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Sports and Sikhs


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pray.gif I wish to pray to guru sahib for forgiveness before I start this topic. May guru sahib bless me with knowledge to undo my confusion and problems.

:lol: I again wish to appologise my fellow sikhs for any inapropriate questions and comments.

:wub: I am writing it because I am facing some problems due to my turban when I go for play. Actually I am one of those guys who are absolutely proud of their turban and sabat surat status and sometimes feel guilty for not being amritdhari yet. But there are times when I face problems due to the things which I am proud of.

These days I am into playing lawn tannis but during play I am not able to play with full vigour as my turban becomes loose after some time and the sweat makes me feel uncomfortable especially because I have severe dandruff problem. I normally go to change room before play and wear keski, which is slightly comfortable but it becomes loose just in matter of minutes during play. It has happened many times that I have to rush to the change room to tie my keski again midway a game. I can't consider patkas as a option, as I feel that those are for kids and not ment for a person of my age. I can't opt for cap for the reason u all know. So that l

imits my performance. Do u think that one should wear patkas to ..............:(

This makes me think about my fellow sikhs who has got potential to diplay in sports but find these limitations. Especially those bike and car lovers who are also devout sikhs may never be able to participate in formula racing because safety device like halmet is considered a cap.

Air force pilots also face similer problems. Don't you think that halmet is a safety device and not a cap.

:) I work in assam and I happen to meet lot of sikh soldiers involved with various insurgency operations in this state of India. Sometimes they have to carry out operations in which time period extends over 24 hours. Turban is ofcourse a very uncomfortable option for such kind of opertaions. I myself start feeling uncomfortable if I wear Turban for over 12-14 hours a day. These soldiers are then compelled to wear patkas. So next time you are in Assam you might find a sikh soldier at some post wearing a patka. Do u think this is a right kind of attire for a soldier. Will it make him feel as proud as he feel in a turban.I don't Think so. I wonder how nihangs wear those huge turbans for so ong. Isn't all this confusing. :T:

I don't know what to conclude. But will this confusion continue for ever. :T:

I am sorry for any Bhul Chuk

Kindly bare with ur fellow brother


guroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

There's no such thing as a stupid question. :lol:

Whenever I go play any sports, basketball, or tennis, I tie a small keski, and tie a patka on top of it, and give it a tight knot, so it doesn't become loose.

Do the following:

1) Comb your kes, and tie your joora tight, if you can't then get someone else to do it for you.

2) tie a small keski, don't tie it over your ears, whenever you tie it take your ears out of it, it makes the keski alot tighter. This should do the trick.

3) If not, then get another small dastaar, and tie it over your ears, and make sure its tight so it doesn't move anywhere. You can also get a patka big enough to cover your small keski, and tie a tight knot.

I have never had any problems with loose dastaar or loose kes.

Hope that helps.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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There's no limitations in wearing a helmet, its not a hat, but its for your safety, if you wear something like a hat for fashion purposes then its a hat.

Sikhs have never used helmets in times of war, i.e in Britain- here's a famous quote -

"Finally, we that live on can never forget those comrades who in giving their lives gave so much that is good to the story of the Sikh Regiment. No living glory can transcend that of their supreme sacrifice, may they rest in peace. In the last two world wars 83,005 turban wearing Sikh soldiers were killed and 109,045 were wounded. They all died or were wounded for the freedom of Britain and the world and during shell fire, with no other protection but the turban, the symbol of their faith."

General Sir Frank Messervy KCSI, KBE, CB, DSO. in the Forward to Col Birdwoods "History of the Sikh Regiment"

^_^^_^^_^ Sikhs now have rights to not wear helmets when driving Motorcycles in Uk as well i think :T:

bhull chukk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Sat Sri Akal:

DJSingh Ji, I have also had the opportunity to play lawn tennis (just for fun though, but it did involve running around, hitting the ball hard)...all the while wearing a Dastaar (with a Keski underneath). No problems to report (besides sweat of course).

Singh Ji, try to tie the Keski a bit tighter or perhaps someone here can advise in detail how to tie a Keski which is more secure)...of course, don't give youself a stroke trying to tie it too tight!

The one thing you can do is to tie a a little longer Keski and do one lar covering your entire ear and a little below the earlobe rather than tying the Keski above your ears...it as worked for me as my ears tend to hold the Keski and Dastaar down because of that...worked wonders so far.

Any others for advice?

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Whenever I go play any sports, basketball, or tennis, I tie a small keski, and tie a patka on top of it, and give it a tight knot, so it doesn't become loose.

This is exactly what i do when i play sports or goto work or do any other physical activity that involves activeness.

I also play hockey, and im a goalie. I do wear a patka for that purpose. I dont see for myself that this is wrong, i may get finger pointed by fellow singhs and singhnis but i myself dont think this is wrong. So it all depends on you, how far you want to go and how you feel what is right and confortable !

bhul chuk maph!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

grin.gif Thanks for ur suggestions .....I nva tried the patka over a keski........But I 'll try that...I think u want to suggest sometihing like ppl wear during playing gatka............I will do one thing I will take a piece of cloth or my THATHI and tie it over my keski.............. Hope it works... ....

Apart from my problem I just wanted to draw some attention towards the problem of Sikhs in general.............. I understand that sikhs have fought wars with turbans on and especiallythe mighty nahangs who din eva ... tried a keski....but those bulky turbans.... But at the same time I feel it uncomfortable especially because it becomes loose..as I have explained earlier.........Patka ofcourse is a comfortable option but I feel disgusting wearing it,at the same time.....

Because ppl just don wear it in the field but .........U c Habhajan Singh ..... He don restrict itr to the field... He never tried wearing a turban... be it ads or what ever.........

So in general it deteriotes the image of sikhs in general..... :yehyehyeh:

I also mentioned the case of indian army............... Sikh soldiers might have fought world wars with turbans........

but the sikh soldiers in Indian Army in modern times are wearing patkas...............though Indian Army discourages it...... when I was a NCC cadets my commanding officers neva allowed me to wear a patka.................So is Patka going to be a all time wear for sikhs...........??? ohmy.gif

If it is so............I don like it at all........

Bhul Chuk Muaf

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