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Waheguru? Help Me!

Guest singh

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Guest singh

i believe that we are not created by waheguru,we just splited up from waheguru or we were waheguru in the past.now the question is why were we splited up.

Now read this carefully

We see in this world many bad people which eat and drink and do bad things and as a result there is too much pain in this world.when we are in our former joti jot self there was a complete anand and no pains.now why we wished to suffer in pains.take it this way.when we eat there are many flavours of food sweet sour bitter etc.answer me this question why people eat bitter chillies?? They eat it because they want to taste the bitter flavour.similarly our former self splited up to taste the pains of birth and death and do bad things and get lost in it. Now its our wish when we want to return to our original self.

Thats the reason why some people waste their whole life in addictions while other suffer too much ie killed when they are born


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i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion.

I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist.

Following points come in my mind:-

1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us.

2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this)

3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens

4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion

5.god can do anything right

Can god kill themself

Can god create a thing which he can't create

Can god kill imortal souls

Can god create another god more powerfull than them

If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits

I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue

Sorry for every thing

Please comment

Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi

U are a very very very very confused individual - - you want to keep sikhe so that your questions are answered ??

if that is right ask your self - did you create the heart that is pumping blood around you wihout a rest 24*7 ?

Every thing is in stages in life- even to understand life one goes through stages - of learning and adapting. You may do paath all your life nothing special might not happen - then what? how are you doing paath ?do you know what paath you are doing?

if you are doing paath with love and acceptance of everything as it IS - then you cannot be asking such questions?

you seem to be doing paath but without vichaar -" sikhee sikhyaaa Gur vichaar"

i suggest you listen to vichaar and do paath with love and with full 100% concentration.

There is nowhere in sikhe where Guru said to do paath first then expect something special --? if there is please enlighten!

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Guest DustOfTheSaintsFeet

It Is a game.. Our original state is Nothing, just like God. We are just deluded thinking we're seperate. What we live (in this 3rd energy- or 3rd world as Guru Nanak describes it) is just an astral projection of an astral projection of who we really are. The more stuck in maya we get, the further the projection into illusion.

When we start living in Truth, we begin the journey back into our origin. The journey is beyond comprehension and beyond logic- the gyan can be read, but to truly understand it, we must live it and therefore experience it.

To truly understand Truth, we must live it, and then the answers to our questions will come on their own.

This is the reason that the writings and teachings of true bhagats throughout the ages are so similar, the discoveries of Gyan flowed from God within as they experienced and practiced Truth.

Satnaam Ji

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It Is a game.. Our original state is Nothing, just like God. We are just deluded thinking we're seperate. What we live (in this 3rd energy- or 3rd world as Guru Nanak describes it) is just an astral projection of an astral projection of who we really are. The more stuck in maya we get, the further the projection into illusion.

When we start living in Truth, we begin the journey back into our origin. The journey is beyond comprehension and beyond logic- the gyan can be read, but to truly understand it, we must live it and therefore experience it.

To truly understand Truth, we must live it, and then the answers to our questions will come on their own.

This is the reason that the writings and teachings of true bhagats throughout the ages are so similar, the discoveries of Gyan flowed from God within as they experienced and practiced Truth.

Satnaam Ji

Beautifully said....this is the greatness of Sikhism that we are taught to focus on our souls origin and contemplate it and return back to it so that we dont have to come back into creation time after time. Many Sikhs are lost literally following Sikh teachings but not understanding the meaning of them and the methaphors used. Those who follow abrahmic religions are mostly lost because their God is a God that discriminates upon creation that he has created himself, wheras the dharmic understanding of God is that everything, all of creation is an illusion and part of God's projection we fail to realise this in our daily busy lives but every so often those Sikhs with knowledge and understanding do contemplate to a higher level of thinking and meditation that transcends them from mere mortal level approach in life.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Harbans

I am so lost and lonely in my life. Nothing good happens and the people nearest to me mother father brothers husband and sons are toxic. Iv attempted suicide many times. Iv now attached my thoughts to Waheguru. I still do cry as have hurts in my life and now know its my karam. I listen to Sukmani Sahib. Does God understand my dukh or do I deserve it. Will he ever shower me with happiness and open a new path for me. I am truely lonely in my heart.

