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Sikhs attack restaurant in Leicester


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Here we go again.

Shere Panjab over a generation ago highlighted the issues of grooming, pedophilia, under age sex, call it what you want it's rape against a child.

Now the issues are what were the Police, CPS & Social Services doing during this time when these issues were first highlighted of gangs of Pakistani Moslem targeting children for sex?

I call for a full Independent judiciary enquiry.

Anyone in positions of power who failed to take action, turned a blind eye to the victims are to be arrested charged with neglect, failing to uphold the duties expected of them in the office they held or are holding, stripped of their pensions and ultimately jailed.

Enough is enough, every day I am hearing from the media about Police corruption and or perverting the course of justice for e.g. phone hacking, Hillsborough, those in positions (BBC -Jimmy Saville) turning a blind eye to countless allegations.

Contact your local MP today calling for a full independent judiciary enquiry now!

Long Live The Khalsa!

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Sikhs have a very good image in the UK these sorts attacks on people enjoying a meal will just give us all a bad name. What did the restaurant have to do with the "alleged" rape anyway, can somebody explain?

Rumours say the upstairs in the restaurant is where young white girls and Sikh girls were taken and abused...that is why it was targeted workers or owners etc..were probably members of the grooming/abuse ring

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Rumours say the upstairs in the restaurant is where young white girls and Sikh girls were taken and abused...that is why it was targeted workers or owners etc..were probably members of the grooming/abuse ring

The Sikhs did not enter the premises on rumour, they stopped major crimes from taking place.


Now I put this case to the legal authorities who I know monitor these forums. If you as the Police, CPS, Social Services etc. etc. have failed in your duty to serve and protect children from serial rapists when independent and verifiable evidence has been presented to you over a number of years, what are the legal sanctions against yourselves? What is the penalty for the wilfull dereliction of duty and neglect? I mention Blair Peach, Stephen Lawrence, Hillsborough, Rochdale grooming, Milly Dowler where Surrey Police did not act upon evidence when a murdered child phone was being hacked into.

If members of the public did enter the mentioned restaurant to put a stop to major crimes committed on the premises, then surely you should be congratulating the Sikhs? Lets say hypothetically a man is walking along the street, he hears a scream coming from a house, he kicks down the front door and see’s a man rush out the back door, a woman is in obvious distress and mumbles she was in the bedroom when the intruder entered the bedroom hence the screaming, she had dialed 999 but the Police couldn’t get someone out quick enough? I would argue give that man who kicked down the door deserves a pat on the back and a medal? Did not what the Sikhs do was similar to this in preventing very serious crimes from taking place.

Fear not law abiding Citizens of Britain (we are not subjects), the pedophile rings are being smashed as we. There are fortunately some decent Police still around who are determined to smash these evil sadistic perverts once and for all.


Magna Carta, Clause 45 said that the King should only appoint as "justices, constables, sheriffs, or bailiffs" those who knew the law and would keep it well. Did the Leicestershire Police who are supposed to know the law and keep it well, remember the Pilkingtons case?


Long Live The Khalsa for we are the sons and daughters of the Great Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Ji!

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Sikhs have a very good image in the UK these sorts attacks on people enjoying a meal will just give us all a bad name. What did the restaurant have to do with the "alleged" rape anyway, can somebody explain?

bro stop living in tellytubby land, they all part of the same circle...what image you talking about? that educated turban wearing man only interested in getting far in his career and totally taking the sipahi side out of sikhi? back in the day of shere panjab our girls would go around with pakis and mess about and sp used to kick off especially when women went and left their homes... then sp were not backed by our sikh community who wanted to go on the peacefully "lets look good to the gorah" approach.. and as years has gone on our community is full of donkeys in lions skin and the result is evident...at least before the girls just wanted to mess about but know pakis are raping our women knowing full well the sikh community are not going to do any thing and the cps only takes 5%of alleged rape cases on..........which rarely leads to conviction..especially in such cases of grooming where perpetrators are hard to identify..

i respect the sikhs (singhs and moneh) who are acting like real lions and taking action... for all those who like to talk of being a sher because you grew your beard and how strong the lion is( massaging your own ego thinking you are a lion), let me tell you the lion will take out anyone/thing in order to protect his territory and pride(family)...

when we take amrit we want to be just like guru gobind singh maharaj.. maharaj was a saint, a sipahi, multilingual, artist, poet everything.perfect...fought for righteousness.. now in maharajs times many hindu/sikhs women were being raped etc what happened? maharaj sent fauj to wipe them out.. he could have easily said ohh lets go to the police and be peacefull, as even then "rape" was "illegal"........

this aint a response to you but all those who keep giving this "lets look good" thing. i ask to whom?...i gurantee all those speaking in such a tone have never experianced this situation how how can you state on the correct means to act...but saying this you dont have to experiance it directly (meaning own family etc) to have daya..

