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Raise Your Voice Against The Curse Of Casteism In The Sikhs


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Sadly the caste system is alive and well in Sikhi followers. From my contact with fellow Sikhs in the UK I would say 80-90% still believe in the caste system to a certain extent. Especially when it comes to marriage.

One particular caste in particular is obsessed with it, they think they are the greatest and try to belittle every other caste, will wear T-shirts saying they're proud to be that particular caste, will get private number plates for their cars containing their caste name, even though in the grand scheme of things they are not even high up. Some of them are so deluded that they say the Gurus were members of their caste when it's clear they were not! I have met plenty of Amritdharis who are members of this caste and shockingly they also demonstrate this behaviour.

I myself am not a member of this caste and whenever I have been asked what caste I am, it is always by a member of the above caste. I don't know what the obsession is. Like I said it's not like this caste is anywhere near being the highest caste.

Maybe the caste system has a certain place in rural India where people still do work related to their caste, so it makes sense for a girl to marry into a similar caste so that she knows how to perform those duties. Maybe this is why our Gurus all married within caste. But you shouldn't look down on other castes even if you do marry only within your own.

But in the cities and in the west there is no need whatsoever to marry someone of a similar caste because you are not doing work related to your caste.

Each caste is not a seperate race, that is complete nonsense, once again it is false information that is sadly propogated by the caste I mentioned above.

We are all the same ethnicity and to be honest we're not even that different (if at all) ethnically to people from other nearby states like Himmachal, Jammu, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan.

I do feel for the 'lower castes' like chamaars and chooras and I can fully understand why they call themselves Ravidassias and have their own gurdwaras. Ask yourself how would you feel if members from other castes would not eat at the same table as you, will not eat food from your house and consider you filthy. This is why the muslims of India wanted Pakistan because that's how we Sikhs and the Hindus treated them! So we should treat all Sikhs regardless of caste equally. It's only when you experience it first hand you know how it feels. Christian missionaries in India target people from these 'lower castes' and convert them to give them better self esteem. This will continue until this discrimination ends. I remember in my last trip to India, I was at a relative's house and the woman who cleaned the house was eating the roti my aunt gave to her outside the house and whenever she spoke to anyone she covered her face with a chunni. It was heartbreaking to see.

That is why we have come of this mindset and raise our voice against this curse of casteism in Sikhs.

We have to logically and firmly put these followers of casteism down and tell them that they are an insult to Sikhism.

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@ RanjeetSingh

Did the Gurus marry for love?

I do believe being Sikh is more important than caste. That said, considering Sikhs are an ethnoreligious group.

Being a Sikh is to NOT believe in the caste system. Simple as that. Your comments before portrayed yourself as being a caste follower

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caste? substitute the word for trade and then it takes on different connotations; the farming family, the carpenter family, the leather goods family etc etc, these things dont go and wont soon either BUT with education we should realise that there is no 'higher' trade, just trades and if we still judge other or ourselves on what our forefathers were well then thats just ignorance. get over the whole status thing and then we can have equality in the truest sense. The english have surnames that reflect their families trades from a century ago - Cooper (barrel maker), Tanner (leather goods) ad infinitum - but it dont mean they think any less of each other. i'll leave you with this - not an original thought by the way, i musta heard this told to me but its stayed with me - when the muslin goes to hajj he sees men of different colours, backgrounds, statures and trades but they all pray as one. Us? we just go and create seperate gurdwaras and fragment our community further and further. Sad but true

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caste? substitute the word for trade and then it takes on different connotations; the farming family, the carpenter family, the leather goods family etc etc, these things dont go and wont soon either BUT with education we should realise that there is no 'higher' trade, just trades and if we still judge other or ourselves on what our forefathers were well then thats just ignorance. get over the whole status thing and then we can have equality in the truest sense. The english have surnames that reflect their families trades from a century ago - Cooper (barrel maker), Tanner (leather goods) ad infinitum - but it dont mean they think any less of each other. i'll leave you with this - not an original thought by the way, i musta heard this told to me but its stayed with me - when the muslin goes to hajj he sees men of different colours, backgrounds, statures and trades but they all pray as one. Us? we just go and create seperate gurdwaras and fragment our community further and further. Sad but true

We all have to change these sad but true facts.

We all have to put a stop to this fragmentation of our religion.

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when the muslin goes to hajj he sees men of different colours, backgrounds, statures and trades but they all pray as one.

LOOOOOL u taking the mick mate? I have heard straight from muslim mouths telling me, how the saudis/arabs HATE pakistanis/indians/Bangalis muslims, especially during hajj. Recently at a wedding i met an arab from dubai, n he told me sub continent muslims r known by a 2 lettered comment, "CC" = Conquered & Converted (reference 2 mughals/turks invaders)! During Hajj,the saudi trains have "arabs only" written on them. Oh not to forget how women get touched up there (even heard this re-itterated on nihals bbc show last week). Also whilst we r on the subject, how the failed Prophet, mohammed, used 2 apparantly have black slaves, so they have prejudices too mate, not sayin that makes it right for us 2 have these dumb divisions, but muslims r no angels during hajj.

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Guest dasguruka

I need someone to confirm whether Satwant Singh and Beant Singh who assassinated Indira Gandhi were from lower caste. As well as Bhai Jaita Singh who picked up Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh's severed head and brought it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and later gave up his life for Guru Ji was from lower caste. Along with 4 of the 5 pyare's were from lower castes. I dont even know how one caste could claim that a certain religion only belongs to them. Its absurd. No wonder we won't see Khalsa Raj during our lifetimes. It will probably be someone from a Western country who would get influenced by Sikh religion and then later on try to establish Khalsa once again.

