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Afghanistan Sikhs, Already Marginalized, Are Pushed To Brink.


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But it is what is abhorrent to Islam, that the muslims try to control/destroy.

It isnt just cremation, it's also jhatka. The muslims wherever they were in majority in panjab, tried to force sikhs to stop doing jhatka, as they found it abhorent to their religion.

the crux of the problem, is that Islam gives the beleiver the notion that he is superior to infidels and can do what he likes, with the infidels. This reasoniong comes from the Koran.

"who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah or rejects his signs?" surah 6, 21.

if the Koran is the word of God, then people not submitting to Islam, will always be looked down upon by the beleivers, in Islam. By cremating or doing jhatka, there is a belief which feels that Sikhs are going against Allah.

If Allah says bury/halal, and we say no, this is our way, then we are saying Allah is lying, according to muslims.

The verse you quoted has completely different meaning/context but leaving that aside, I can understand that Jhatka thing. For a Muslim, non-slaughtered meat is 'haram', so Muslims will try to have hala/slaughtered meat instead of Jhatka...Now if an area is Muslim-majority, obviously majority of the residents of that area will demand halal/slaughtered meat..I fail to understand the bad thing here? Or am I missing something?

If there is a Sikh meat-seller doing business in a Muslim-majority area..then offcourse residents will say "Hey man...can you slaughter your meat while giving to us instead of Jhatka"..there is a way to say thing..disrespectfully 'forcing' this on others is wrong..if that happened..then its wrong obviously..

Regarding cremation...Muslims look down upon it..but don't stop Hindus/Sikhs from doing it. Stop linking the actions of one extremist group with Islam...Talibans used to beat up Muslims if they didn't had bear of certain size..blame it on Islam too? lol...

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The logic of Islam and Abrahamic burial system is that one day they want to see the whole world as one big cemetry.

Cremation pre-dates Hinduism and is the most logical and equal way of returning the departed to the Earth rather than platinum plated tombstones for the rich and a cross made out of sticks for the poor

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Any credible source?

Afghan Sikhs

This is a criminal act under Islamic Law and punishment for such horrendous crime would be death penalty.

Hardly bro ...

Muslims are free to have sex with those slavegirls (or modern equivalents who there right hands possess ... such as grooming victims or kaffir girls in areas of Sharia Law)

The Holy Quran 4.24

Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess. Thus has Allâh ordained for you.

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Regarding cremation...Muslims look down upon it.

Burning bodies is a punishment reserved by, and only by, Allah, you put it extremely midly when you say the above.

...but don't stop Hindus/Sikhs from doing it.

now thats just fanciful thinking.

If there are muslims doing something as wrong as forcing their beleiefs on others, you will not find any muslim wiling to stand up for the kafirs and say to the perseucuters " To them their path and to me mine..." as muslims like to preach this line so much.

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If there are muslims doing something as wrong as forcing their beleiefs on others, you will not find any muslim wiling to stand up for the kafirs and say to the perseucuters " To them their path and to me mine..." as muslims like to preach this line so much.

You smashed it veer, this is another question I have and which enrages many non-Muslims.

Whenever there is an act of terror committed by Islamic fundamentalists, no matter what part of the world it is, no matter how many get killed, we have tons of Muslims coming out and saying "Islam is the religion of peace", but how many of these moderate/rational/modern Muslims seriously condemn these acts of terror or these terrorists? I repeat, how many? How many actually extend their sympathies to those who lost their innocent loved ones to a terrorist attack? These moderate/rational/modern Muslims are equally at fault if they don't call a spade a spade. Why don't you have rallies on the streets of UK or other European/Western countries condemning these terrorists who are massacring innocents under the flag of Islam? Why don't you announce that you will excommunicate anyone who quotes the Quran and kills innocents? Why don't you disown all of Taliban, Al Qaeda and all such terror outfits and brand them as Kafirs? WHY?!?!

Don't you guys feel ashamed when someone says "Every terrorist is a Muslim, but every Muslim is not a terrorist", thereby equating you guys (to some degree) with those monsters?

