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Does Mukti Or Sachkhand Only Available To Sikhs?


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I have heard from many katha Vachakas that There is no admission to Sachkhand without being Amritdhari.

Like we heard the Sakhi of Bhai Nand lal and Guru Gobind Singh ji.

My main question is does that mean that BrahamGyanis are only in Sikh religion and not in any other religion.

What about those people who are true hindu or true muslims and they recite their Gods name all day and night.

Won't they go to sachkhand??

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Dear brothers,the truth is always one. Like it is said, one light, many lamps. So in that way Wahiguru Akal Purukh is only one, and the highest being, worthy of our love and devtion. As it is said: Aad Sach, Jugad Sach, Hae Bee Sach, Nanak Hosee bee Sach. And as the bani says: Ik Onkar... which means He is only one. So this means, He is the primal being, everthing else(creation) is His projection,He is truth so He is everlasting,He is the doer of everything, He is beyond births and deaths, He is fearless and without enemies... all this, is His mahima in the mool mantra. He is beyond the boundaries of, intellect, mind & maya. He is so great that no matter how much you go on praising Him, even then it will be not more than a mustard seed.

Have we ever thought, how did we ever came to know about Him?

It is all His greatness, by coming to our level in the human form, like all our Gurus, so that we could come to know about our origin, about Him, and to pour all our hearts minds and bodies with love and devtion at His lotus feet.

This sounds good and somehow similar to what other religions say. But there is a vast difference between sikhi and mostly other religions.

This also we know, not because we are gyanis, but because our Gurus, said that apart from the Highest Akal Purukh, there are some inferior levels of energies or level of consciouseness, which are engaged in the functioning of the creation, like the devis , devtas , angels...etc, to whom the humans worship. This all is a trap of Kal, to keep on his triloki creation, by deluding the poor souls in it. So by worshipping these lower entities, one remains in the chaurasee ka chakkar, as one is under the domain of mind, maya and Kal.

Now, here come the main difference between sikhi and the orthodox or ritualistics religions. This is Nam or Shabad. This Shabad is the true nature of Wahiguru or Satnam, it is this Power, which our Gurus taught us to worship, and nothing else in order to attain salvation by merging our souls in It. Because it is Akal, means beyond the reach of Kal, so at is said : jaisa dhiyaiye taisa hoiyeh, which means as you meditate upon so you become. So through Nam Simran, by meditating upon that Primal Power, we reach there and thus become free. Otherwise, by worshipping any other entity apart from Satnam, at most one reaches Swarg, Baikunth or Heaven. And then when one´s stock of good karmas comes to an end, one falls down ion the creation again. But by worshipping that Primal Being, call it Shabad, Nam or Satnam, Wahiguru or even Akal Purukh, which is an level of highest consciousness or consciouss energy, which is beyond the description of words, it has nothing to do with words. In the begining there were no languages, so that does not mean He did not exist. We are concerned with that power, that energy, that ocean of bliss. Words are different in different languages, but we should be concerned with the essence. What does SATNAM means?

Satnam means, that primal power, which is Nam, is Sat, which means beyond changes, beyond births and deaths, so it is everlasing, it is eternal.

Now we huamans are nobody to understand His hukum, His mauj. It is up to Him, where He appears and when He appears.But the common factor in everytime He comes, is that He will not talk anything to divert or distract our minds, He wil not come with anyting new. He will only give us, the parchar, the mahima, the essence of Nam or Shabd.

And of this we have examples, not many, but some well known by all of us. Like our Gurus, and as in the Guru Granth Sahib also, we have the banis of Kabir Sahib, Guru Ravidas.... others like sant Tukaram, Paltu Sahib...... all of them if we pay attention were not sikhs, were of different parts geographically, in time and in space, but they all had one common factor, they preached the worship of only the one truth Nam or Shabad, we can read their banis or teachings, and see it by ourselves.

Of this Shabad, our bani says:

Shabade dharti Shabade Akash,

Shabade Shabad hoa parkash,

sagli Shrishti Shabad ke paache,

Nanak, Shabad ghate ghat achay

This means: Shabad created the earth, Shabad created the sky, from Shabd cometh all light. The whole world reseth on Shabad. O Nanak, and this Shabd is present in all human beings(everywhere).

And regarding the true meaning of Amrit, Guru Amar Das in Sri Raag says the following words: Amrit Sacha Nam hae, kahina kachhu najai. Pivat hu parvan bhaya poore Shabad samaiye.

Which means: Nectar(Amrit) is the True Name(Nam), but what can we say of it? Whosoever drinketh, he alone knoweth who merges himself completely in the Shabad. We clearly see how our Gurus do not make any distinctions of caste, creed or class. They say whosoever(wadbhagee) drinks the Amrit of Nam within himself,( which Wahiguru has kept inside in eah one of us, in equal amount, for each and every soul) becomes inmortal like Nam itself. So the issue of Sach Khand, is quite clear in the previous words of Guru Sahiban.

