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I went for a walk for the first time in many, many years. Various "rogs" and injuries are finally clearing up so I feel like I'm up to it. It's the first bit of exercise I've had in ages (apart from doing the vacuum cleaning, lol). Last year's attempt at getting active ended up in failure for varying reasons and my health suffered for the latter half of the year - too much too soon I think.

I'm really happy with my food in-take and the quality of food in terms of it not being junk or fattening. The only treat I have are chocolate digestives (about 3 biscuits) with a cup of tea, and then I call it a day.

I was wondering if anyone knew whether it was safe to consume a multi-vitamin in addition to Vitamin D3? I've been taking Vitamin D3 before my evening meal for the past year and it's worked wonders. But I just feel I need that little bit more energy because of my limited diet in terms of it not being full of the nutrients that meat and egg eaters might have.

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Kuljug je try walking least once a week to start with :) I stopped walking places once I got a car but 2years later have started weekly again. Here's my "plan" for walking: abandon the car on weekends so walk everywhere (within reason) and also try parking car furthest possible when having to take car. Slowly increase the walking to places to once during the weekday even if its just from home to park etc then slowly go on daily walks :). That's what I intend to do to get walking again so thought might motivate others who like me have got to used to driving everywhere :)

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I went for a walk for the first time in many, many years. Various "rogs" and injuries are finally clearing up so I feel like I'm up to it. It's the first bit of exercise I've had in ages (apart from doing the vacuum cleaning, lol). Last year's attempt at getting active ended up in failure for varying reasons and my health suffered for the latter half of the year - too much too soon I think.

I'm really happy with my food in-take and the quality of food in terms of it not being junk or fattening. The only treat I have are chocolate digestives (about 3 biscuits) with a cup of tea, and then I call it a day.

I was wondering if anyone knew whether it was safe to consume a multi-vitamin in addition to Vitamin D3? I've been taking Vitamin D3 before my evening meal for the past year and it's worked wonders. But I just feel I need that little bit more energy because of my limited diet in terms of it not being full of the nutrients that meat and egg eaters might have.

I don't know but I don't think it's recommended, you haven't specified how much Vitamin D is in your multivitamins, I would make sure the combination of the two isn't more than the recommended daily amount. I'm guessing it will be but I am no expert on vitamins... best to check with your GP.

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I don't know but I don't think it's recommended, you haven't specified how much Vitamin D is in your multivitamins, I would make sure the combination of the two isn't more than the recommended daily amount. I'm guessing it will be but I am no expert on vitamins... best to check with your GP.

I thought as much. Well, the reason I asked because I can see myself getting quite weak as soon as I start exercising regularly. My GP says Vitamin D3 is fine for my particular situation so I'll stick to that. Thanks.

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Two malabari paratha (South indian style parountha) along with penny size achaar - 290 cal each

Cup of cofee with spoon sugar


Footlong Flatbread sandwich with no sauce but bit extra cheese, spinach/vegies etc from subway.

medium cup of diet coke


1 and 1/2 plate of rice with yellowish daal with fat free yogurt.


About 6ish glass of water whole day, two crossiants (1 around noon) and another during eve with tea.

Best advice for walking...get a dog. That will force you to walk :)

thats what i thought when i bought him but now he is more lazier than me lol.. i remember days when he use to wake me up at 5 but now he sleeps till im about to leave home.

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I was wondering if anyone knew whether it was safe to consume a multi-vitamin in addition to Vitamin D3? I've been taking Vitamin D3 before my evening meal for the past year and it's worked wonders. But I just feel I need that little bit more energy because of my limited diet in terms of it not being full of the nutrients that meat and egg eaters might have.

Luckily for you, Kaljugi, I am resident Professor of Vitamins at Cambridge University, as well as being honourary Head of the Nutrients Depart at Oxford, I am thus in a position to advise you that it is safe for you take the multivitamins as well as the one D3 per day.

Can I also take this opportunity to recommend a really tasty vegetarian item for you ? I'd been eating all my life but recently gave up meat after pressure from my wife, for health reasons. I did however, crave meat sometimes, with many of the vegetarian frozen meal options tasting quite horrible. I tried very hard to find something that tasted like Subway's Veggie Patty. I have now found it, and it tastes so good I really don't miss meat at all.

Its the 'Garden Gourmet' Company's Veggie Burgers , available at Tesco (and possibly other supermarkets) . It really is very unusual for a frozen vegetarian food in that it genuinely tastes super felicious. Exactly like Subway's veggie patty. I'm mentioning it here on the 'healthy living' section not because I believe it is a super healthy food but because i do believe its important to give those that are trying hard to maintain a healthy veggie diet something to consider in terms of taste. I'm not saying I've given up meat forever...After all, wedding season is just around the corner and i just know I'll be eating some meat at some of those functions.....but since I've been on a veggie diet the last few months I've felt a whole lot healthier (both physically and mentally) and lost some extra weight. Without the 'Garden Gourmet' range though, I don't think I coulda lasted this long.

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Breakfast: Two malabari paratha (South indian style parountha) along with penny size achaar - 290 cal each Cup of cofee with spoon sugar Lunch: Footlong Flatbread sandwich with no sauce but bit extra cheese, spinach/vegies etc from subway. medium cup of diet coke Dinner: 1 and 1/2 plate of rice with yellowish daal with fat free yogurt. Misc: About 6ish glass of water whole day, two crossiants (1 around noon) and another during eve with tea. thats what i thought when i bought him but now he is more lazier than me lol.. i remember days when he use to wake me up at 5 but now he sleeps till im about to leave home.

Some good stuff s1ingh, like dinner sounds good. I know your trying to loose some weight, so I would strongly recommend that you start making your own lunches, instead of buying subway and the crossiants are really not a sensible snack... butter, sugar, pastry isn't going to help you shift the pounds. Do you have any fruit intake?

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