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Waheguru? Help Me!

Guest singh

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i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion.

I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist.

Following points come in my mind:-

1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us.

2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens

4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion

5.god can do anything right

Can god kill themself

Can god create a thing which he can't create

Can god kill imortal souls

Can god create another god more powerfull than them

If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits

I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue

Sorry for every thing

Please comment

Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi

it will take years for something special to happen

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1. Birth and death are all about you and your ego, you should praise god every moment to go 'beyond.'

2. There is no such thing as an obstacle. All 'obstacles' are defined in perspective. All 'obstacles' are really just events. All 'obstacles' have good and bad qualities.

3. I am not to sure about this one apart from it meaning that there is literally a possibility to join with god from the human life.

4. Religion is usually a praise of god.

5. 'He' probably could do the things you mentioned but doesn't want to do them.

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i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion.

I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist.

Following points come in my mind:-

1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us.

Everything Satnaam ji does is for our betterment. He teaching us lessons and communicating with us every minute, we are the sinners who choose to ignore Him- we turn our backs on Him, it is never the other way round for He is here right in front of us literally staring us in the face.

Everyone, everything you see and everything you don't is God. He does everything, we are just puppets in his wonderful beautiful khel- He is us and we are Him..

He Himself sat for many many ages to discover that He is Sat- Truth. Every moment He is giving us the opperunity every moment to discover the same and to live the Truth. We do not complain that we haven't had darshans or flown around different realms on golden pelicans- that is not the aim of life- that is still maya(illusion which is everything in image and within the 6 senses.).

The Truth is Nothing- It is so simple and humble- it has no image, no form, is infinite, fearless and All loving- it is a frequency of Nothingness beyond what maya dwellers can comprehend.

We have darshan of Him as our mothers and fathers, our friends, our slanderers and tormentors. Whether He comes to us as our lover, competitor or obstacle, we simply say, 'God I can see you'- Bas tuhee tu.

2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

We are God's most beloved. What He discovered after many ages was the master- a Psychology called Truth(=Nothing). When He discovered it, He applied it, he lived it and lives it to this day- Hence, He Is it.

Now it's our turn- think about it- He Loves us so much that he has given us the oppertunity to discover what He did- He has given us the most priceless gift- so amazingly beautiful that we cannot even comprehend it's beauty..

When he beats us, he beats us back towards this gift, He doesn't feed us dukhi because He hates us, He does it because He Loves us. When we fools decide to run back to maya and are fed dukh, we turn back to Him. He has devised this khel for us- our lives, each individual story of ours, because he loves us. Without Him living Truth, the whole game shuts down.

We are only set free if we truly deserve it, we must prove that we can apply truth throughout our lives, throughout anything.

We never tell a lie, not even a white lie- We Speak Truth, Deliver Truth, Serve Truth, Die Truth. We apply the gyan of gurbani 24/7 as we keep moving along the path..

We always keep to the gurbani laws of Nirboah and Nirvair- recognsing Him as everything and fearlessly accepting Him no matter how controversial He may appear(how much he may beat us in one of his many costumes).

3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens

Aliens exist. Human janam on earth is our chance to gain jivan mukhti- Even Gods and goddesses are incarnated on earth for this opportunity- it is a priceless jewel to be born as human into this test world.

4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion

You're applying too much logic- Gurbani doesn't say do a whole load of path. The gyan in Guru Granth Sahib- Gurbani- is Guru. We read what He teaches us, then we apply what we've been taught throughout our natural life.

Gurbani says to do bhagti- your questions are answered from within when you deserve to know the answers. Hukam is master and is Truth. What God does does not always make sense to our minds- it is only once we rid ourselves of our identities(ego) that our mind is eradicated, as are the 5 theives. Then we are beyond the wordly constraints of logic and only live our infinite true hearts (which are the entire creation and beyond- our heart is His heart) and begin to understand why our stories are written the way they are- and we are able to accept hukam as perfect, as Truth, as Him.

Relax and listen to the frequency of silence/Truth(Anhad naad). Anhad naad is naam- it is symbolic reflection of silence- of the Truth of Nothingness- for even sound is illusion. Satnaam- Truth is His name.

The key is to let go and let the samadhi take you over. Once we do this, we begin to understand the world around us. God is in 24 hr samadhi- he is still learning. The discoveries are infinite but the perfection of the heart is within reach.

5.god can do anything right

Can god kill themself

God is already dead- he recognised himself to be nothing- hence he is beyond births and deaths.

Can god create a thing which he can't create

There is Nothing He can't do.

Can god kill imortal souls

A truly immortal soul is a jivan mukht- one who is beyond births and deaths- in light of this, what would there be to kill..

Can god create another god more powerfull than them

God is the lowest of the low- He has become Nothing. That is the highest power.

If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits

God has no limits, He is infinite and All powerful.

I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue

What reason is there to stay in maya when she ultimately teaches us how to ruin ourselves? It's either Truth or Maya.

