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Rss Leader Mohan Bhagwat Justifies ‘Ghar Wapsi’, Says Will Bring Back Our Brothers Who Have Lost Their Way


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The RSS parent body of the BJP have officially stated India is Hindu country and all other religions need to convert to Hindus. Even though they mention Muslims and Christians for conversion the RSS feel they have enough of a grip over Sikhs to call them Hindu already. Many of the cults and sanatan Nihangs, Sikh organisations under there control and follow the RSS orders. The bad thing is that only a small number of Sikhs have woken up to this serious threat.


RSS leader Mohan Bhagwat justifies ghar wapsi, says will bring back our brothers who have lost their way

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat at a religious event in Haridwar on Friday. (PTI Photo)RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat at a religious event in Haridwar. (PTI Photo)

Written by Madhuparna Das | Kolkata | Posted: December 21, 2014 4:40 am | Updated: December 21, 2014 10:21 am

Justifying the ghar wapsi (reconversion) campaign of Sangh affiliates, RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat said Saturday that those opposed to religious conversion should agree to bring in a law against the practice. Without naming Islam or Christianity, he said we will bring back our brothers who have lost their way and belongings stolen by a thief. He also called India a Hindu Rashtra.

Addressing a Virat Hindu Sammelan in Kolkata to mark the golden jubilee of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bhagwat said: Hindus do not believe in conversion. If anyone fears that Hindus are resorting to conversion, let there be a legislation in Parliament to stop this practice. Hindus do not want to change anybody. If you do not want anybody to convert, then do not convert Hindus too.

Referring to ghar wapsi, he said: Bhule bhatke jo bhai gaye hain, unko wapas layenge. Woh log apne aap nahin gaye, unko loot kar, lalach de kar le kar gaye Abhi chor pakda gaya hai. Mera maal chor ke paas hai. Aur yeh duniya jaanti hai. Mein apna maal wapas loonga, yeh kaunsi badi baat hai (We will bring back our brothers who have lost their way. They did not go on their own. They were robbed, tempted into leaving Now the thief has been caught and the world knows my belongings are with the thief. I will retrieve my belongings, so why is this such a big issue).

Bhagwat told the gathering the world was helpless suffering because of crimes perpetrated from Pakistani soil and by Bangladeshi infiltrators. Only the Hindus, he said, could put a stop to these atrocities.

We should not be scared. Why should we be afraid? We are not infiltrators. We are not foreigners. This is our motherland. This is our country. This is a Hindu Rashtra. We will not run away from our country. We will stay here and we will regain what was lost and stolen from us. We have to stay awake and stay active. The Hindu society is waking up, he said.

Partition in 1947 led to the breaking up of Bharat and creation of Pakistan. But do not think it is permanent. In Pakistan, there is much misery and suffering now. There is some amount of peace and prosperity in Bharat. That is because the Hindus are here and they will emerge stronger to bring welfare to the whole world. If Hindus are not there, every community in the world will suffer, Bhagwat said, adding you will witness the change as Hindus rise.

Earlier, Pravin Togadia of the VHP mounted an attack on Muslim infiltrators and said Hindus should practice Hinduism to survive the Islamic onslaught.

Not one Hindu should be allowed to be converted. My appeal to leaders like Mulayamji (SPs Mulayam Singh Yadav) is that if they do not support conversion, continued

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw

vwihgurU jI kI Piqh

Guru pyario they can try all they want but they will never succeed in destroying the Sikh Panth. Sikhs are only getting beat down because of internal threats. Organizations like RSS cannot stand in front of a united Khalsa. It's all in Guru Sahibs hands. Guru Sahib kirpa karan.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw

vwihgurU jI kI Piqh

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If Sikhs are united, no one can even touch us. That is why GOI has planted their assets like the Kala Afghanist lobby and missionaries to play the role of dividing the Sikhs on issues so Sikhs will fight with each other instead of uniting and fighting for the Panthic cause. We need to realize their game of divide and rule policy. Since the fall of the Khalistan movement these GOI assets have divided the Panth by questioning authentic Sikh traditions, Dasam Bani, Bikrami Calendar. They question everything that Sikhs hold near and dear. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not let their agents divide us any longer.

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I propose antipanthic activities be highlighted asap and investigated as a matter of urgency ANY individual proven to hold questionable motivation be suspended from position of importance/currently held and they are denounced once the full investigation confirms they are anti sikh agents...NO MATTER WHO...if that person is such ALL sikhs will cease to have anything to do with them or their families no ristey no nothing. If they have stolen from Guru ji they will pay every penny back even if they become be-ghar

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Those who are being forced to convert back were Scheduled Castes earlier who converted to Christianity as a result of centuries of practice of Manu Code of conduct.

If Mohan Bhagwat justifies these people's "Ghar Wapsi", can he also explain which Ghar they are returning back to? Will they be Scheduled Castes again and denied Hindu Temple Entry?

These people when they were Christian's were allowed entry to Churches and were able to read Bible, when Muslims were allowed entry to Mosques and were able to read Koran.

