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Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Meets Let Terrorist Hafiz Saeed


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And yet despite such a Balidaan by loyal Sikh soldiers, the Indian government (congress and bjp) have not punished the perpetrators of the Sikh genocide in 84. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Bro you have to understand this simple point. It is 84 genocide and the subsequent denial of justice which is fueling the seperatists feelings among Sikhs. Muslim Pakistanis who have a cold war with Hindus will of course be more than happy to take advantage of the situation. You cant blame them. They are only doing what any rival nation would do.

Take the recent example. How many Hindu intellectuals and achievers are returning their awards because they feel Indian Muslims are being discriminated. Yet how many Hindu intellectuals and achievers returned their awards when Sikhs were being dragged out of their cars and homes and being butchered in front of their mothers and wives? None. So for Hindus, Indian Muslims matter more than Sikhs.

The question is then why does the Hindu value the Indian Muslim over the Sikh despite all the sacrifices that Sikhs have made.

I guess the expression " Those that bites the hand that feeds them often lick the boots that kick them" comes into play with the Hindu mindset.

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And yet despite such a Balidaan by loyal Sikh soldiers, the Indian government (congress and bjp) have not punished the perpetrators of the Sikh genocide in 84. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Bro you have to understand this simple point. It is 84 genocide and the subsequent denial of justice which is fueling the seperatists feelings among Sikhs. Muslim Pakistanis who have a cold war with Hindus will of course be more than happy to take advantage of the situation. You cant blame them. They are only doing what any rival nation would do.

Take the recent example. How many Hindu intellectuals and achievers are returning their awards because they feel Indian Muslims are being discriminated. Yet how many Hindu intellectuals and achievers returned their awards when Sikhs were being dragged out of their cars and homes and being butchered in front of their mothers and wives? None. So for Hindus, Indian Muslims matter more than Sikhs.

Scamgress & khangress have obliterated all the proofs... They own judiciary. Modi govt or any govt cant even shake the lutyen infrastructure built by Gandhi family with support of media channels and masses of left liberal intellectuals

Brother---Dont call them intellectuals hindus---- They are leftists,darbabis of congress. Most of these hindu named intellectuals hate Hinduism and have already declared India as home to hindu taliban.

IF hindus taliban modi govt is so evil then why are Sikhs,Buddhists,Jains,Parsis not complaining?? The law and order situation in Punjab is not related to Modi govt!

Darbaris aim is to support their godfather.. Over 1 death of muslims, they maligned entire nation for sake of their queen sonia and pappu son

We asked those fake intellectuals same question..Why didnt anyone of them return any award once 5000 Sikhs were massacred in Delhi.

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Hindus have their priorities all mixed. They return their awards for Indian Muslims who cheer for Pakistan during a cricket match. They give crores in Hajj Subsidies to Indian Muslims to go on a pilgrimage yet loyalty of Indian muslims largely remains a question mark. But Sikhs who have always stood with Hindus during tough times get a genocide in return. No Indian Hindus returned their awards at the lack of justice which Sikhs have been demanding for the past 30 years. Sikhs show their loyalty to their friends with their blood.

Which world do you live in?? Hindus gave up religion long away... Those 40-100 people who have hindu name & returned their award; are left liberals and hardcore anti hindu.. Real hindus support Sikhs over blood sucking muslims.. The muslims population have gone up from 9 % to 15% in 70 yrs while Sikh % has marginally come down.

Please see on twitter and u will find most hindu supporting Sikhism. IF you are active on social media then u will know that Hindus supporters are the only one who talk about 1984 massacre and raised sikh population % decline.

Muslims of India openly practice shariah law. Indian liberals, congress party divided and ruled Hindus. now they have full support of muslim.. Muslims are playing their own game.. Their population growth is 2 times than Hindus.

Once congress mafia and opposition cried over intolerance then real hindus showed them mirron over Sikh massacre. We protested in delhi but media is on the side of leftist pro islamist opposition.