And as we have also read Sach Khand vasay Nirankar, so if we want to reach there, (whosever it may be, black, white, yellow, ...tall , short, poor , rich. east, west, nort or south,...etc), we have to drink the Amrit of Nam(through Nam Simran)

The whole Guru Granth Sahib and the teachings of the Gurmukhs, is nothing, but an elaboration to explain us humans, that which is so simple, but we tend complicate it, and that is :

Ik Onkar, Satnam. He is the only one Lord, and His Nam, is everlasting and changeless truth.

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Harsharan jeeo, very nice post, but I am not sure if it answers the question of the original poster. However, the part where you say

through Nam Simran, by meditating upon that Primal Power, we reach there and thus become free. Otherwise, by worshipping any other entity apart from Satnam, at most one reaches Swarg, Baikunth or Heaven. And then when one´s stock of good karmas comes to an end, one falls down ion the creation again.
is what implies that since a Sikh worships the Supreme Eternal Truth, he/she joins it, thereby attaining mukti, while others reach what they aspire for and thats the max they go. This I've heard from other GurSikhs also.


He comes, is that He will not talk anything to divert or distract our minds, He wil not come with anyting new
Bhai Gurdas Jee says Nanak Nirmal Panth Chalaya, which means Gurujee started (chalaya) a flawless path. Please elaborate if I am understanding your concept incorrectly.
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To say that all religions can achieve mukhti or sachkhand is not correct.

For example, Islam does not beilieve in reincarnation or joons (being born into different life forms like animals or humans) so how can they get mukhti/salvation? For semitic religions like judaism, islam and christianity they all believe in the coming of a messiah/imam and heaven. Salvation for them is heaven. Salvation in Islam is centered around judgement day.There is no concept of mukhti of birth and death like Gurmat.

Sachkhand has been exclusibely mentioned in Gurbani only. For Sikhs Sachkhand is the highest destination. Dhan Guru Nanak Dev ji received Naam in Sachkhand from Akal Purakh as mentioned in bani of bhai Gurdas ji. It is this naam that is now given through Panj Piare in Amrit Sanchar. Through Naam and Shabad Guru alon with rehat one can reach SachKhand.

It is important to understand salvation/heaven/final destination of different religions. The concept that all religions lead to same destination sound sweet to the ear but in reality has no basis. Regardless if we are to advance spiritually in Gurmat than it is vital that we are keeping rehat and taking laha (profit) from Gurbani by reciting and reading arths (meanings). If we ourselves become bhagats of Guru Nanak Dev ji these questions will become clearer.

Rabb Rakhe

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Gurbani also mention Gods name like RAM and ALLAH. Like bhagat Kabir ji reached sachkhand by RAM. and many other Bhagats as mentioned in Gurbani.

so it means person who followed them with purity , can reach sachkhand. It does not mean that those doors are now closed after Guru nanak dev ji gave us Gurbani but follwing through sikhism way can be easier.

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Gurbani also mention Gods name like RAM and ALLAH. Like bhagat Kabir ji reached sachkhand by RAM. and many other Bhagats as mentioned in Gurbani.

so it means person who followed them with purity , can reach sachkhand. It does not mean that those doors are now closed after Guru nanak dev ji gave us Gurbani but follwing through sikhism way can be easier.

Veerji, at the end of the day you're going to believe whatever you feel comfortable with, right? :)
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Rather than answering your question let me ask you further questions. Possibly by asking you these questions you can come up with your own answer?

1) If only sikhs can achieve sachkand then what about the other 6 billion people in the world that are not sikh?

2) Do you think that there life is a waste because they never choice sikhi hence will never get true happiness (sachkand)?

3) Also I want to ask you personally mirror ji, what are your expectations about sachkand? What do you think sackand is? Why do you want to go there?

4) Also didn't Sant Jarnail Singh khalsa bhinderawale say that if you are a hindu be true hindu and if you are a muslim be a true muslim. Surely sant Ji would have told them that you must convert to sikhi before you ever have a chance to meet wahiguru?

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I also agree with bhai mehtab singh ji as ultimately you must make up your own mind. However I have done a lot of research into this and what I will say is that Sant Isher Singh ji, Sant Nand singh ji, sant jagjit singh ji harokowale, a lot of taksaali elder singhs who have done sangat with taksaali mahapurakhs believe that you don't need to be a sikh to get to sachkand.

However reading bhai randhir singh ji's literature I've noticed that he only believes that amridari sikhs can reach sackhand. Therefore over the years I have noticed that majority of AKJ hold his views. Therefore you will notice that this subject can lead to a lot of arguments.

I think you should read as much literature as possible and then make your mind up. Remember read from many sources and then make your mind up.

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I totally agree with you singh154 ji. But confusion gets created when we see the jeevan of all mahapurush.

LIke in "Se kinehian" sant Harnam Singh ji also mentioned there is no gati without Amrit. There is also one major Sakhi of mother of Sant Atar Singh Matuana wale ji where their mother was denied admission to sachkhand because She was not Amritdhari. Dharam raja told them that although you are mother of such great Brahamgyani but we are bound by rules. So thier mother has to come back for few minutes to take Amrit. According to sakhi when their mother told this story after after waking from death bed then 20,000 people took Amrit at that time.

So i get confused what is actual reality

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