Sorry for every thing

Please comment

Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi

God bless you

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"2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

We are God's most beloved. What He discovered after many ages was the master- a Psychology called Truth(=Nothing). When He discovered it, He applied it, he lived it and lives it to this day- Hence, He Is it.

Now it's our turn- think about it- He Loves us so much that he has given us the oppertunity to discover what He did- He has given us the most priceless gift- so amazingly beautiful that we cannot even comprehend it's beauty..

When he beats us, he beats us back towards this gift, He doesn't feed us dukhi because He hates us, He does it because He Loves us. When we fools decide to run back to maya and are fed dukh, we turn back to Him. He has devised this khel for us- our lives, each individual story of ours, because he loves us. Without Him living Truth, the whole game shuts down.

We are only set free if we truly deserve it, we must prove that we can apply truth throughout our lives, throughout anything.

We never tell a lie, not even a white lie- We Speak Truth, Deliver Truth, Serve Truth, Die Truth. We apply the gyan of gurbani 24/7 as we keep moving along the path..

We always keep to the gurbani laws of Nirboah and Nirvair- recognsing Him as everything and fearlessly accepting Him no matter how controversial He may appear(how much he may beat us in one of his many costumes)."

What I don't understand is if waheguru loves us why is it unfortunate kids being born in the world who don't have a fighting chance. They are born with diseases why if there past karma are so bad they have no chance to redeem. Like the image comes to mind of Africa but this happens in our motherland of Punjab and all over the subcontinent. They live a horrible existance and die even before they can do anything like pray or good deeds. I'm a parent and i would never ever want a child to go through pain so as we are all waheguru ji s why does this happen that a new born ok there past karma I don't know but in this life they suffer so much and die before even being given the chance to redeem themselves. WHY ? Please I need to know this answer from Sikhism perspective .

Are the parents being punished or it can't be the baby as they have not even had a chance to do bad in this life?

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What I don't understand is if waheguru loves us why is it unfortunate kids being born in the world who don't have a fighting chance. They are born with diseases why if there past karma are so bad they have no chance to redeem. Like the image comes to mind of Africa but this happens in our motherland of Punjab and all over the subcontinent. They live a horrible existance and die even before they can do anything like pray or good deeds. I'm a parent and i would never ever want a child to go through pain so as we are all waheguru ji s why does this happen that a new born ok there past karma I don't know but in this life they suffer so much and die before even being given the chance to redeem themselves. WHY ? Please I need to know this answer from Sikhism perspective .

Are the parents being punished or it can't be the baby as they have not even had a chance to do bad in this life?

During the Guru's times, little children and newborn babies were being cut apart and strung into necklaces- their mothers were forced to wear them around their necks..

Think of it this way... Some of those children may have committed rape in their past lives, or slandered/ tortured and killed a saint, committed mass murder as an evil emporer or worse.. They may have revelled in and become too attached to worldly pleasures(worldly sukh or maya) which the Gurus describe as poison- as a disease- and hence forgotten God. Them not remembering is part of their karam- their parents suffering is part of the parents karam.

No matter what happens to us- we Always deserve what we get- there is always a reason for every single thing that happens to us.

The reason they don't get a chance to redeem themselves in a janam is also part of their karam. When a child dies in this way, a huge part of their bad karams(result of past misdeeds) is washed away. The more dukhi we are fed, the more our karams are washed away. Even the Bhagats went through a huge amount of pain both physically and spiritually(when negativity hits a bhagat- it is a most uncomfortable feeling).

When we finally truly detach from worldly sukh- (recognising the fact that the more sukh we live- we get an equal amount of dukh-and we therefore stop craving sukh), we wash the remaining karams of dukh by living in the balance and are finally set free(jivan mukht). Only when we begin to see pleasure and pain as One(as God- pleasure plus pain= the whole=Balance=God ) do we get freed of the vicious cycle of wordly dukh and sukh- of births and deaths- of positive and negative. When we Recognise God in All- in the light and the dark- in the happiness and sadness- then we are psychologically sound in Truth.

Become dead while alive. Finally recognise this priceless life, gifted to us after millions of janams for what it is- a Test. It is a game to discover the Truth- a priceless gift that other lifeforms scream to have. In this janam- we must die whilst alive- to have no desires, no complaints- but to recognise All as perfect- as Hukam and as Truth, as our Beloved- as our Gurus did while being burned alive on hotplates and with boiling water- like Jesus did while being nailed alive to a cross.

Nirboah and Nirvair means a Fearless Love. That is True, unconditional Love without bargaining.

Truly embark on the path of bhagti- for we must not just read gyan- that is like reading a recipe but not making anything. We must apply it throughout our natural lives- we must Live the gyan of Gurbani, and by living it, Become It like the Gurus and true bhagats before us did..

Only then will we truly understand what the Gurus have taught us for we would have experienced it for ourselves.

God bless you

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During the Guru's times, little children and newborn babies were being cut apart and strung into necklaces- their mothers were forced to wear them around their necks..