Modi couldnt evn get sonia gandhi and her papppoo son arrested in 4000 crore national herald scam. Sonia have destroyed judiciary in last 10yrs.. 80% of the judges are in their pocket...

Once their nos grow up they will soon start force converting hindus and demand separate country for Muslims.. Unlike mslims, Sikhism is religion of our land.

Let me be precise- For So called hindu named leftist intellectuals/Darbaris Gandhi family means everything....They will never raise any question against congress, no matter they carry out 100 massacres like 1984.

Hindu named intellectuals who are hindu for name sake have given us name like Hindu taliban, Hindu terrorist & have equated RSS with ISIS. 1 lynch which happened due to a feud in village was enough to judge all hindus as terrorist.

But despite, 100000 of ISIS killing and 100-1000 ISIS supporters in India ; Islam is religion of peace!

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punjab never was part of india. Punjab has always been a different civilization. Why do bengalis get their own country? Get to excel in their language religion etc? Sikhs wouldnt mind being part of india if you guys actually treated us as we should be treated, not to brainwash the mass into fighting their own e.g sikhs in the indian army 1984. Whats so wrong with sikhs having khalistan? Do we not deserve it after what we have done to save hindu women for centuries? Why not let sikhs practice their religion freely with their own government, with rules on who can migrate and not turn punjab into a hindu state. Why do you push hindi language on us? We dont want our future generations to take up hindi over punjabi, punjabi language has been in our blood for generations. This is why we dont wana be part of india and we will fight for our right to self determination. After all if you think sikhs are so loving, why not do a vote in punjab with sikhs and see how many want independence. Im taking about a fair vote with no corruption or force on people, let people think freely, after all india is a 'democracy' right? India use sikhs as puppets, theres 0 respect for them. Everyone knows without sikhs indian army would be nothing. Kashmir also had a muslim majority state, if india is so free, why not give them a referedum as well? So you see, india is still a hindu country and it is only going to get worse.. you see can the hindu fanticals rising in india right now, india is a ticking time bomb. if you are so against congress why dont you do something about it rather than seeing them kill sikhs that you love so much? Actions speak louder than words.

And for everything islam can be peaceful. Look at nakana sahib in pakistan, its being looked after by pakistani muslims. No tanks have ever entered it and no mass killings have ever been done by muslim civilians, only taliban. Unlike delhi where hindu mobs rape girls and kill sikhs!

ive never seen hindus respect sikhism as a belief on twitter, or apoligise for 84, or back kahlistan, ive only ever seen this from paki muslims. Why cant we have kahlistan i dont get it? If you love sikhs cant u let it prosper and grow freely away from congress and bjp gov?

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Tell me, why did Indian Govt deny rights to Sikhs but even gave special status to J&K besides already Muslims getting Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Why no one returned awards or protested en masse when Sikhs were killed but hundreds of filmmakers, writers, artists, scientists etc returned their awards and wrote to President after killing of just 1 Muslim in Dadri?

Why are you Hindus so defensive and caring for Muslims? Forgot all history of barbaric invasions, dishonouring of our women, slaughter of children and loot of our land?

I was shocked to see Indian media and journos defend Aurangzeb and insult Sikh Gurus also when that Aurangzeb road was renamed earlier this year in Delhi!

Your Hindu historians like Ramachandra Guha eulogise Mughals but called the great Maharaja Ranjit Singh a mere local, tribal chieftain!!

They keep talking of 2002 and killing of few Muslims in Gujarat but never ever talk of human rights or justice for lakhs of Sikhs who were killed! I see that hypocrisy in media and even on social media.

They call Babri demolition saddest day but glorify attacks on Sikh temples.

Anything happens to a Muslim, they start calling it threat to India's pluralism but they remain indifferent when Sikhs are still subjected to injustice.

I see your media. They never dare to use words like terrorist, radical, hardliner, extremist for Muslims but readily use such words for Sikhs! What hypocrisy is this?

