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Comprehensive Plan for Sikhi Parchar - Plan BE13


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My opinion would be to focus to expand more online and spend less time doing in-person prachar. This way it will save your energy and time. Sangat reach via online is more on broader level and prachar videos stays evergreen while gurdwaras prachar is limited to one time effect only.

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My opinion would be to focus to expand more online and spend less time doing in-person prachar. This way it will save your energy and time. Sangat reach via online is more on broader level and prachar videos stays evergreen while gurdwaras prachar is limited to one time effect only.

Thanks S1ngh, I appreciate your advice. Its a hard choice because so many people will never even go online to watch videos unless they feel its worthwhile so part of 2013 is to spread the word about the videos by physical in-your-local-gurdwara talks.. but kirpa we normally record these and put them online, so that each talk is more like an opportunity to do different talk and put it online. Examples are the two kathas from Crawley Gurdwara about "Have we been mis-sold Sikhi?" and "What would Guru Nanak say to us today?"

Definitely need to get through the 20 or so video blogs that are in the queue though!


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Adding to S1ngh's point...i agree that most focus should be on online parchaar as it can go to the 4 corners of the world but face to face parchaar is essential too as in my experience it's here that we'll really see lives change….so in my opinion both are needed. From my experience people can have the most randomest questions that create doubts but in face to face parchaar these can be answered in Q&A sessions.

I think it's awesome that the youtube channel will move onto kids parchaar too as as a community we're so very behind so I think this is also really good too. It's soo important Sikhs have an online presence particularly on youtube. We generally have nothing but now we can will maan say, but we do have one now...hopefully this will give encouragement to others to step up too.

2 suggestions:

1) Maybe also look into an advance course which focuses on deeper study of Gurbani based on vykaran & sampadaic arths, ithihaas of the shabad ie where it was ucharred & why (etc) –as at the moment we seem to solely rely on STTM. Hopefully this will then encourage our youths to become scholars in Gurbani to uncover the antreev arths/deeper meanings of Gurbani.

2) Maybe try to setup a Sikholars equivalent initiative in UK whereby we can start encouraging our youth to become scholars and do veechar of all issues that are dear to our hearts. It's so important we start producing scholars in the UK who will then work on solutions and I think this could be something that could work well if done within Basics of Sikhi.

Overall, this is an amazing uprala and I really like that there is a strategy behind this uprala and it's not just random video's with different topics. It appears that you want the viewer to go on a lifecycle journey which then takes someone from a beginner to advanced level…which is really good.

I’m supporting you within my own means and I hope others do give donations too. We really need to start realising the importance of having full time parcharaks and not just parcharaks who do parchaar in their spare time…this can only happen if we fund projects such as basics of sikhi. My only advice to Basics of Sikhi is to keep doing what you’re doing and don’t wait for Sikh institutions to financially support this uprala…just continue to have faith in Guru Sahib & Guru Jee’s Sadhsangat.

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"We really need to start realising the importance of having full time parcharaks and not just parcharaks who do parchaar in their spare time…this can only happen if we fund projects such as basics of sikhi. My only advice to Basics of Sikhi is to keep doing what you’re doing and don’t wait for Sikh institutions to financially support this uprala…just continue to have faith in Guru Sahib & Guru Jee’s Sadhsangat."

@ Into the Light - Thanks for the advice - we have asked Southall Singh Sabha for Funding, given that they are the Gurudwara who benefits the most from Basics of Sikhi. They have even put our programme into their annual newsletter and so far they have not had any problems either (Gurus kirpa). I dont know if they will fund us though!

Guru sahib will always send what we deserve though!

Re your point on advanced courses.

(1) The Why Khalsa Why Fateh Course is supposed to provide the medium level of progression, more gurbani, more skills etc

(2) The long term dream is to have a Vidiayala here in the UK, like a Gurbani focused on that teaches exactly that, the Santhiaya, the viaakaran, the history of shabads, the languages in Gurbani. Half the problems in our Panth are because we are not focuses upon learning Gurbani but arguing about it. How many scholars are there in Braj or Persian??

When you even approach the ocean of Gurbani and realise how deep and how wide it is....they only thing left to do is do ardaas and start swimming.

Thanks for your support ji.

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I think that the only way to make a difference is to say an Ardaas in front of Maharaj and then put your hands in to those deep pockets of yours and go to the everythings13 virgin donation site and give generously on a monthly basis... So many people chat blah blah blah, but very few let their actions speak silently for them!

May Waheguru's kirpa keep you in Chardhi kala Jugraj Singh ji

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This panth will only rise up when its worthy...Guru Sahibs blessings only come when that happens. If Basics of SIkhi doesnt succeed, then the weakness is either in myself or that the Panth is not yet ready... Guru Sahib awaits with open arms for his Khalsa Panth to rise up as Akaal Purakh ki Fauj

Dharam Chalavan Dhust Ubaaran!

Guru Kirpa Kare!

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