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Sikhs attack restaurant in Leicester


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Pakiz were charged regarding a case that is several weeks old and it was done purely to pacify the tensions in leicester - arrest some Singhs and arrest some Muslims, this how these situations work. We will see what happens to them in the trial - that will be the true test. Are you able to confirm to me that the guys who were stabbed up were paedo groomers? Or were they just at the wrong place at the wrong time?

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Congratulations to those Singhs who have risked their own livelihoods to avenge this rape.

One wonders, had they not done what they did, would we have ever known about this heinous crime? Would these pakistani muslims have been arrested, let alone charged? Afterall, it was only last week that Nihal was discussing this and the general theme that emerged from that discussion (the majority of the callers were pakistani muslim) was "it's simply a rumour" and "Sikh men have a habit of violence" as well as "when will Sikh men accept that their women prefer us over them?".

Within 7 days, 5 pakistani men arrested and charged with one 15 yr old pending further enquiries. 21 sexual offences. Not bad considering only last week it "was only a rumour".

Yes, I agree this is the tip of the ice berg. Yes, many more crimes have been committed against Sikh women from pakistani muslims. Yes, when questioned on discussion programmes by commentators like Nihal, we the Sikh community fail to convey how/where/why this occurs. That doesn't mean it doesn't occur!

This should serve as a catalyst to other Sikh women to also come forward.

It is on record that some Imam's have been commiting paedophiliac and sexual acts towards children in mosques for three decades in the Lancashire, Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire and West and East Midlands regions. It is on record that younger pakistani muslim men have been grooming non-pakistani, non-muslim women in the north of England (and currently a trial is ongoing in Oxfordshire) for several years also. Pakistani muslims have an inherent sick disorder of sexual repression and a disproportionate and alarming practice of sexual exploitation concerning vulnerable young women outside of their community.

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Nihal is simply facilitating the discussion. It was the callers (nearly all pakistani men) who were saying those things. Not Nihal. Afterall, it isn't Nihals fault if the Sikh dont call in and give the other side or truth as it were. He is chairing the discussion and therefore can not take sides.

I know Nihal reads these forums and if you're reading Nihal, I would welcome it if you were to revisit this topic on your live call-in discussions given the arrests and the pakistani men being charged. Surely, without doing so you've simply only allowed one side of the discussion to be given airtime.

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Nihal is simply facilitating the discussion. It was the callers (nearly all pakistani men) who were saying those things. Not Nihal. Afterall, it isn't Nihals fault if the Sikh dont call in and give the other side or truth as it were. He is chairing the discussion and therefore can not take sides.

I know Nihal reads these forums and if you're reading Nihal, I would welcome it if you were to revisit this topic on your live call-in discussions given the arrests and the pakistani men being charged. Surely, without doing so you've simply only allowed one side of the discussion to be given airtime.

The debate Nihal had turned in to a talk just "Pakistani Men Going out With/Marrying Sikh Girls" Grooming of children wasn't even mentioned.

Mixed Relationships between adults is nothing like grooming of children.

All the callers were talking about marriages/relationship of Pakistan men and Sikh girls, this is not why the incident took place in Leicester.

When the Pakistani men were calling in talking bout their marriage or Sikh girls friends Nihal should have stopped them, and said the incident in Leicester was to do with Grooming of Children (including Sikh Girls) by Pakistani Men, but he didn't.

Nihal's programme is very anti Sikh, the fact he or The Pakistani callers didnt mention grooming of Sikh girls by Pakistani men just shows they don't acknowledge it

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Answer my question please - can you confirm if the guys who were stabbed up were Paedo groomers or were they randoms?

Not all Pakstani men groom Girls, but most on street groomers are Pakistani.

Urgent attention required: the leicester singhs who stood up against those grooming paedos will be attending Leicester crown court on 1st Feb @ 9am. To all you out there, let's turn up to show our support.

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A question to "Sri-Lankan Nihal", i am calling you "Sri Lankan Nihal" as you always bracket people and now i am bracketing you.

When Muslims are in the news for negative disorder in the UK or negative reporting you calling them "Asian" When its Sikhs you call them Sikhs why is this, i've heard this in your debates and BBC reporting many times.

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Uk sikh sangat seriously needed a strong political voice and presence who can raise such issues and introduce laws. Oversmart such low class people by putting strict law against their evil actions. I don't find any reason why such laws concerning child safety won't pass by public. That is the only most effective way to do things in this age.

However respect to those who did something rather than people like me sitting on couch and let things do on their own.

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lol if only it was that simple.

There is legislation and laws against this. But that doesnt mean anyone in power cares.

Britain has a history of secret societies who love sexual exploitation and using sex to reinforce the class system. Sexual exploitation also took place in their colonies, including Punjab whether we like to admit it or not. Muslims coming here and doing this is excused because if it was stopped it would draw light onto the depravities that take place in white society. Many well to do middle class men in England travel abroad to abuse children in places like Thailand/Vietnam/India etc. Many of them have positions of responsibility in the very institutions that should stop this - but what do you think they do for the rest of the year when they arent on holiday?

If a Sikh leader even broached this subject, most people would pay lip service, drag up Islamophobia or play it off as 'Sikhs being stupid'.

If you dont believe me about what Britain really is like, watch this video and then tell me if the parallels arent there:

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