When Muslims commit crime your media does not reveal their identity whereas they write in bold when even a suspect is a Sikh!

When Sikhs wanted to keep their 5 K's the Indian media and Govt used to call them orthodox. Whereas those Muslims are allowed with their Sharia, polygamy, hijaab etc and no one calls them orthodox! Rather their backward <banned word filter activated> is allowed in name of religious freedom and secularism!

One Muslim was killed in fake encounter in Gujarat and your media and human rights orgs shout about it. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed in fake encounters and nobody cares to comment?

When Muslims are jailed your people talk of human rights whereas thousands of Sikhs were held in jails without trial, denied bail, kept in jail even after completing their sentences, but no one raised minority rights or human rights concern for us!

They went bonkers bashing Modi when Muslim girls were not allowed to wear hijaab during PMT exam. But no one said a word when Sikhs were made to remove their turbans and 5 K's!

When that Dinanagar attack happened, even without knowing anything your social media and journos started calling it work of "Sikh terrorists". Barkha Dutt of NDTV also made such tweet. Later it was revealed that terrorists were bloody Muslims from Pakistan and your tweeps went silent. No one even apologised to Sikhs for making wild assumptions about them

When terrorist is a Muslim your media never mentions it. That time you say terror has no religion. Whereas your media calls Sikhs terrorists? What shamelessness is this?

How are killers of Sikhs still roaming free? Why can't your government punish them?

You have power now. Stop blaming Congress. Why can't you punish likes of Tytler?

I have seen your pro BJP channels like Zee News, News X also using words like terrorists for Sikhs whereas you don't dare to use the word Muslim terrorist or Islamic terrorism!

Your Govt does not recognise Sikh marriage act but you recognise Muslims' separate personal laws!

Your media called Sikhs radicals for protesting against desecration of Guru Granth Sahub ji. Whereas if the same had happened to Muslims and their Koran, your media would have sympathised with them and called this threat to secularism!

Secularism and pluralism is just Muslim appeasement in India! You don't treat all religions equally!

Sikhs made so many sacrifices and serve even now (Sikh farmers turned even barren lands into farming success stories down South India) and they believed you Hindus and joined India in 1947. Unlike those Muslims who did everything opposite. But what did Sikhs get in return? Injustice? Killings? Rapes? Burnings? Fake encounters? Jail? Denial of land and water resources? (Punjab's land and water disputes still remain unresolved all due to communal reasons).

Even in movies and TV shows you glorify Khans but either ignore Sikhs or stereotype them as buffoons! Why?

Owaisi gives worse speeches. He threatens Hindus. Yet no one went after him. Whereas you call Sikhs radicals or terrorists at the drop of a hat.

Owaisi said "Ek baar police hataa do phir dekhna hum kya karte hain". Imagine if a Sikh had said something like that! You Indians would have brought army to retaliate!

Modi gave reassurance to Muslims and Christians last year. Why did he not give reassurance to Sikhs after Behbal Kalan incident and incidents of SGGS desecration? Why are killers of innocent Sikhs in Behbal Kalan still not punished? Had the same incident happened with a Muslim your media would be up in arms!

Your Rajiv Gandhi had blacklisted even innocent Sikhs abroad and barred them from visiting India forever. You never barred Muslims! Why will Sikhs not protest against India then?

Modi has also refused to lift the blacklist. His Govt is also not probing fake encounters of Sikhs despite revelations made by cops themselves.

How are you different from "Khangress"?

Had you Hindus honoured sacrifices of Sikhs and kept promises made to Sikhs, had your Govt been fair to them then things would be different.

Your media, social media, Govt, judiciary, all are biased against Sikhs.

Infact you do not even teach Sikh history at schools and your textbooks are full of Muslim rubbish. Even in TV shows you keep making shows on Muslim kings and queens but not a great king like Maharaja Ranjit Singh! Your popular culture is also all about Hindus and Muslims.