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  • 1 month later...

Dearest -singh_ jee,

Your problem is starting from you thinking that if you do paaath every morning, God must do something magical for you. So you keep doing paath after paath after paath and nothing is happening, like a failed chemistry experiment in the laboratory! Now that is making you think that there is no God and even if He is, He cannot do some things like kill himself or etc etc..the list you mentioned.

However in SGGS it says ''gurbanee es jag meh chanan, karam vasei man aayeh'' i.e Gurbani is Light in this world. This means gurbani is meant to make you understand things so you begin to understand God and the universe and why things happen and how God operates. By doing paath with understanding this is the real miracle because it will make us understand God, have a bigger belief, faith and trust in God and make us love God. Gurbani throws light on the existence of God and His Laws. If you want to understand God better, so your faith and love for God will deepen buy a gutka which has english or punjabee translations so as you do paath you are knowing what is being said by Gurujee.

So for example you know Guru Nanak Dev Jee is not a liar at all and Gurujee in the beginning of Japjee Sahib has said IK OANGKAR which means there IS one God who is present everywhere. So if you do not know what IK OANGKAR means you will keep saying it every morning but not knowing it means there IS one God. Then your heart can be deceived to think there is no God. But if you know IK OANGKAR means Gurujee is saying there IS one God than you do believe Gurujee and everymorning your faith is affirmed that there IS one God. I hope you understand what I mean. It is just a small example.

Also Sikhism is also not about understanding things just intellectually. In Sikhism , Gurujee/God himself helps you to understand things as you have a close relationship with Gurujee who is your Teacher and Guide and Master. So in time you will understand that yes God can do whatever He wants BUT he is eternal and undying and not killing Himself does not mean there are some things He cannot do but rather means it is God's intrinsic nature to be everlasting. For example your mother could technically kill you, but you dont think of that or question that because all you can see in your mother is a desire to love you and protect you at the cost of your life. Hence as you get close to God and understand God your mind starts thinking of His qualities rather than some loose un-needed imaginations about what are not his qualities.

So, its a play of your mind. Your mind can churn out countless fantasies about someone and all sorts of crazy ideas about someone and whether they exist and etc. However if that person became your wife or sister you would not doubt they exist and you would switch off from thinking of them in certain ways, and focus o thinking of them in the correct way.

So my advice is to be a true Sikh who understands Sikhi and God with a heart well loaded with faith in God, rather than worry about God trying to kill Himself tonight, be humble and rather question the direction of your thoughts. Accept SGGS as your true living Guru and everyday read gurbanee slowly with meanings so you start to know what to look at, what to really think about and then everything will be alright for you.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest manpreet singh

bhaaji waheguru g hmesha apne naal ne. waheguru g hi ne jo sb nu dekh rae ne. dukh kisnu nahi? nanak dukhia sb sansaar. pr dukh dur krne ne ta apne aap nu waheguru g nu samarpit krna pena. apa apne aap nu waheguru g nu samarpit krange n waheguru g te bhrosa rakhange ta e oh apa nu ewe da bnange jo hr situation ch vdia feel kre. bhaaji thodi life ch jo hr roj ho rea hai o waheguru g da magic e hai. bhrosa rakho, dukh ande ne ta sirf apa nu strong bnan lae.. mai v tuhade wang problem ch ha, but i know dat waheguru g is wid me, n waheguru g meri jrur help krnge.. ho skda jo mai chahnda ha o na howe, bt im sure k waheguru g jo v krnge mere lae vdia hi krnge..

waheguru g ka khalsa

waheguru g ki fteh..

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