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~~ Individual cultish perception and the khalsa panth ~~


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Love to hear views from wider audience/respected members on here such as - Mokham Singh, humkire, Bijla Singh, Prabhjot Singh,Mehtab Singh veer, Chatanga,hsd2 , johnny101,khalistan_zindabad, kam1825 veer, pal07 veer.

I'm not respected???That makes me feel sad :( PS you forgot singh559

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I totally agree with you n30 but when I was reading what you were saying and how you were trying to tactfully say it by which you wouldn't hurt peoples feelings who are attached to those groups made me think of how muslims the followers of muhammdenism always go on tv after a terrorist act occurs and talk about how the koran, haddith, sunnah and muhaddenism aren't bad, that they are synonymous with peace (although they define it differently) and they tell us it's not a group to blame but particular mindsets, those mindsets have been drawn into wahhabism cult like groups who brainwash them.

Everytime I hear them I want to shout lies, porkers right at the tv, because it isn't exactly the individuals themselves but the groups which are to blame, who don't reprimand such behaviour to begin with. NandSinghism has branched off into all sorts of subdivisions and I think the SGPC should remove them out of the panth and reprimand them they have gone too far. Nandsinghism goes against the teachings of dasam granth telling people all other scriptures of other religions are equal revelations besides being contradictory and guru gobind singh telling us the truth about them.

Nandsinghism (who use satguru nanak's name) has really constructed it's own religion with the intercession of babas who sit themselves equal to guru granth sahib or even above, who call those who question them infidels since they misinterpret gurbani to say it asks for the intercession of holy men replacing pirs, brahmins with these fake sants who now have gone beyond the brahmins, syeds, sheikhs,pirs and have started to call themselves god asking for large sums of money, even mormonism is in more check then this and alot of pendu singhs are leaving sikhi because of the actions of nandsinghism, it's time to call a spade a spade.

Nandsinghism demand large sums of money and then tell us nand singh removed the golak from sri guru granth sahib. Now this view would be unpopular but historically the truth is. I was a strong believer in nandsinghism through the name of nanaksar thinking them to be a shanti peaceful bhagti ghar which has removed brute force of distorted warrior hood ideas, the more you think of it they have taken out the siphia element of sikhi, they lowered the value of dasam bani.

They demand huge sums of money for a receipt saying a man in a hidden room did 100s of paaths for you, they sell you a place in heaven with no guarantee. Nandsinghism also has huge denominations with grand cases of rape, and other sexual molestation charges which don't get dealt with properly due to some fat bellied man in a white round turban, with a white goan and just a kacha on claiming to be god being unchallengeable and their followers scream blasphemy when people bring such cases up. It's up to individuals to renounce them and go to proper panthic gurdwaras, shed all of these jathas we don't need them. These constructs were only put in originally to subdivide tat khalsa for strategic purposes when under attack.

It's likely nand singh might have been a good man, a good sikh but we can't call him from the dead to save us and why have we dedicated guru ghars to worshipping him as the 11th guru and his paintings are put in his gurdwaras bigger then guru saroop and paintings of other gurus, it's turned into worshipping nandsingh, or his 12 13th gurus material objects like their toothbrush, or car or shoes or socks or t-shirts, which is all idolatry. But nand singh can't intercede for us infront of dharam raj even he will be judged and he wasn't god or guru nanak as some of his followers claim he was a mortal. Earning money is hard, these people don't deserve it as much as poor people in india do, besides that they don't even practise grist amongst some of these godmen who have rape/molestation charges on them.

All of these modern reformists were men and shouldn't be worshipped, guru nanak taught us better, we can equally represent all of their views in civil private discussions amongst ourselves and we are sikhs first. Remove these false labels for they only go against our gurus teachings. This deravaad problem is more problematic when we allow it to exist within the circle of the panth, as for nirankari radhaswami namdhari they are all openly declared as false we might aswell declare nandsinghism on a par they are doing what the nirankaris did to begin with, the only difference is they don't call their mini denomination group cult leaders as guru or satguru but baba or sant but they equate them to God all mighty, who apparently in those forms is suffering from obesity, eye problems, diabetes, visa rejections, needs a doctor and so on. Some of these posers are criminals hiding away others are in cahoots with punjabi politicians and extortionist laundering underhanded punjabi businesses. I hold absolutely no belief for nandsinghism's many false prophets claiming to be god, they do kintu printu (distort) of gurbani (sikh scripture).

I've got no respect for them (nandsinghism cult leaders), but I can respect their followers who are human beings trying to be good men who don't deserve to be deceived and lied to. Removing this cult from the panth might be an unpopular stance to take, but truth and true actions aren't always popular, just like when most of the people on this earth though the world was flat the few who discovered the truth were not popular for some time. Refer to this for the kind of punishment these fake men will recieve http://www.sikhlionz.com/Sri-Guru-Har-Rai-Sahib-Ji-and-the-wounded-snake.htm

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Dalbir Singh your bit from post reminds me of cautionary warning in sri Dasam granth to all followers who attached themselves to avtars and confine akaal to them instead to transcedent their surti from sargun into nirgun , realizing akaal sarab vypak and one and only aad ant ekai avtara sohe samjoo guru hamara.. it highly appears we sikhs could use those cautionary warnings too from sri Dasam granth as sikhs are trapping more into cultism than being khalsa natural flow and apply in our lives to rise above from nandsinghism, randhirsinghism, bhindranwaleism, isherism etc instead of wrapping our head around them, confining akaal to them and being stuck in their realm created by mindset.

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Gurmat uses very careful and balance approach when it comes to avtarvad(sants, bhramgyani karaks etc) and Sikhi so sikhs don't pitfall like other followers of other dharams have. Gurbani contains two sides of same coin to teaching on avtar emphasing brahman (nirgun paratma) in sat chit anand ( Ad ant eko avtara sohi samjheo guru hamra) and on other side of coin presenting sargun paratma in form of our guru sahib to invoke devotion ie- prem. Here is the commentary from 18 page long anyalsis on avtarvaad and sikhi in bhavrasamrit translated by tirath singh nirmala:


Considered carefully there is no contradictions here on two sides of same coin on avtarvaad, its only clear guidance about the two paramaters by which to understand nature of avatar; the symbolic form is to inculate devotion, inspiration, adoration, love and sacrifice purely as a means to realise that which is beyond gunas

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Dalbir Singh your bit from post reminds me of cautionary warning in sri Dasam granth to all followers who attached themselves to avtars and confine akaal to them instead to transcedent their surti from sargun into nirgun , realizing akaal sarab vypak and one and only aad ant ekai avtara sohe samjoo guru hamara.. it highly appears we sikhs could use those cautionary warnings too from sri Dasam granth as sikhs are trapping more into cultism than being khalsa natural flow and apply in our lives to rise above from nandsinghism, randhirsinghism, bhindranwaleism, isherism etc instead of wrapping our head around them, confining akaal to them and being stuck in their realm created by mindset.

got to be careful calling out bhindrwaleism you might get death threats primarily due to muhammadenism's influence, isherism is a just an extension of nandsinghism they are nandsinghism followers in spirit and randhirsinghism has the spirit of christianity.

Reject all the jathas as come as individual sikhs.

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