Think of it this way... Some of those children may have committed rape in their past lives, or slandered/ tortured and killed a saint, committed mass murder as an evil emporer or worse.. They may have revelled in and become too attached to worldly pleasures(worldly sukh or maya) which the Gurus describe as poison- as a disease- and hence forgotten God. Them not remembering is part of their karam- their parents suffering is part of the parents karam.

No matter what happens to us- we Always deserve what we get- there is always a reason for every single thing that happens to us.

The reason they don't get a chance to redeem themselves in a janam is also part of their karam. When a child dies in this way, a huge part of their bad karams(result of past misdeeds) is washed away. The more dukhi we are fed, the more our karams are washed away. Even the Bhagats went through a huge amount of pain both physically and spiritually(when negativity hits a bhagat- it is a most uncomfortable feeling).

When we finally truly detach from worldly sukh- (recognising the fact that the more sukh we live- we get an equal amount of dukh-and we therefore stop craving sukh), we wash the remaining karams of dukh by living in the balance and are finally set free(jivan mukht). Only when we begin to see pleasure and pain as One(as God- pleasure plus pain= the whole=Balance=God ) do we get freed of the vicious cycle of wordly dukh and sukh- of births and deaths- of positive and negative. When we Recognise God in All- in the light and the dark- in the happiness and sadness- then we are psychologically sound in Truth.

Become dead while alive. Finally recognise this priceless life, gifted to us after millions of janams for what it is- a Test. It is a game to discover the Truth- a priceless gift that other lifeforms scream to have. In this janam- we must die whilst alive- to have no desires, no complaints- but to recognise All as perfect- as Hukam and as Truth, as our Beloved- as our Gurus did while being burned alive on hotplates and with boiling water- like Jesus did while being nailed alive to a cross.

Nirboah and Nirvair means a Fearless Love. That is True, unconditional Love without bargaining.

Truly embark on the path of bhagti- for we must not just read gyan- that is like reading a recipe but not making anything. We must apply it throughout our natural lives- we must Live the gyan of Gurbani, and by living it, Become It like the Gurus and true bhagats before us did..

Only then will we truly understand what the Gurus have taught us for we would have experienced it for ourselves.

God bless you

Try telling that to a parent who has lost a new born it makes you feel even worse. Why if god is all loving does he make us suffer. No matter how evil someone is the majority of the time they spare babies. Why does god not give little ones a chance what's the purpose of only being alive for a couple of days I mean how is that washing away sins by having to battle your way through such a short life? That is just evil sorry if I offend but that's what I feel.

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Guest DustOfTheSaintsFeet

The main point of bhagti is to learn and live the gyan that all is one. You are seeing pain as a bad thing- but pain is what made me truly believe in God. Worldly knowledge and the mind is eradicated once we accept that dukh is sukh and sukh is dukh. The mind cannot fathom such a concept as we have been programmed by maya to believe otherwise.

The heart is where the bhagat lives- and the heart is beyond logic(the mind). You Percieve the fact that a baby washing off their misdeeds in dukhi is heartless- whereas If the devil had his way, none of us would ever wash our karams and become jivan mukht- we would carry around the weight of illusion and darkness for eternity.

As a Sikh who trust on god as opposed to the devil(for there is no in between) you should acce

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Guest DustOfTheSaintsFeet

The main point of bhagti is to learn, accept and live the gyan that all is one. You are seeing pain as a bad thing- but pain is what made me truly believe in God. Worldly knowledge and the mind is eradicated once we accept that dukh is sukh and sukh is dukh- Dukh is Him- washing our misdeeds and giving us continuous chances to realise the Truth. The mind cannot fathom such a concept as we have been programmed by maya to believe otherwise.

The heart is where the bhagat lives- and the heart is beyond logic(the mind). You Percieve the fact that God washing off a humans (regardless of if they are a child or not) misdeeds in dukhi is heartless- whereas If the devil had his way, none of us would probably ever wash our karams and become jivan mukht- we would carry around the weight of illusion and darkness for eternity.

As a Sikh who trusts in God as opposed to the devil(for there is no in between) you should accept that it is his love that washes our karams and gives us the oppertunity to live the bliss that He does- this path is about true love and faith- we would not learn much if we sinned, attached our selves to Maya and then gained jivan mukht-we would be jivanmukht without being deserving- even the Great Master himself went through stages of discovery... Gey rid of logic by doing bhagti- and the understanding will flow.

Satnam ji

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Guest DustOfTheSaintsFeet

pt that all God does is out of love and for our benefit- even if your mind(which harbours the 5 thieves) cannot accept this. Without faith, we cannot move forward on the path and begin to truly understand god and his creation through bhagti.

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singh has a valid point. If waheguru was omnipotent and all loving then there would be no suffering. The fact that there is suffering for humans suggests that either waheguru is not omnipotent ( and therefore if he is not omnipotent then he cannot be waheguru) or not all loving ( and therefore if he doesn't love us and allows evil to happen to us then why should we worship him).

I'm sorry but there is no valid reason that waheguru would allow little children to die slowly of starvation. No-one could argue that these poor children deserve the treatment they're recieving. Anyone who argues these children deserve to suffer must be an absolute <banned word filter activated> and a have complete lack of empathy.

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