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Sikhism And Adam+Eve


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muslims and christians believe the world comes from adam and eve and they were made from clay. What does sikhi say about this? Don't we believe in evolution and millions of life forms? This question has been on my mind for some time. Sikhs have told me we do come from clay so this is why im confused.

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There is actually more to it than you realise. In fact, not even todays bible bashers realise what the true significances of bible stories were. This is because the bible has been repeatedly adulterated over the centuries by Kings and rulers in power.

In effect, there is No True christian religion in line with what was thousands of years ago.

What really scares me is that christinaity has been tampered with over the few thousand years, yet it is still very much alive and kicking today. Whereas, we have our sikhi that has been divided and and tampered in different ways over just a few hundred years and look where we are today ??

We are at a stage, where we all have to make the extra effort to try and keep it together.

It scares me to think what and where sikhi would be in another thousand years ??

With regards to Adam and Eve, you should think about what actually was the serpent representing ?

What was the apple representing ?

Or better still, what does the serpent represent in bani ?

(Not endorsing anyone's work...just my thinking!)

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There is actually more to it than you realise. In fact, not even todays bible bashers realise what the true significances of bible stories were. This is because the bible has been repeatedly adulterated over the centuries by Kings and rulers in power.

In effect, there is No True christian religion in line with what was thousands of years ago.

What really scares me is that christinaity has been tampered with over the few thousand years, yet it is still very much alive and kicking today. Whereas, we have our sikhi that has been divided and and tampered in different ways over just a few hundred years and look where we are today ??

We are at a stage, where we all have to make the extra effort to try and keep it together.

It scares me to think what and where sikhi would be in another thousand years ??

With regards to Adam and Eve, you should think about what actually was the serpent representing ?

What was the apple representing ?

Or better still, what does the serpent represent in bani ?

(Not endorsing anyone's work...just my thinking!)

The serpent represented devil/satan who got Adam and Eve thrown out of Garden of Eden (heaven). As I said in my post before that per Abrahamic mythology devil is tempting or better competing with GOD to drag human soul in hell where everlasting fires/torture is inflicted on a soul. Now GOD can actually loose a human soul to devil. Please!!! What a load of BS. Their religion is total exploiting FEAR factor in humans. Also not to mention because of Adam and Eve's original sin, we are somehow carrier of that sin to be redeemed by their savior. Exploiting GUILT!!!!!!

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The serpent represented devil/satan who got Adam and Eve thrown out of Garden of Eden (heaven). As I said in my post before that per Abrahamic mythology devil is tempting or better competing with GOD to drag human soul in hell where everlasting fires/torture is inflicted on a soul. Now GOD can actually loose a human soul to devil. Please!!! What a load of BS. Their religion is total exploiting FEAR factor in humans. Also not to mention because of Adam and Eve's original sin, we are somehow carrier of that sin to be redeemed by their savior. Exploiting GUILT!!!!!!

Respected Scaliji,

Instead of calling my post bulls**t, why don't you read carefully what i wrote ?

Did i mention the devil as being a strong enough entity as God ?

I will show the quote from my post that may help you understand what i said, in case you simply misinterpreted it

With regards to Adam and Eve, you should think about what actually was the serpent representing ?

What was the apple representing ?

Or better still, what does the serpent represent in bani ?

(Not endorsing anyone's work...just my thinking!)

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I merely added a few lines for clarification to your post. My BS comment was to the foundation of Abrahamic institutions,not your always valuable post on various topics.

No worries scali. I understand, thanks for explaining.

It just goes to show that most of us mean well on here and sometimes we get misinterpreted and then the issue just sidetracks.

I too, probably came across as if i'm endorsing adam and eve, but i was merely trying to highlight the analogy and similarity that SHOULD exist in the real interpretations as far as i understand.

No harm, no offense and Waheguru bless.

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