Will they be able to enter Hindu Temples and recite Vedas?

Will these GHAR VAAPSI people be allowed to recite Smritis, MANU Smriti, Shastras, Vedas?

Will these people be allowed to recite Ramayana, Geeta?

Will these people be allowed to learn Sanskrit?

I am using the word reciting and not preaching or teaching.

Will these people be able to touch a Brahmin in Hindu temples? Will these people be allowed to eat in the same row sitting with Brahmins in Hindu temples?

Will these people be allowed to do Aarti in Hindu temples? Will these people be allowed to do "Ganga Snan" at the same GHAT as Brahmins?

IF NOT, then what is this "GHAR VAAPSI"?

Is it bringing them back to their "Low Caste Ghar" so that High Castes can be justified?

Is it bringing them back to their "Low Caste Ghar" so that MANU Code of conduct can be re started.

It is pathetic to see RSS and its political outfit BJP going back to the concept of practising Manu code of conduct. They need more Low Castes back as they can't practise Manu Smriti without sufficient low castes back who have over the ages converted to Christianity/Islam/Buddhism etc.

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these guys need to become Sikhs so they go to the top of the rung by becoming pooran manukhs i.e. Khalsa there are so many bodies in those lower castes that easily they would overwhelm the Hindu mat wale , but first we as a kaum need to boot out peeps who try to introduce hindu caste system mentality through the backdoor into our Gurudwarey ...I remember sakhi about Bhai Randhir Singh standing up for GUrsikhs who were being discriminated against in Darbar Sahib ... we need to be like him fiercely pro ALL GURSIKHS

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With Christians and Muslims, the RSS will take direct Panga by trying to convert them in their Ghar Vapsi program. But with Sikhs they know not to take direct Panga because that will provoke Sikhs into forming unity because when Sikhs see clear danger ahead then we forget all our differences and unite. So they will attack us covertly by infiltrating our ranks with heretics whose work will be to cause confusion and break Sikhs from their traditions. They will attack our roots, traditions such as Bikrami calander, our Bani, specifically the Bir-Rassi Bani of Guru Gobind Singh Jee which gives us our martial spirit and Nyarapan(uniqueness).

In the recent Past due to the Badnaami of these heretics they were lying low and not making any noise. But now they have again started with their old games by attacking Bikrami calendar. We need to be extra vigilant this time and not let these heretics succeed with their unholy plans.

RSS links with these heretics:


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(Reuters) - The head of India's most powerful Hindu group vowed to press ahead with a campaign to convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism, stoking a sensitive debate that has stalled parliament and threatened Prime Minister Narendra Modi's economic reform agenda.

Mohan Bhagwat of the right-wing Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh, which is also the ideological wing of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), said India was a "Hindu nation" where many Hindus had been forcibly converted to other religions.

"We will bring back those who have lost their way. They did not go on their own," Bhagwat said in a speech late on Saturday. "They were lured into leaving."

Bhagwat's comments came after BJP said it did not support forced religious conversions and called for an anti-conversion law.

India's 1.2 billion people are predominantly Hindus but there are also about 160 million Muslims and a small proportion of Christians.

Modi is under fire for being slow to rein in hardline affiliate groups that have been accused of promoting a Hindu-dominant agenda that includes luring Muslims and Christians to convert to Hinduism.

This month, a group of Muslims complained that they had been tricked into attending a conversion ceremony by Hindu groups, while a Hindu priest-turned-lawmaker of the ruling party planned a conversion ceremony on Christmas Day, although it was cancelled after the prime minister intervened.

Supporters define such events as a "homecoming", saying that families signing up for the ceremonies were originally Hindus.

"We don't want to convert anybody ... but then Hindus should also not be converted," Bhagwat said, adding that those who do not support religious conversions should bring in a law against it.

Bhagwat's comments are likely to further irk opposition parties that have disrupted parliament over the conversion issue, demanding that the prime minister himself make a statement on the issue in the upper house.

Although Modi has privately warned lawmakers in his party to back off from controversial issues such as the conversion campaign, he has so far not made any official statement on the subject, leaving it to colleagues to fend off criticism.

(Reporting by Aditya Kalra; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani and Edmund Klamann)

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Now their hidden agenda is coming out , all these years they , RSS , have been saying that word hindu is all inclusive for people living in India , and it implies the cultural unity and people living here are all hindu chrisitians , hindu muhammedans etc , the word HINDU inplying cultural & geographical meanings . And now they are calling Ghar wapasi for musalmaans & christians of iIndia . Meaning whatever they said earlier was rather lie , or more politely speaking intentions disguised in softer words .

I do not think they will , but if sucess comes their way ( I doubt it, there are more chances that they wouldn't) they will not stop there , next they come down on indigenous faiths i e Khalsa , Jainis & buddists , they already do not recognise pagan faiths ( the beliefs of indigenous ppl called Adivasis ) . So we have to be prepared for that time , Alas our leadership (if there is any )is still sleeping

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