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Waheguru? Help Me!

Guest singh

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Hi, Satsriakal, Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fathe

@ Singh Sahib, i came across your thread and although it dates back to 2012, i wanted to add on to all the other comments that brothers and sisters have posted here. I feel your Grief and i can relate it to my own emotions from the past. Given the time frame, i am sure you have come to self realisation by now.

Please forgive me if i say anything that offends anyone but please remember that our thoughts and opinions are as unique as our individual finger prints.

I went through similar emotions in the past and still find my self feeling this way every time I stumble or miss a step in life but..... I found alot of solace and comfort from Sant Maskeen Singh's Viyakhya.

"i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion".

Firts question is why do you do paath? before the 1 year you were doing paath, what did you do before that? why did you start to do paath? are you doing Paath in an attempt to please God or are you doing it for self realisation?

Or are you doing paath as a deal, that God give me this and i will do so much paath.

God doesnt care if we do paath or not. Even Guru Ji doesnt care if we do paath or not. Guru Ji felt sorry for us poor lost souls and blessed us with paath so we find solace in this vast world.

is it not amazing how many times we detach ourselves from the Creator by refering to ourselves as I? I did this, I did that, I did Path, I gave to charity, I can bench press 180 kg etc everything is I,I,I,I WHY???

Baba Nanak says, "Jis Hath Jor, Kar Vekhe Soe" vaguely translating into if you feel you have control over things and you can do things, then please go ahead and do them and show us.

I mean whose body are we using to do paath? Did we create this body we exist in? Whose voice do we use to speak? Do we (non scietists) even comprehend the actions involved within the body to create speech? Then why do we proudly and egoistically say I do paath.

What special is it that we are searching for? Paath is not a janthar or manthar that if you say it so many times a genie or something will come out.Paath is guru sikhia to the sikh (Guru's teachings). Thats why with doing paath, it is crucial that we strive to ask Giyanis and Bhaisahibs for the meaning of verses.

It is unfortunate that alot of meaning is lost or misinterpreted from Punjabi-English translations. Gurbani is so deep that each verse has multiple meanings and we should strive and have the thirst to understand these, then only will we sikh and become sikhs.

God is beyond comprehension Singh Sahib. our problem is we beleive we know alot or everything because of pride and education. our short coming is that we can only comprehend within our five senses, what we see/read, hear, smell, touch and taste. Anything that is beyond our basic five senses is beyond our understanding and comprehension.

So how do we expect the brain which was made by creation to understand creation?

it is like a Robot made by a Man, turning around and now telling the Man what to do and telling the Man that it knows more then the Man, yet the Robot was made by the Man. This is not possible.

Take us as the Robot and God as the Man.

Whatever algorithms and programmes the Man has put into the Robot, that is all the Robot can and will do. Nothing more, nothing less. But if a virus attacks the programs and algorithms in the robots computer, the Robot may go Berserk and even attack the Man who made it.

Baba Nanak says "Hukme andhar sab ko, Bahar Hukam na koe" vaguely translating into that our circumstances, actions, events, understanding and all is within the algorithms that God has laid down.

We have let the virus of Maya (Anger, Lust, Greed, Physical attachment etc) attack our algorithms and now we are confused and now we doubt our creators existance and we want to attack our creator like the robot.

The issue may be we want to give God a form and thats why we are asking for Gods Darshan? What form will we accept God in? Look at how big our Planet is, Go to NASA and look at the research they have done on Space where distances are so vast that they cannot comprehend them in kilo meters but have to use light years to measure distances.

When you talk of God, we take him so casually and even doubt him BUT look at how vast and big and mighty God is. If GOD's kingdom is measured in light years and not kilometers then in what form does a 1.8 m tall man want to have Gods darshan in?

If he appears in human form, we behead him in Chandni Chawk saying you canmt be God. If he appears in a from that we are not used to seeing, we will classify him as extra terresterial.

Looking at everything in nature, do we want to beleive that God does not exist? Did all these lfe forms come into existance by chance? if its is by chance, then why is there so much law and order in nature?

And mind you, Gods Laws and Orders do not need any policing because it is God who exists within everything that exists. "Saab ma Joth, Joth ha soey, tis da chanan, saab ma chanan hoey". its the same Joth/spirit within everything and that spirit brought life into everything.

