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Waheguru? Help Me!

Guest singh

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji thanx alot Harsharan Veer ji but First of all wana say m ur sister ji I should disclose it in starting but I was so much in depression that I jus keep reading all of yours inspiring words that I forget to tell m Ur sister sorry for that but as all of yours support encouragement is giving me peace of mind.II respect and Love my WAHEGURU ji a lot ji.. I always say to my WAHEGURU ji......................................Prabh ji tu mere praan adhare.. .........Namaskar dandaut bandan anik baar jao bare .........uthat baithat sowat jagat ae man tujhe chitare. ........Sookh dookh is man ki birtha tujh hi AAage saare.. I m jus listening reading and learning discussing ji. I want to know more n more about WAHEGURU ji n I know more I will meditate on WAHEGURU ji He will Bless me n satisfy my quench. See now m discussing with u ji WAHEGURU ji hv send u all na.was alone but now I can ask to a Gursikh of this forum about WAHEGURU ji. Thanx to All and u Harsharan veer ji thanx u r guiding me so much I feel WAHEGURU wants me bless me to do WAHEGURU jaap c m lucky one I have met so enlightened souls like u blessed souls n m in ur good company ji who do WAHEGURU jaap who has so much knowledge about sprituality ...SAHI PYARE MEL JIN MILEYA TERA NAAM CHIT AAWE. NANAK NAAM CHARDiKalAN TERE BHANE SARBAT DA BHLA.. WJKK WJKF. Thanx again. PlZ forgive for any fault ji. SSA.

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji.Veer ji I wana ask sometime if we hurt someone bcuz of frustration but suddenly we realize our fault And we feel guilt and feel so much burden on heart and then we feel sorry after few mins even next day but dat person doesn't forgive u even in minor faults.even if u fell on their knees n say I didn't mean dat he or she is very egoistic n those persons forgets all dat u did good for them all the sacrifices, being obedient , respect and ur helping cooperating nature and stop talking to u ignores u even if u say sorry so many times u apologize in front of them what should we do if a person is very much rude rough n too much egoistic n stubborn. I dnt know how people r so mean. How can they just forget everything in a second y some people even get annoyed on small things and start hating u without any reason suddenly.but I wana know if those egoistic persons dnt forgive u even wen u tell WAHEGURU ji everything We share with WAHEGURU ji wen u r of forgiving nature but the other persons r egoistic. wen u wana let things n past go n that person can't change his nor her nature How to convince these type people it's very hurting and from this no doubt we understand that WAHEGURU is realising us if nobody is there HE is with us but it's sometime difficult to overcome pain given by those friends relations whom u did everything n take stand always but they forgets u so soon or realize their fault after giving u so much pain or they remember u after a year n say sorry but I want to be very strong that's y My focus by getting hurt from people it converts to WAHEGURU ji . But in this world wen we r to live in society in family we face so many personal problems .m just hurt Y people can't forgive u n y they can't forget things so soon. Somehow u tried ur best but a person dnt trust u u did n do everything but dat person always distrust it's hurting I really dnt know how to face these types of situation. Atlast it is our Karma dat u r getting punishment even doing good I know noone is perfect but Anyhow. PlZ dnt take in wrong m jus sharing my views . God bless u all. WJKK WJKF

the extra care

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji m

Extremely sorry if I said anything wrong but plZ never leave me alone never avoid me if m wrong plZ guide me but plZ give me opportunity to share my views via this forum I will be very gratefull to uThanx may god bless u all I need ur so pure souls sangat who Enlighten us towards the Path of Truth EKONKAR.plZ forgive me n give me shelter in ur sangat. I hav cm here cuz I felt alone the day I hav started sharing trough this forum I feel relaxed plZ it's humble request.May God bless u all with Naam simran.wJKK WJKF.I Need ur guidance plZ help dnt avoid me

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA ji Wen I wrote Harsharan veer ji m u sister means m not ur real sister but in dis Forum I met with my Gursikh brother sisters n who do Gurshabad veechaar n I feel them as my real bro Sis as They reply to my questions and quench my jigyasa. As many days U all may think m a Singh but m Kaur that's y I WANa make it clear to u as Harsharan ji u always interact with me as Ur brother that's y I wrote m ur Sister .Veer ji I hav a question ji we r Gursikhs and We should obey our Guru ji's Hukam if We respect other religions n read other religious books for knowlegde sake and more clarity and if we Bow our head in respect to other religious places as we feel WAHEGURU ji Sarab veyapak ne and we should respect alll religions and we should not discriminate on basis of caste color or religion and God is one and we all r His children As Gurbani says...... Ek pita Ekas ke hum barik "as Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji ne v panj Pyareyan nu Amrit di Daat bakhsi They were too of different castes and Guruji does dis to promote Equality and to giv message that we should think above castes religion as we all belong to same WAHEGURU ji as Our Dhan Dhan Harmadir Sahib ji ok Amritsar Sahib jib has four door for all humanity of any religion to com n everybody of every religion com with Shrada bhavna same way if we respect other religion too and no doubt our Guruji is Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Only HE can bless us With Naam di Daat .Hope u my question Extremely sorry to Gursagant Charan of this Forum If I wrote anything wrong I WANs ask All the Holy places of WAHEGURU ji and This whole Universe is of WAHEGURU ji PlZ help WJKK WJKF...WAHEGURU WAHEGURU Dhan WAHEGURU jio