Your journos dare not say a word on Muslims or their Prophet but journos like Shekhar Gupta have even insulted Sikh Gurus and martyrs in their articles.

You mock Sikhs, made jokes on them and now when they want a ban you call them names whereas you never dare to make jokes on a Muslim!

Just look at yourself! I am amused why you don't give real minority rights to Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists who are actual minorities but go bonkers over Muslims. Infact minority rights, human rights, secularism seems to imply Muslim jaap in India!

Why do you have such special affinity for Muslims, their religion, customs and freedom but not for others?

You still have even cities named after a barbarian like Aurangzeb (Aurangabad!).

Pakistan is literally erasing Sikh and Hindu heritage, shamelessly. Whereas in India you cry even if a barbarian's name is removed from a road.

You're funny. That Rajiv Gandhi has not only Sikh genocide but also Bofors, Bhopal Gas leak tragedy and many other high profile scandals to his name. Still you named so many roads and institutions after him and even a National law university in Punjab is named after him! Ironic how a law uni in Punjab is named after killer of Sikhs!

Hindus never had to ask for their rights under Sikh rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They were treated equally. But what did Hindus do when you got power in 1947? Denied rights to Sikhs?

Do you even know how Sikhs were maligned, how they were discriminated against, denied their rights and how public sentiment was aroused against Sikhs?

You blame Congress but will you tell me why did you Hindus reward Rajiv with a record victory in 1984 elections? Why did you keep voting Congress?

Don't pretend to blame Congress now. You guys gave them power for so long. Who else did?

Even now your Modi Govt is not helping Sikhs. Why did Sushma Swaraj take no step when Sikh workers disappeared in Iraq? Why is GOI not helping bring back dead body of Sikh man killed in Philippines despite so many requests by his family? You take prompt action if something happens to Hindus working abroad!

Clear up your bias first. Then talk.

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and what about other deaths? Atleast pakistan recognise sikhs as a separate religion, india cant even do that. I got more respect for pak punjabis than your lot.

While I agree with you on India, I disagree on Pakistan.

Just read reports on Pakistan newspapers like Dawn and Express Tribune.

Sikhs are treated like second class citizens there. The Sikh empire heritage is also either destroyed or rotting and is in dire need of preservation. Sikhs have no political representation there either.

Forced conversions and kidnapping of Sikh girls is reported. Last year Sikh men were also beheaded by Muslim extremists.

Pakistanis seem to support Sikhs online because they are India's rivals and they are still pissed about India breaking Pakistan and helping create Bangladesh.

Pakistanis are not reliable. Their Govt gave details of Sikh freedom fighters to Rajiv Gandhi.

Nobody can ever count on a Paki.

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While I agree with you on India, I disagree on Pakistan.

Just read reports on Pakistan newspapers like Dawn and Express Tribune.

Sikhs are treated like second class citizens there. The Sikh empire heritage is also either destroyed or rotting and is in dire need of preservation. Sikhs have no political representation there either.

Forced conversions and kidnapping of Sikh girls is reported. Last year Sikh men were also beheaded by Muslim extremists.

Pakistanis seem to support Sikhs online because they are India's rivals and they are still pissed about India breaking Pakistan and helping create Bangladesh.

Pakistanis are not reliable. Their Govt gave details of Sikh freedom fighters to Rajiv Gandhi.

Nobody can ever count on a Paki.

hmm ive been told differently. Some paks even say nankana sahib belongs to khalistan etc and they would give it away, dont know how true this would be if it came to it, but ive heard it said from a lot of punjab paks. They even say come to pakistan and we'll show you how well you get treated there... So not really sure whether to believe the newspapers. After all, a lot of afghan sikhs have settlled in kpk area of pakistan and are quite happy there. In regards to bhutto giving away details yes I believe a lot of paks were against this and didnt like her, hence her assassination.

TBF a lot of paks in the uk dont come from punjab they come form kashmir, and people assume all paks are like the ones which are in the UK. Which i disagree on cos people from lahore got a lot more respect for us, the ones who talk same language and share same surnames etc etc.

