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Namdhari Guru, Jagjit Singh passes away


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N30 SINGH you said ''Great loss to gurmat sangeet vidya, all in all ..great saint..kept it to himself..RIP.!! ''

How would you know he was a great saint? Did you read about it, or did God tell you that!

Mainstream Sikhs have no respect for those who manipulate Tat Gurmat to set up themselves as Gurus and twist and manipulate Sikh history to suit their own purposes. This man was approached and knew there was an open invitation for him and his followers to come back into the fold of mainstream Sikhi but his stubbornness and pride and desire to continue his sect and to be continued to call a Guru became another missed oppurtunity.

A true saint realises that Guru Granth Sahib is our Eternal Guru and that our last Living Guru was Guru Gobind Singh. Anyone who milks Sikhism to set up their own shop and start a new Guru lineage using and subverting Sikhism is guilthy of crime whether dead or alive.

Not a saint but a wolf in sheep's clothing!

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Satguru Jagjit Singh, chief of the Namdhari sect, passed away at a private hospital here this evening . He was 92.

Singh had been in the ICU of the hospital for the last three weeks as he was suffering from multiple health problems.

His body is being taken to Bhaini Sahib in this district, main head quarter of the Namdhari sect, where he will be cremated on Friday, said Surinder Singh Namdhari, spokesman of the sect.

Meanwhile, Punjab Congress President Amarinder Singh has expressed profound grief over the demise of Satguru Jagjit Singh.

In a condolence message to the bereaved family and the Namdhari community, Amarinder said, "Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji's demise is a great loss to the humanity".

He said the Satguru was the guiding force not for the Namdhari community only, but the whole of mankind.


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How would you know he was a great saint? Did you read about it, or did God tell you that!

I have close namdhari friend who told me about his divine experience with him and his nature towards humanity. Remember I said - saint(not sant) which is generic term not *owned* by sikhs..just to reiterate i consider him as a saint have same sentiment of having passing away when pope john paul or reverred saint and humanitarian passes away..!!..I rather give this "dead old man" benefit of doubt than make insensitive remarks about his state mind of him passing away..!!

I also paid similar respect to bhai sahib seva singh ji tarmala who i don't agree with and who is sitting on the other side of spectrum as well..but that does not stop me nor it should to broader sikh community to pay respect and give condolences when someone passes away.

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Singh559 Baba ji keep your blessing to yourself, just give me that maybach car..lol..i wanna smoke that ride..!!!!!!!!!! :lol2: :lol2:

nah ji nah haje teri avasta choti hai haje piyareo. Maybach vich behke mein tapp karda hunda menoo disturb not karo please. choti carolla or camry vich beht ke tapp karan da swad ni jina maybach vich hunda


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nah ji nah haje teri avasta choti hai haje piyareo. Maybach vich behke mein tapp karda hunda menoo disturb not karo please. choti carolla or camry vich beht ke tapp karan da swad ni jina maybach vich hunda
mega lol..i am going to steal your followers..first i m going to spread a rumor, than i m going to infiltrate my men in your dera and my men is going to sh ag those female followers and make it sound like baba ji did it and then tamasha starts,,, here you go- i m putting you out of your business...hehehe...!!
Gone with wind with maybach along with the followers..!!!!!!!! :p
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mega lol..i am going to steal your followers..first i m going to spread a rumor, than i m going to infiltrate my men in your dera and my men is going to sh ag those female followers and make it sound like baba ji did it and then tamasha starts,,, here you go- i m putting you out of your business...hehehe...!!

Gone with wind with maybach along with the followers..!!!!!!!! :p

ajo ji ajo. I play my trap card


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