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I need someone to confirm whether Satwant Singh and Beant Singh who assassinated Indira Gandhi were from lower caste. As well as Bhai Jaita Singh who picked up Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh's severed head and brought it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and later gave up his life for Guru Ji was from lower caste. Along with 4 of the 5 pyare's were from lower castes. I dont even know how one caste could claim that a certain religion only belongs to them. Its absurd. No wonder we won't see Khalsa Raj during our lifetimes. It will probably be someone from a Western country who would get influenced by Sikh religion and then later on try to establish Khalsa once again.



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I need someone to confirm whether Satwant Singh and Beant Singh who assassinated Indira Gandhi were from lower caste. As well as Bhai Jaita Singh who picked up Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh's severed head and brought it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and later gave up his life for Guru Ji was from lower caste. Along with 4 of the 5 pyare's were from lower castes. I dont even know how one caste could claim that a certain religion only belongs to them. Its absurd. No wonder we won't see Khalsa Raj during our lifetimes. It will probably be someone from a Western country who would get influenced by Sikh religion and then later on try to establish Khalsa once again.

beant n satwant were indeed from "lower" tribe. bhai jaita was of a mazhabi tribe, i believe also akali phula singh was from "lower" tribe, altho ive heard ppl say otherwise, dunno, dont care, hes a singh @ the end of theday.

btw wat is regarded as lower caste? Coz Jatts r also a lower tribe, in brahmin circle, accordin to them, brahmins r top, then khatris, then every1 else is shudra n below. i find it laughable how jatts have made em selves bigger than every1 else, jus coz they became the majority number wise and land owners coz of banda bahadur, misls n maharja ranjit singh. before this, they were being bullied n kicked out of mandir n masjids by "higher" castes/tribes. it was sikhi that gave em equal status, thats y they converted en masse, along with other shudra castes.

apparantly only 8,000!!! brahmins converted 2 sikhi during these 1700's-1900s period, according 2 british records. This was coz brahmins, by leaving hindu faith, didnt wanna give up their higher caste status, by joining sikhi n therefore become on the same status level as jatts, saini, chamar, naiy, julaha, khatri, rajputs, choora etc. They rather get raped into islam, than become part of a warrior dharam n have langar/pangat with sangat.

also btw im not anti-jatt b4 any1 says, coz jatts have done more for the protection of sikhi, in terms of providing warriors, soldiers etc. I dont get peed off wen i listen 2 bhangra songs n dey mention jatt, coz most sikhs/panjabis r jatt, so its natural their names r mentioned. But it is funny how jatts have been accused/have been bullyin/mockin ppl of other tribes, coz dey fink others r inferior 2 em, wen few centuries b4, they got the same treatment @ the hands of khatris/brahmins. AS sikhs, guys, lets jus loww all this caste./tribe tatti, n jus say we r sikhs, n ready 2 defend n die 4 1 anotha.

Now coz of this macho-type superior presentation jatts give out, now u c chamars, shuttin down the entire doaba, 2 sing "putt chamaran de". wens this all gona halt? each n every tribe has given special ppl towards the panth. Jassa Singh ramgharia, maharaja ranjit singh, hari singh nalwa, Jassa singh ahluwalia, Banda Singh Bahadur, bacchitar singh etc, all from diffrnt tribes.

rant over sorry "das guruka" i kno i went off on a tangent, but it jus came out, n i typed it.

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I need someone to confirm whether Satwant Singh and Beant Singh who assassinated Indira Gandhi were from lower caste. As well as Bhai Jaita Singh who picked up Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh's severed head and brought it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and later gave up his life for Guru Ji was from lower caste. Along with 4 of the 5 pyare's were from lower castes. I dont even know how one caste could claim that a certain religion only belongs to them. Its absurd. No wonder we won't see Khalsa Raj during our lifetimes. It will probably be someone from a Western country who would get influenced by Sikh religion and then later on try to establish Khalsa once again.


I don't think dasgurka is acknowledging caste above. I think, dasgurka is saying that even though some people, who still call themselves Sikhs but instead follow brahaminvaad i.e. the caste system, may see the above great great great Singhs as lower caste, the above Singhs we in fact greatly elevated human beings because of the actions.

I think dasgurka is saying that after getting rid of their castes by taking Amrit, and carrying out amazing actions for the good of humanity, the above Sikhs are looked upto by us as the highest of the highest Sikhs of the Guru. Proving your previous caste is truely be wipped out once you take Amrit.

It's what inside you that counts, not the man made caste label given to you

(Like I say that's what I think dasgurka is saying).

@DasGurka - sorry if I have misunderstood you, or offended you by trying to say what you meant.

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Guest dasguruka


I don't think dasgurka is acknowledging caste above. I think, dasgurka is saying that even though some people, who still call themselves Sikhs but instead follow brahaminvaad i.e. the caste system, may see the above great great great Singhs as lower caste, the above Singhs we in fact greatly elevated human beings because of the actions.

I think dasgurka is saying that after getting rid of their castes by taking Amrit, and carrying out amazing actions for the good of humanity, the above Sikhs are looked upto by us as the highest of the highest Sikhs of the Guru. Proving your previous caste is truely be wipped out once you take Amrit.

It's what inside you that counts, not the man made caste label given to you

(Like I say that's what I think dasgurka is saying).

@DasGurka - sorry if I have misunderstood you, or offended you by trying to say what you meant.

You hit it right on the nail! Our misfortune that we all have to put up with "jattvaad' and "chamars" btw effort on that begampura campaign and that lalkaar website. I couldnt go because facin some hard time but everyone should visit the website

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