I hope you can provide Gurbani, with ang number and which Shabad to say the above. I'll will be waiting for these Shabads.

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