Pakistani Punjabi bro, do you have any genuine statistics from authentic sources to prove me wrong? Because trust me, this is the one time I really look forward to being proven wrong! Also please don't turn around and throw the question back at me. No matter how much someone hates Sikhs, they have no proof of Sikhs quoting Gurbani to justify the killing innocent non-Sikhs. In the case of Islamic fundamentalists it is religion that is projected as a justification to kill.

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Regarding cremation...Muslims look down upon it..but don't stop Hindus/Sikhs from doing it. Stop linking the actions of one extremist group with Islam...Talibans used to beat up Muslims if they didn't had bear of certain size..blame it on Islam too? lol...

Brother, that's the problem with the way Muslims think. When they look down upon something. You or anyone else is not God and so should not look down upon anyone else's religious practices. It is this type of "looking down upon" attitude which makes religious persecution acceptable in Islamic countries. Live and let live! if someone wants to cremate let them, if someone wants to eat something that is not cut Halal method let them, if someone wants to change their religion let them. Let only God be the judge.

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You smashed it veer, this is another question I have and which enrages many non-Muslims.

Whenever there is an act of terror committed by Islamic fundamentalists, no matter what part of the world it is, no matter how many get killed, we have tons of Muslims coming out and saying "Islam is the religion of peace", but how many of these moderate/rational/modern Muslims seriously condemn these acts of terror or these terrorists? I repeat, how many? How many actually extend their sympathies to those who lost their innocent loved ones to a terrorist attack? These moderate/rational/modern Muslims are equally at fault if they don't call a spade a spade. Why don't you have rallies on the streets of UK or other European/Western countries condemning these terrorists who are massacring innocents under the flag of Islam? Why don't you announce that you will excommunicate anyone who quotes the Quran and kills innocents? Why don't you disown all of Taliban, Al Qaeda and all such terror outfits and brand them as Kafirs? WHY?!?!

Don't you guys feel ashamed when someone says "Every terrorist is a Muslim, but every Muslim is not a terrorist", thereby equating you guys (to some degree) with those monsters?

Pakistani Punjabi bro, do you have any genuine statistics from authentic sources to prove me wrong? Because trust me, this is the one time I really look forward to being proven wrong! Also please don't turn around and throw the question back at me. No matter how much someone hates Sikhs, they have no proof of Sikhs quoting Gurbani to justify the killing innocent non-Sikhs. In the case of Islamic fundamentalists it is religion that is projected as a justification to kill.

Veer ji, what you don't understand is that unlike Catholicism, Islam does not have any unified authority that can give rulings for all 1.6 billion+ Muslims....so this makes it harder for Muslims to deal with this situation..I mean, if Muslims had a pope, then it'd be easier..that Muslim authority would've said "Al Qaeda are takfiris, and not Muslims" and boom! game over. Al Qaeda fighters would've left their leadership and no Muslim nation would even think of giving these beasts any refuge. But now, when Muslim Scholars, leaders give fatwas against Al Qaeda guys...Al Qaeda followers just laugh and say "Who told you that we care about your fatwa? We follow Islam, you don't" ..You see the problem here?

But coming to your question directly...there are hundreds and hundreds of fatwas of Islamic Scholars against terrorism, Al Qaeda etc..but Western media won't show them..b/c thats not the news you know..Media needs sensation, not 'facts'...it is a well-known fact!

Here are few examples of Muslims condemning terrorism and terrorist...

"All Muslims ought to be united against all those who terrorize the innocents, and those who permit the killing of non-combatants without a justifiable reason. Islam has declared the spilling of blood and the destruction of property as absolute prohibitions until the Day of Judgment. ... [it is] necessary to apprehend the true perpetrators of these crimes, as well as those who aid and abet them through incitement, financing or other support. They must be brought to justice in an impartial court of law and [punished] appropriately. ... [it is] a duty of Muslims to participate in this effort with all possible means."

Fatwa sanctioned by : Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi, Qatar; Tariq Bishri, Egypt; Muhammad S. Awwa, Egypt; Fahmi Huwaydi, Egypt; Haytham Khayyat, Syria; Shaykh Taha Jabir al-Alwani, U.S.

Do you know who is this guy that I highlighted in red? He is probably the most influential Sunni cleric alive today...NY Times called him "The Global Sheikh" ..His one satellite television show on Al Jazeera has an audience of 40 million!