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You do not believe their own newspapers? Or the newspapers of minorities in Pakistan?

Sikhs have been killed in KPK. They are not exactly fine there.

Sikhs have separate glasses and utensils be it at schools or colleges.

Pakistani Muslims are bound to tell different stories so to tap into rivalry and anger against India. And if you are talking about Kashmir then ones from there are even more likely to paint different picture since anti India sentiment is highest there for obvious reasons.

Look at these reports:

Killings of Sikhs in Pakistan forcing them to flee homes http://thediplomat.com/2014/09/the-killing-of-the-sikhs/

Pakistan Sikhs live under constant threat http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0HS0U220141003

Pakistan Sikhs in dark ages of persecution http://www.ipsnews.net/2014/11/pakistani-sikhs-back-in-the-dark-ages-of-religious-persecution/

The Sikhs of Nankana Sahib: Life under shadow of towering hate http://www.dawn.com/news/1025160/day-3-the-sikhs-of-nankana-sahab

Don't go by just what a Paki or Kashmiri tells you.

I know people who have gone there for yatra and even they confirm how hatred and hostility are evident against Sikhs in Pakistan and recollect ill treatment and being treated like outcastes even at dhabas.

Read firsthand accounts from Pakistani newapapers yourself to know how "well" Sikhs are treated there. They have no political representation. They have been requesting for atleast one holiday on Gurpurab and recognition of one religious festival (Gurpurab) but even that has not been granted there.

I am not proud of India or something but Sikhs have it far better in India, compared to Islamic countries like Pakistan!

It is outlandish to assume Pakistan is better or even any good for Sikhs.

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Tell me, why did Indian Govt deny rights to Sikhs but even gave special status to J&K besides already Muslims getting Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Why no one returned awards or protested en masse when Sikhs were killed but hundreds of filmmakers, writers, artists, scientists etc returned their awards and wrote to President after killing of just 1 Muslim in Dadri?

Why are you Hindus so defensive and caring for Muslims? Forgot all history of barbaric invasions, dishonouring of our women, slaughter of children and loot of our land?

I was shocked to see Indian media and journos defend Aurangzeb and insult Sikh Gurus also when that Aurangzeb road was renamed earlier this year in Delhi!

Your Hindu historians like Ramachandra Guha eulogise Mughals but called the great Maharaja Ranjit Singh a mere local, tribal chieftain!!

They keep talking of 2002 and killing of few Muslims in Gujarat but never ever talk of human rights or justice for lakhs of Sikhs who were killed! I see that hypocrisy in media and even on social media.

They call Babri demolition saddest day but glorify attacks on Sikh temples.

Anything happens to a Muslim, they start calling it threat to India's pluralism but they remain indifferent when Sikhs are still subjected to injustice.

I see your media. They never dare to use words like terrorist, radical, hardliner, extremist for Muslims but readily use such words for Sikhs! What hypocrisy is this?

When Muslims commit crime your media does not reveal their identity whereas they write in bold when even a suspect is a Sikh!

When Sikhs wanted to keep their 5 K's the Indian media and Govt used to call them orthodox. Whereas those Muslims are allowed with their Sharia, polygamy, hijaab etc and no one calls them orthodox! Rather their backward <banned word filter activated> is allowed in name of religious freedom and secularism!

One Muslim was killed in fake encounter in Gujarat and your media and human rights orgs shout about it. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed in fake encounters and nobody cares to comment?

When Muslims are jailed your people talk of human rights whereas thousands of Sikhs were held in jails without trial, denied bail, kept in jail even after completing their sentences, but no one raised minority rights or human rights concern for us!

They went bonkers bashing Modi when Muslim girls were not allowed to wear hijaab during PMT exam. But no one said a word when Sikhs were made to remove their turbans and 5 K's!

