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Waheguru? Help Me!

Guest singh

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Guest True

Kaur M, if u are being abused/harrassed by your husband and inlaws, then u need to stand up for yourself and fight back- that's what Sikh is about.

Be a string Kaur warrior- don't let these fools get u down. Also accept that it Is Kalyug and the world is full of fools- it's in your karma that this is happening to u, but don't be Weak- be a Strong Kaur-think of Mai Bago and Guru Gobind Singh Ji and how they fought for what was right. They didn't just sit down and accept defeat.

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji I really need all of m bro. Sisters support cuz m passing thru tough period and I trust in god a lot I hav so many experiences wen I feel Almighty is always there sometime I feel in chardikala but sometime I Feel so much alone I feel god is annoyed with me I want to listen talk share about god a lot thanx to all of u who always giv so much information of Waheguru jiI feel I hav no friend nobody to listen e en in my family I feel alone they r very nice I want to know how to overcome this difficult time how to increase patience n how to focus on WAHEGURU ji more than that problem .I m very much curious to know more n more n more about WAHEGURU ji .I dnt hav dat much knowledge about spirituality but I want to know about Waheguru ji His love for us and that we all belong to that Almighty and what is anhad dhun naad and plz extremely sorry if I m in any fault . WJKK WJKF

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Guest Jigyasu

I want to overcome my fear lonliness and this toughest time I want everybody encouragement m really alone I hav no friend life is like I can't discuss my problems to my parents as m already a burden on them from last so many years I dnt want but m so helpless I can't go out of my home I can't explain how helpless I feel I can't even fight with this situation from last so many years m jus mere watcher what's happening with me I dnt hav friends companion I always cry in front of god m waiting for so many years for a smooth beautiful life but I dnt have grudges with my Waheguru He is so kind great so caring always towards me had blessed me so Many times wid So His so much Grace God is our real parents brother sister friend my parents r best one as everybdys parents r .but still I need Waheguru jis blessing right now can't explain my sufferings loneliness helplessness Oh God Help me Plzzzzzzz ....

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Guest Jigyasu

I need help m suffering from so many years m helpless lonely I can't explain my sufferings but then wen I tried help from everywhere n dnt get satisfied I pray to Sri guru Granth Sahib ji they bless me to be with god n then I pray to God many times problem get sort out but when it doesnt then I want to be with god Waheguru ji give me strength but then after sometime I again feel that depression worries anxieties some time I feel in chardikala n time passes without the feeling of sufferings I feel god is with me suddenly I feel I need someone m alone m passing thru a terrible time from last so many like 8 yeas in a jail I feel suffocation I want to come out of dat place I want to be in freedom but m bound to dat place I have to remain in dat particular area no relative no friend m with my family but I can't explain u my helplessness but may be it's my bad karma m sufferings no progress m burden on my parents I want to go n find job but m helpless I can't help my parents I m alone I dnt wana discuss with my parents much uz they hav already suffered so much cuz of my problem even I created more problems for them cuz of my problem I wad so much patienceless bu now as m helpless I hav to surrender it's not in my hand but Waheguru ji is always there to help me I wana know how we feel God is with me I often talk to God with trust He is listening to me n I hav Faith GOd is Great He Is with us plZ encourage me these days m very much in depression cuz of dat problem....WaHeguru ji help me....

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I need help m suffering from so many years m helpless lonely I can't explain my sufferings but then wen I tried help from everywhere n dnt get satisfied I pray to Sri guru Granth Sahib ji they bless me to be with god n then I pray to God many times problem get sort out but when it doesnt then I want to be with god Waheguru ji give me strength but then after sometime I again feel that depression worries anxieties some time I feel in chardikala n time passes without the feeling of sufferings I feel god is with me suddenly I feel I need someone m alone m passing thru a terrible time from last so many like 8 yeas in a jail I feel suffocation I want to come out of dat place I want to be in freedom but m bound to dat place I have to remain in dat particular area no relative no friend m with my family but I can't explain u my helplessness but may be it's my bad karma m sufferings no progress m burden on my parents I want to go n find job but m helpless I can't help my parents I m alone I dnt wana discuss with my parents much uz they hav already suffered so much cuz of my problem even I created more problems for them cuz of my problem I wad so much patienceless bu now as m helpless I hav to surrender it's not in my hand but Waheguru ji is always there to help me I wana know how we feel God is with me I often talk to God with trust He is listening to me n I hav Faith GOd is Great He Is with us plZ encourage me these days m very much in depression cuz of dat problem....WaHeguru ji help me....

Veer ji/ benji, I couldn't really understand your problem what's causing you depression ?

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Guest Jigyasu

PlZ help me encourage me m a hurt very alone soul waheguru ji is with me but in this difficult time I need bro sisters who encourage me by focusing my mind towards god n enlighten my mind about the truth ands waheguruji greatness so dat I forget whatever extremely worse happened with me

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Guest Jigyasu

Veerji it's quite personal problem I can't explain inwords how much I suffered every year I think this year my dream Gona come true I do path pray to god He listen to me but m waiting for a dream cm true so many years actually there r some people really making my life full of hurdles they r doing everything they can do to stop me reach my dream they r stopping me to go where I should be I hav lost my self esteem I feel so much humiliated lack of confidence inferiority complex dat I cannot even go to any place I feel always in fear of them they hav dominated insulted created so many probs in my life shouted at me il behaved made my fun I want bound to listen to all without saying anything m helpless m alone I fear of especially who threatens me m very sensitive person They r creating hard times for me I want god bless me Save me I want to forget everything plZ encourage me I dnt wana get afraid of them I hav all rights on things they r taking away from me Is there any bro sister encourage me understand my problem so dat I feel God send me His pure soul to help me protect me encourage me.plZ help. WJKK.WJKF.

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji..In this tough period wen I feel nobdy can help me out I started readind religious books . I have great interest in spirituality but as I hav to remain at home n everybody is busy I want to ask so many questions related to Waheguru ji .I was like oh my God plZ somebody talk to me about Waheguru ji I wana know more n more about God. Then after so much curiosity Waheguruji in one or another way started helping me to relax my mind as I found so many spiritual books at my own home asGod knows I can't go out then Some relatives start bringing religious books and then I search on net I gets so much information about Waheguru ji from all of u bro sisters and from other forums too. I want to know about how to overcome fear.in these tough years I felt only God is our true relation . The all others relations r fake n we can't proud on them . We should jus proud on God only . God is our real parents and we belong to HIM. He never hurts u never leaves u .We cannot see Him but we can feel Him. He listens to us. Whenever we r upset we should talk to Him share with Him our situations. He bless us.may God bless u all. M extremely sorry if I wrote something Irrelevant. WJKK WJKF

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thanks for getting back.

You need to stop people controlling you, when anyone says anything to bring you down don't react just smile and carry on. The sooner you get used to this the better.

To overcome your fear just keep faith in Waheguru Ji and Guru Ji. You are a son/daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, just remember he is always with you. Just keep jaaping naam, do sewa, read and implement Gurbani in your life.

Any questions about Waheguru/Guru Ji openly ask on this forum.

Remember that this is all a test, and the teacher is always silent.

Please forgive me if i said anything wrong or offensive

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    • how does he starch it? and how long does it work b4 he needs to tie it again
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