Why do birds fly in at sunset and sleep and wake up at the same time every day?

How come we continue to breath in our sleep? How come even today, it still takes nine months for a baby to be born?

How come Birds migrate and not even get lost without fancy Garmin GPS?

How come Hrdrogen is so falmable and Oxygen is so flamable yet when they combine in a certain manner, they form water which is not flamable at all BUT infact extinguishes flames?

If it is by chance, why doesnt Earth gravitate away from the Sun now? What is holding the Earth and all other planets in Place? Baba Nanak Says "Dharti hor, pare hor hor, tis te paar tale kawan jor"?

Science is a study of the Laws and Orders of God. Scientists are studying Gods Hukam, they are attemting to understand Gods Algorithms. A human child take nine months to be born and that is Gods hukam and only God can change Gods Hukam.

Religion is an attempt to connect Man to God, not to explain Gods Algorithms but to explain God. And that is what Baba Nanak has explained, that you cannot explain or understand God. God is VAST, Immeasurable, humangous, beyond proportions.

In the TRUEST SENSE of the word EXIST. It is only God that exists. We do not exist. If we truely exist, where were we before we were born and where will we be after we die? so our confusion should be do we exist and we shouldnt ponder over if God Exists.

Do we exist? Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji says "Ehe Supney Jio Sansar" Our existance on this planet is like a dream, one minute we are here and the next we are gone. Some dreams last longer than others but at the end whether a good dream or a bad dream, every thing that we owned or had in the dream, gets left behind in the dream, the only thing that moves forward is the feelings from the dream (Karam).

If our life is like a bad dream, we should pray that it becomes a good dream. If our life is a good dream, we should pray that it remains a good dream.

So what special feeling do we want to beleive that there is a God? The fact that we are living, is that not special? Our problem is we quickly get bored with things and what was once special becomes an everyday ordinary thing because we are ungreatful. just look at life. Life is so special and should be evidence enough that God exists.

Kabir Ji says "Mann mannia, thau Har Jannia", Kabir Ji, such a higlhy progressed soul didnt experience something "special" as we want to experience for him to beleive in God. He Simply says that his mind accepted Gods existance and from then he was blessed and came to understand God.

It does not matter how many years we pray for, if we pray with pride, we might as well as not pray. If we pray with doubt about the Lord, we might as well as not pray.

Prayer is for us, not for God. By our praying God does not become bigger and by our not praying God does not become smaller. God doesnt have a religion, Guru Gobind Singh Says "Anaam ha, Adharam ha".

Religion is for our goodness and prayer is for our goodness as well. But if we are confused, the best is to step out of religion and try to walk in this vast world without the strength and comfort of prayer.

I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist.

Following points come in my mind:-

1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us.

2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens

4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion

5.god can do anything right

Can god kill themself

Can god create a thing which he can't create

Can god kill imortal souls

Can god create another god more powerfull than them

If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits

I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue

Sorry for every thing

Please comment

Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi

i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion.

I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist.

Following points come in my mind:-

1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us.

2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens

4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion

5.god can do anything right

Can god kill themself

Can god create a thing which he can't create

Can god kill imortal souls

Can god create another god more powerfull than them

If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits

I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue

Sorry for every thing

Please comment

Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Guest

I lives in Australia.... When I came here I got good job.i was very happy.i helped to my parents..I am here from last 5 nd half years...I didn't go back.. Because I try to get pr I spend $ 90,000 bt I lost everything...that business was not going good... Nw I do path everything bt still I didn't get any solution... I choose my life partner here from Greece .his family is gursikh... He was ready for marriage bt now he refused... I believe in waheguru I get him back... Bt he delete all accounts don't wanna to contact with me.... Bt still I am waiting for him. I read sopurakh everyday..someone told me if I read it will work.. It will show result in 11 days... I just need help from waheguru I want my love back . I wanna marry him .i wanna to stay with him for whole life...plz help me waheguru jeo..... I cry every time.....

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Preet Kaur

give yourself to Waheguru and see a change in your life. A belief with firm determination can change the entire story. Except Waheguru no one is yours. His decisions are always right for you. he always listens you, understands you. You don't need words to tell him your problems. He himself hold your hand always and take your life on right track. Don't question his existance because he is within you. He will help you without your knowledge.