When that Dinanagar attack happened, even without knowing anything your social media and journos started calling it work of "Sikh terrorists". Barkha Dutt of NDTV also made such tweet. Later it was revealed that terrorists were bloody Muslims from Pakistan and your tweeps went silent. No one even apologised to Sikhs for making wild assumptions about them

When terrorist is a Muslim your media never mentions it. That time you say terror has no religion. Whereas your media calls Sikhs terrorists? What shamelessness is this?

How are killers of Sikhs still roaming free? Why can't your government punish them?

You have power now. Stop blaming Congress. Why can't you punish likes of Tytler?

I have seen your pro BJP channels like Zee News, News X also using words like terrorists for Sikhs whereas you don't dare to use the word Muslim terrorist or Islamic terrorism!

Your Govt does not recognise Sikh marriage act but you recognise Muslims' separate personal laws!

Your media called Sikhs radicals for protesting against desecration of Guru Granth Sahub ji. Whereas if the same had happened to Muslims and their Koran, your media would have sympathised with them and called this threat to secularism!

Secularism and pluralism is just Muslim appeasement in India! You don't treat all religions equally!

Sikhs made so many sacrifices and serve even now (Sikh farmers turned even barren lands into farming success stories down South India) and they believed you Hindus and joined India in 1947. Unlike those Muslims who did everything opposite. But what did Sikhs get in return? Injustice? Killings? Rapes? Burnings? Fake encounters? Jail? Denial of land and water resources? (Punjab's land and water disputes still remain unresolved all due to communal reasons).

Even in movies and TV shows you glorify Khans but either ignore Sikhs or stereotype them as buffoons! Why?

Owaisi gives worse speeches. He threatens Hindus. Yet no one went after him. Whereas you call Sikhs radicals or terrorists at the drop of a hat.

Owaisi said "Ek baar police hataa do phir dekhna hum kya karte hain". Imagine if a Sikh had said something like that! You Indians would have brought army to retaliate!

Modi gave reassurance to Muslims and Christians last year. Why did he not give reassurance to Sikhs after Behbal Kalan incident and incidents of SGGS desecration? Why are killers of innocent Sikhs in Behbal Kalan still not punished? Had the same incident happened with a Muslim your media would be up in arms!

Your Rajiv Gandhi had blacklisted even innocent Sikhs abroad and barred them from visiting India forever. You never barred Muslims! Why will Sikhs not protest against India then?

Modi has also refused to lift the blacklist. His Govt is also not probing fake encounters of Sikhs despite revelations made by cops themselves.

How are you different from "Khangress"?

Had you Hindus honoured sacrifices of Sikhs and kept promises made to Sikhs, had your Govt been fair to them then things would be different.

Your media, social media, Govt, judiciary, all are biased against Sikhs.

Infact you do not even teach Sikh history at schools and your textbooks are full of Muslim rubbish. Even in TV shows you keep making shows on Muslim kings and queens but not a great king like Maharaja Ranjit Singh! Your popular culture is also all about Hindus and Muslims.

Your journos dare not say a word on Muslims or their Prophet but journos like Shekhar Gupta have even insulted Sikh Gurus and martyrs in their articles.

You mock Sikhs, made jokes on them and now when they want a ban you call them names whereas you never dare to make jokes on a Muslim!

Just look at yourself! I am amused why you don't give real minority rights to Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists who are actual minorities but go bonkers over Muslims. Infact minority rights, human rights, secularism seems to imply Muslim jaap in India!

Why do you have such special affinity for Muslims, their religion, customs and freedom but not for others?

You still have even cities named after a barbarian like Aurangzeb (Aurangabad!).

Pakistan is literally erasing Sikh and Hindu heritage, shamelessly. Whereas in India you cry even if a barbarian's name is removed from a road.

You're funny. That Rajiv Gandhi has not only Sikh genocide but also Bofors, Bhopal Gas leak tragedy and many other high profile scandals to his name. Still you named so many roads and institutions after him and even a National law university in Punjab is named after him! Ironic how a law uni in Punjab is named after killer of Sikhs!