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What a load of rubbish I am hearing. The scum bags that went into attack the restaurant are at worst violent thugs and at best, misguided youth who have been manipulated and brainwashed into doing this.

Isnt it funny how Mohan Singh comes to Derby and Leicester, winds up all the local youth and is then nowhere to be seen, whilst its only the AKJ boys from Derby who get arrested and take the flak from the authorities - all young lads in their early twenties. Not only will they get beats from their parents, they will also get beats from the Derby Gurdwara guys and everyone will distance themselves away from them. When they end up locked up, they will be deserted by all and helped by noone... their families will pick up the pieces. Criminal records, jail time, no job prospects, living hand -to-mouth and everyone keeping their distance - living a life of regret.

Some of you jokers have the gall to praise them and their actions and turn it into some kind of heroic battle of the Khalsa. Wow.... how low we have indeed become. Since when has taking a crew of 40 guys down to a restaurant full of innocent diners and stabbing up a few waiters and chefs been heroic? Its sad and its weak.

Sikh youth of today are out of control. Being played like puppets and sent like lambs to the slaughter. Souring race relations, community relations, police relations like self destructive suicide bombers... and the worst part is that it is all done in the name of SIKHI and presented as a great and glorious thing. What an absolute disgrace. This whole thing was orchestrated on the basis of rumours and Mohan Singhs usual emotionally manipulative and rabble rousing propoganda.

If you hard men are that desperate for Muslim blood, why not go to Alum Rock Sparkhill or Bradford and try your hand against the <banned word filter activated> there. These things escalate into a downward spiral with lots of innocent people getting caught up, hurt, locked up and even killed. If you smash one of their restaurants, they will come and smash three of ours. They outnumber us in Britain by 4-1 and they run the street scene in most of the major towns. These ostentatious displays of aggression are not very clever at all. If it has to be done at all then it should be quiet, clinical, specific and targeted rather than going off like a car bomb with all its collateral damage.

Yes grooming is an issue. The best way to tackle this is to educate the girls, raise awareness. Very Simple. If you want to target the gangs - do some private investigative work - film them with secret cameras, bug them, send in girls as spies etc and gather the EVIDENCE and get it to the police so that they can build a rock solid bulletproof case to get these fools behind bars. Use brain power!

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What a load of rubbish I am hearing. The scum bags that went into attack the restaurant are at worst violent thugs and at best, misguided youth who have been manipulated and brainwashed into doing this.

Isnt it funny how Mohan Singh comes to Derby and Leicester, winds up all the local youth and is then nowhere to be seen, whilst its only the AKJ boys from Derby who get arrested and take the flak from the authorities - all young lads in their early twenties. Not only will they get beats from their parents, they will also get beats from the Derby Gurdwara guys and everyone will distance themselves away from them. When they end up locked up, they will be deserted by all and helped by noone... their families will pick up the pieces. Criminal records, jail time, no job prospects, living hand -to-mouth and everyone keeping their distance - living a life of regret.

Some of you jokers have the gall to praise them and their actions and turn it into some kind of heroic battle of the Khalsa. Wow.... how low we have indeed become. Since when has taking a crew of 40 guys down to a restaurant full of innocent diners and stabbing up a few waiters and chefs been heroic? Its sad and its weak.

Sikh youth of today are out of control. Being played like puppets and sent like lambs to the slaughter. Souring race relations, community relations, police relations like self destructive suicide bombers... and the worst part is that it is all done in the name of SIKHI and presented as a great and glorious thing. What an absolute disgrace. This whole thing was orchestrated on the basis of rumours and Mohan Singhs usual emotionally manipulative and rabble rousing propoganda.

If you hard men are that desperate for Muslim blood, why not go to Alum Rock Sparkhill or Bradford and try your hand against the <banned word filter activated> there. These things escalate into a downward spiral with lots of innocent people getting caught up, hurt, locked up and even killed. If you smash one of their restaurants, they will come and smash three of ours. They outnumber us in Britain by 4-1 and they run the street scene in most of the major towns. These ostentatious displays of aggression are not very clever at all. If it has to be done at all then it should be quiet, clinical, specific and targeted rather than going off like a car bomb with all its collateral damage.

Yes grooming is an issue. The best way to tackle this is to educate the girls, raise awareness. Very Simple. If you want to target the gangs - do some private investigative work - film them with secret cameras, bug them, send in girls as spies etc and gather the EVIDENCE and get it to the police so that they can build a rock solid bulletproof case to get these fools behind bars. Use brain power!

Mohan Singh done all the business of lar-eya 15 years ago kicking down doors, were girls were being kept for prostitution abuse and drugs.He is now working with professionals like lawyers, social workers, Police, and DR's, this is what you have called for.

You have once again show us to be our own worst enermy saying stuff like "AKJ" are doing all the work, what knob in this situiation does that ??? Grooming is far too serious.

and by the way it werent rumours Paki men charged this morning, again you have got it wrong !!!


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