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Does Mukti Or Sachkhand Only Available To Sikhs?


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Sikhs - or those born into a Sikh home - have no reason to reject Gurmat so the argument about non-Amritdharis reaching Saachkhand is a moot point for us. In terms of other faiths and races I really can't comment. Do I believe Saachkhand is only populated by Sikhs? Who knows but the odds would point towards 'no'. But as Sikhs this is a side issue as we have the best path to Saachkhand available to us so all other routes are ultimately irrelevant.

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Where did you get that sakhi from about sant atar singh ji's mum. The only source I found that sakhi was from bhai rama singh ji's book. I've heard another version to that story, which that she never had to take amrit.

Stories will be confusing and I say if you want to clear your doubts. I think the best ways are:

1) Doing naam simran yourself and reaching sackand

2) speaking directly to mahapuraks yourself

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i think i listened that from many katha vachaks including Giani Thakur singh Ji. I even talked with one mahapurush who directly talks with ten Guru Sahibans and He also said this thing.

When i aksed about other religion people who are very religious then mahapurush told me that thos eperson has to take next janam in sikhsim , in order to enter sachkhand. They can become kathavachaks and do Guru sahib seva in their next janam but they have to enter sikhism.

just wanted to confirm from 2-3 sources if someone has asked that type of questions to some mahapurushs. But i think i will only believe when i can ask directly from Guru sahib , otherwise doubt will stay in my mind

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Chall, their are differing arguments on this subject. Some are more attracted to vichars of bhai Sahib, some Taksal, Singh Sabha...........Lets take laha from these great brothers of ours. It is important also that although we might differ on certain concepts it is important that we do not slander anybody or organisation. Lets state our respective view and keep it at that.

However one thing is certain, if we want to reach a destination such as SachKhand we will have to keep rehat, Japp Naam and engage in immense bhagti (meditation) of Gurbani. In other words we must follow the asools (rules) of our faith, Gurmat.

For arguments sake, lets say other faiths can reach SachKhand, those people will still have to practice their respective religion to the max. They will have to follow the asools of their dharam (religion).

As this is a Sikh forum and I think that we all agree that we have pyaar (love) for Guru Nanak Dev ji then lets follow bachans (instructions) of Guru Sahib in order to have darshan/salvation and ultimately SachKhand. We already have a clear cut pathway to SachKhand laid out by our Guru Sahiban!

Gurmat is a surefire way to reach SachKhand. What will we gain from arguing whether other faiths can reach SachKhand? Only more division and doubts. If other faiths can reach SachKhand then so be it, but Guru Nanak Dev ji has already given us a path to SachKhand. So why not follow this path/religion of Guru Maharaj?

Rabb Rakhe

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Chall, their are differing arguments on this subject. Some are more attracted to vichars of bhai Sahib, some Taksal, Singh Sabha...........Lets take laha from these great brothers of ours. It is important also that although we might differ on certain concepts it is important that we do not slander anybody or organisation. Lets state our respective view and keep it at that.

However one thing is certain, if we want to reach a destination such as SachKhand we will have to keep rehat, Japp Naam and engage in immense bhagti (meditation) of Gurbani. In other words we must follow the asools (rules) of our faith, Gurmat.

For arguments sake, lets say other faiths can reach SachKhand, those people will still have to practice their respective religion to the max. They will have to follow the asools of their dharam (religion).

As this is a Sikh forum and I think that we all agree that we have pyaar (love) for Guru Nanak Dev ji then lets follow bachans (instructions) of Guru Sahib in order to have darshan/salvation and ultimately SachKhand. We already have a clear cut pathway to SachKhand laid out by our Guru Sahiban!

Gurmat is a surefire way to reach SachKhand. What will we gain from arguing whether other faiths can reach SachKhand? Only more division and doubts. If other faiths can reach SachKhand then so be it, but Guru Nanak Dev ji has already given us a path to SachKhand. So why not follow this path/religion of Guru Maharaj?

Rabb Rakhe

oh tera bhalaa hoje singhaa, khush karta ve malangaan nu :D :D

oye mere vallo tennu 100 points!!! <3

I seriously agree that its no point to debate who goes where, lets just work hard and our best to uplift our GurSikhi jeevan as per Gurmat and leave the rest to Guru Sahib :)

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u r right . There is no point for sikhs to discuss this as we have the route given to us by Akalpurkh himself. But the main reason for me to ask this question is that.