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all Ji is there any limit to ask questions doubts in this post here or m out from this forum m extremely sorry If I wrote something wrong .may God bless u all ji WJKK. WJKF

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Guest Jigyasu

SSA to all ji I wana know ji Dharam Karam Vivek budh definition What WAHEGURU ji want what is real dharam ? Dharam means our moral social duties towards our families and to do good deeds and follow the path of our Gurujis advice

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WAHEGURU ji da dasam duaar di definition ki hai ji?Is this between eyes forehead n what about the different stages during WAHEGURU Jaap ji? Meditation and Kundalini Yoga is Different from WAHEGURU Jaap meditation and How N what type ofAnhad Dhunn Is there? Do We have to concentrate continuously on EKONKAR ji during WAHEGURU Jaap ji?

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Don't worry Jigayasu penji, relax, you have said nothing wrong. And listen to some relaxing shabads. Everything will be ok, leave your worries to God and you just follow Gurbani.

The rest of your questions Harsharan ji may answer, as it's too much for me to reply to Sorryji, try to stay in hukam.



PS: it would be a good idea if you make an account and post the questions in separate topics, as it's confusing this way.

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WAHEGURU ji da dasam duaar di definition ki hai ji?Is this between eyes forehead n what about the different stages during WAHEGURU Jaap ji? Meditation and Kundalini Yoga is Different from WAHEGURU Jaap meditation and How N what type ofAnhad Dhunn Is there? Do We have to concentrate continuously on EKONKAR ji during WAHEGURU Jaap ji?

Sat Sree Akal EKOANKAR Jee,

indeed a beautiful question.

Dasam Dwar means the tenth door, and so, there are 2 dasam dwars at different levels.

One is the at third eye center, or the point at center of the forhead. This is called so, because, to enter the first spiritual realm known as Astral Region, we have to close the the other nine bodily apertures or doors, such as the mouth, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nose nostrils, and the lower 2 apertures.

Closing these apertures does not mean to lock them somehow, but it means we should withdraw our attention from the outer world, because it is through them that we communicate with the outer world, so the thing is to withdraw our attention and concentrate at the third eye center, with the aid of Wahiguru Jaap or simran for example, and thus be able to enter the real Harmandir within ourselves, by His Grace above all.

The second Dasam Dwar, is located in the Causal Region, which is above the Astral one and still subtler than the former one, and here is also some how a Tenth Door, which one has to pass through it, cross it, then reach the pure spiritaul region known also as Parbraham region, and from there on, direct non stop to Sach Khand.

Of course this not possible by any ordinary being, not even gods or godesses.... but only those blessed wadbhagee Gurmukhs, with the kamaee of Naam Simran alone.

This is an act of true bravery, of a true sikh, who, by His Grace has defeated mind and Kal with the only weapons of love, faith and faith in Wahiguru, become spotless with the Amrit of Naam, and is thus entitled to become one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Sat Sree Akal.

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Jigyasu jee,

as you are with a guest name, and have no profile of a member yet, it is difficult to know the gender of the person to whom one is talking to.

Anyhow Penjee, you are most welcome. You are definetely our sister, as Wahiguru is our True Father, as souls.

Do not worry, as Pen jee simran345 is saying above, you have done nothing wrong.

To those whom you have asked for forgiveness, and they do not do so, in that case do not worry at all, as you have done your duty, now the case is between them and Wahiguru, you are out of any fault.

You yourself stick to Dharam, which means righteuosness, do not see what others do, or how they react, as at the end of the day, each and everyone has to pay for his/her deeds.

To your question of Dhun, do pay attention to Naam Simran alone, when your Simran is good enough, Shabad Dhun will be natural outcome of that Simran, and you will be automatically pulled towards that Dhun within, so make sure you are fully absorbed in Simran.

Pen jee Jigyasu, and Sangat in general, how nice is being here among so lovely people, on one side Jigyasu is asking us to help her with our two little cents, and in return, she is asking Wahiguru blessing us. This is Sikhee, selfless goodness at its highest levels.

Truly, this is Sikh Sangat.

May Wahiguru bless all, with more love at His Lotus Feet.

Sat Sree Akal.

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