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Guest Preet Kaur

please dear don't cry ever. Waheguru is there and he will definitely help you. have faith in him and give yourself to him and believe that what he will do that will be best for you. If that guy is right for you Waheguru will make you to marry him. He knows whats right for you.

Waheguru will help you. Trust me. Do paath daily and listen to shabads daily, things will change for sure. Do all this but don't think that you will get results soon. Do this so that your soul should get peace and calmness. Things will get fine but everything takes some time. So have some patience and trust him, he will help you.

Waheguru rakha!!!

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  • 8 months later...
Guest H Singh

waheguru ji kah khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!

i need help and i don't know what to do. metho ek papp ho giya and now i realised i should not have done it. i didn't kill anyone or ruin anyone's life but i still think' what i did is papp. i think about that all the time. especially when i am alone at home and in bed. i said sorry to that person many times and that person hasn't forgiven me (i think) and hate me!.

i do japji sahib path every day! i did 40 days path and then afterwards i started doing path every day. meh dillo mann dah waheguru ji toh maffi magan deh nall nall i should trying talking to that person too but that doesn't wanna see my face and has blocked me from everywhere.

now i just don't know what to do. i think about this all the time and can't concentrate at anything.

i need help! i know this is wrong ki phela papp kar loh bad vich sorry mag loh and path kar loh and expect karo ki sara kuch theek ho jaye.

I am 21 years old and I know what i did and i CAN'T UNDO that ..please help me!..

That person said, i have forgiven you but stay away from me but mere dil nu santi ni mil rahi

i keep thinking about what happen .

koi path suggest kar sakde ho joh meh kara and may be i forget what happen and mere mann nu shanti mil jaye

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if the person has forgiven u then let it go, accept all scenarios you're placed in as deserved to you. do amrit vela naam simran from 1am onwards, and do good deeds, practice Gurbani in your daily life and amrit vela from 1am onwards.

Stay grounded in the truth u learn in your samadhi at amrit vela. Go to the Gurdwarra, it helps to go, I go at least once a week.

God bless you

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Kaur m

I believe in waheguru he is the create of all.me and my family are facing so many problems each and every day. My in laws and husband are doing so much unfair to me,don't feel like living this life,when I see my daughter can't think of any doing to me. My parents and my family are going from a very very wrong time . Waheguru ji where are you please see the people who are doing so wrong....

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sat shri akal g saareya nu .......bs eh smj lao k mai jo story snaun ja reha ....thonu schi koi paagl lgu ..pr pta ni kyu yr ..share ta kruga ....gal eh aa k mai ik kuri nu bahut pyaar krda ...o v mainu bahut pyaar krdi aa ..dono bahut ...but odi marriage kite hor ho gyi .....bahut roye ....gal marn tk paunch gyi ....ik vaar saade relation baare us de hubby nu v pta lg gya .....msg to ...us ne usnu blauna chad dita ...bahut gusse ho gya ...odi life barbaad hundi disi mainu ...asi sirf marhi moti kite gal kr lende ..bs ehi jeen da sahara lgeya ...pr gal khraab hundi gyi ..1 hafta usne na blayea,...o rondi rehndi te mai v ..ik ta vichrn da dukh uto odi life da ..mainu koi raah na diseya ..mai ik din t.v te darbar sahib to live paath hunda jo o suneya te royi ..dheyan naal suneya ..bdi vkhri dunia ch lgeya mainu ..us to agle din o us nal boln lg gya ..te vdia rehn lg gya .....pr mera sb kuj o kuri c .....jo hun hauli hauli door hundi jndi aa ...roj gurudware jaana ... sirf odia khusiya lyi ...ohnu. khus dekh k mai v khus ha ...pr ronda v bahut ha ...kyu k sayad waqt de naal cahange ho jnda sb ....mai klla mehsoos krda ....o hun bahut khus aa ode naal ...mera bura haal aa bs .........waheguru mehr kre .....uto hor v problms bahut agiya life ch ....sb khtm ho gya lgda . Mainu ni pta k i bnu ..pr mainu os time waheguru da ehsaaas jrur hoyea ......

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