Source for complete fatwa : http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40545-2001Oct10.html (the article was published in 2001 (October) )

Here is another one..

"Attacking innocent people is not courageous, it is stupid and will be punished on the day of judgement. ... It's not courageous to attack innocent children, women and civilians. It is courageous to protect freedom, it is courageous to defend oneself and not to attack."

Agence France Presse, September 14, 2001

Fatwa by : Shaykh Muhammed Sayyid al-Tantawi, imam of Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, Egypt:

Again, the VERY high-ranking/respected scholar... (Al Azhar is the highest seat of learning in Sunni Islam)

Here is something interesting for you Mehtab ji:

This is a data-base of Muslim Scholars, Sheikhs, Imams, Muslim NGOs, Muslim organizations, and ordinary Muslims condemning terrorism/terrorist...It includes 100+ fatwas, countless statements of condemnation, and other links...You can visit and pick what you wanna look at...Do visit this link


Believe me, this is just one site..there are hundreds of other such sites...Muslims have gone over-board to make sure terrorists do not hijack Islam and Islamic Masses....but Western/global media won't show you this...b/c guess what? It doesn't fit into their "narrative" .....What you might not understand is that Muslims are concerned trillion times more than you are regarding this menace! At the end of the way, you are not directly effected...but our whole culture..our whole way of life..our religion..our religion's image is at stake in this struggle. If global Islam becomes radical, God forbid, then the first victim of it would be Muslims and Islam..We have to protect the faith..the traditional global Islam present in all corners of planet..revealed by God and given to us by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...we CAN NOT let bunch of politically-motivated criminals to hijack it...That is why Muslims, Muslim Scholars, and Islamic intelligentsia have actually gone over-board in making sure that this radical message doesn't become mainstream Islamic thought...

Even today, with all the thrust, wars, destruction, negative propaganda against Islam....only may be 0.0004% of Muslims around the world are 'radical' active fighters against others...Mashallah!

How many members of Al Qaeda are there? Talibans? Combine them and you don't cross 50,000 ... TOTAL number of crazy radical Muslims in whole world is not even 200,000...now, there are 1.65 billion Muslims in the world globally and growing Mashallah! You do the ratio..it comes out as something 0.0004% etc...

Regarding general Muslim population coming out and protesting....Well, there is one of the countless example of it..

12,000 Muslims rally to condemn terrorism done by using the name of their religion...


Or veeray, aeh quality-control kado tak rakhna wa? Menu v thori jayi freedom day davo maharaj :(

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Brother, that's the problem with the way Muslims think. When they look down upon something. You or anyone else is not God and so should not look down upon anyone else's religious practices. It is this type of "looking down upon" attitude which makes religious persecution acceptable in Islamic countries. Live and let live! if someone wants to cremate let them, if someone wants to eat something that is not cut Halal method let them, if someone wants to change their religion let them. Let only God be the judge.

Life is never that simple bruvs. The character you see as 'intolerance'in others can just as easily be found in ourselves.But of course it is human nature to see others as wrong and ourselves as always right. For example we 'look down' on smoking, but a Hindu sadhu in Amritsar might put forward the view that smoking hash is a fundamental part of his religion. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him do it openly in my holy city.

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Life is never that simple bruvs. The character you see as 'intolerance'in others can just as easily be found in ourselves.But of course it is human nature to see others as wrong and ourselves as always right. For example we 'look down' on smoking, but a Hindu sadhu in Amritsar might put forward the view that smoking hash is a fundamental part of his religion. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him do it openly in my holy city.

Sikhs are not known to persecute non Sikhs because they have non Sikh practices. We may disagree with them, but we don't look down upon someone. When is the last time you ever saw a Sikh killing a Hindu Sadhu for smoking hash? Has a Sikh ever prevented a Muslim or Christian from burying their dead? or has a Sikh ever killed another Sikh because he became an apostate?? never!

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Sikhs are not known to persecute non Sikhs because they have non Sikh practices. We may disagree with them, but we don't look down upon someone.

Speak for yourself. I look down on all smokers. In fact not only we Sikhs, but society norms do too in this day and age. In fact, in terms of 'persecuting' them, mainstream feeling in society is to deny them access to the NHS etc.

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