My friend is HIndu and i told him everything about GOD whats written in Gurbani.He agrees to all things as its all logical. Now i don't want to say to him that if you want liberation then adopt sikhism as you will get to sachkhand only in sikhism.

Neither i am sure whats the way in Hinduism to reach there. So first i wanted to clear my doubts so that i can point him in right direction

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1. Naam Simran(Given by our Satgurus) is the shortest and quick method to liberate one self from Maya and Merge with Akal in Kalyug(where Human age is shortest).

2. Other Methods(Yoga, Paryaam...whatever) is longest and slow menthod to attain liberation and were used only in Satyug/Treta and Dwapur where age of Human was long.

Naam simran is also not restricted just to Sikh dharam, It is also followed in Islam, Sufi mat, Hindu mat and other religion.

But people like Raamdev and yogis think Yoga and Prayaam you can attain god in Kalyug. YOU can...no doubt...but it will take hell lot of time of yours.

Refer to Ebooks of Sant Waryam singh Ratwara Sahib wale for greater Insight in to this

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My friend is HIndu and i told him everything about GOD whats written in Gurbani.He agrees to all things as its all logical. Now i don't want to say to him that if you want liberation then adopt sikhism as you will get to sachkhand only in sikhism.

Neither i am sure whats the way in Hinduism to reach there. So first i wanted to clear my doubts so that i can point him in right direction

Singh jee, if its in Vaheguru's Hukam, your friend will come on the path that Vaheguru has chosen for him.
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"My friend is HIndu and i told him everything about GOD whats written in Gurbani.He agrees to all things as its all logical. Now i don't want to say to him that if you want liberation then adopt sikhism as you will get to sachkhand only in sikhism."

Mirror ji

There is nothing wrong in telling your friend to adopt Sikhism. In fact this a punn (good deed) as per Gurbani:

ang 140:

ਜਨਨਾਨਕਤਿਸੁਬਲਿਹਾਰਣੈਜੋਆਪਿਜਪੈਅਵਰਾਨਾਮੁਜਪਾਏ ॥੨॥

Jan Nānak ṯis balihārṇai jo āp japai avrā nām japā▫e. ||2||

arth (meaning) of words - jan Nanak - slave nanak bliharnai - sacrifice avara - other

sri Guru Ramdas says I am a sacrafice to those who japp Naam and inspires others to japp Naam.

Don't worry If your friend adopts the path of Gurmat or not. Becoming a Sikh of Guru Nanak ji is all in Gods hands. The point is that we should make an effort to inspire other towards the path of Gurmat.

Many other people of other faiths have adopted Gurmat like swami dandi sanyasi ji who became bhai Tirath Singh ji. Please read the jeevan of this great brother of ours - http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Swami_Ram_Tirath_Dandi_Sanyasi

Rabb Rakhe

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Osingh ji , i have talked with many people from different religion , almost everyone agrees on the path of Gurmat but the most difficult thing for evryone is to chnage religion.

They have to fight with their parents , society and most importantly with ourselves. People are ready to to recite Gurbani , do Nitnem and Go to gurudwara sahib and do everything but they say that its not possible for them to tie turban because they can't fight with aprents and society.

Even i belong to sikh famliy but we all had cut hairs.My all rishtedars are also same. but when i told my parents that i want to become Gursikh my father was against me. I had to fight a lot with him , with my family and all that. Even it was very difficult for me in the beginning to tie turban because there are old 25 years bad habits which stop you from it. I used to become lilke Heros and cut hair and go after Girls. Those things always come in my way during first year. They do even come now but for a person who is Hindu , i will tell you , Only by guru jis grace he can do that , otherwise its very difficult to tie turban for hindu. He told me that he can do simran for 24hrs but its diffcult for him to tie turban.

Lucky are those people who got gursikhi in virasat or whose parents are Gursikhs. You have already won half battle if your family is gursikh.

Otherwise ask from me . Sometimes i had to do nitnem by hiding in some room , so that no sees what i am doing. Somtimes i wanted to go to samagam but i can't go.

I know its all my past karmas but really things are very difficult if family is non gursikh

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