Hindus never had to ask for their rights under Sikh rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They were treated equally. But what did Hindus do when you got power in 1947? Denied rights to Sikhs?

Do you even know how Sikhs were maligned, how they were discriminated against, denied their rights and how public sentiment was aroused against Sikhs?

You blame Congress but will you tell me why did you Hindus reward Rajiv with a record victory in 1984 elections? Why did you keep voting Congress?

Don't pretend to blame Congress now. You guys gave them power for so long. Who else did?

Even now your Modi Govt is not helping Sikhs. Why did Sushma Swaraj take no step when Sikh workers disappeared in Iraq? Why is GOI not helping bring back dead body of Sikh man killed in Philippines despite so many requests by his family? You take prompt action if something happens to Hindus working abroad!

Clear up your bias first. Then talk.

Modi and his party are just 300 people who dont control the pseudo secular pro islamist media,intellectual. I have told you time and again to not call these fiberals as hindus.

Ram chandra guha & all other lefist writer, shekhar gupta are everything but hindu. Leave Sikhs besides, they abuse Hindus 24 X 7 & call us hindu taliban.

Why dont you all read RW tweets. Almost all of the tweets target these darbaris-- As I say again--Modi and his gang are few dozen politicians who cant undo damage of 60 yrs.

Muslims in India have too much power bcoz of leftist, liberal media----Its norm for hindu girl to be raped,force converted but no media house will show those news- Zee news or News X which may be bit pro right wing have just started to involve mullah, radicals in debate along with tarek fatmi..These mullah jihadi openly expose Islam by callking auranzeb and tribal islamist invaders are heros.

U r ryt abot entire opposition targeting modi govt as hindu taliban after we got the terrorist auranzeb name removed. We all know the sacrifice made by Guruteg bahadur.

True Hindus are dhimmis and impotent...The so called hindus sounding rulers in congress and opposition are more muslims than normal muslim of Indians. They will use every opportunity to brandish hindus,sikhs as terrorist & cover up all islamist crime...Well after the radia dutt barkha, labelled the terror attack charges on Sikhs,we trolled her and forced her to retract her tweet..

You can search and find 1000 of tweets warning her to not make fake allegations and give fodder to Pakistani media---


@bdutt took no time to identify terrorist as Sikh in Gurdaspur attack &the terrorist wasn't a Sikh but a jihadi



Dear @BDUTT ...revulsed...so were we when u saw a Sikh militant in gurdaspur attack...

You can search and find RW Hindus trolled her and warned her!!

If Hindus were so powerful then it wont take a govt 70 yrs to rename the terrorist auranzeb name from the delhi road.

Muslims are united as one block..Even the most liberal muslim is pro muslim but all liberal hindu sounding people are hardcore anti hindu.

Why u sikh dont realize that so called elites with hindu sounding name are hardcore anti hindu and they openly profess shariah law...

2 million mullah protested this month and demanded head of RSS/Bajrang dal deal activist who was booked by UP govt under NSA under terrorist act just for abusing muhammad.


So If RSS/Bajrang dal are not able to fight and raise voice freely then how do u expect anyone else to challenge alliance of Islamic fascist & Leftist.

Such is their control over narrative that these anti national bastards have started preaching notion that opposing Pak means opposing Indian muslims--Hence if treat Pak as enemy country then indian muslims will find it intolerant & they will get provoked. If I had power then I would hang all these dhimmis hindus who are Shariah cult worshipper & have been harming Hindu,Sikh interest for 70yrs

Hindus RW support sikhs & want complete trial of tytler and congressi goons who massacred Sikhs but we all know that scamgress have obliterated all proof of genocide...

They own full judiciary...Modi cant destroy rot even if he rubs his nose fro 24 X7 . We support all rights for sikhs including religious rights but we are averse to khalistan and break up of Punjab. ..The time you guys start demanding khalistan, you turn all nationalist as your enemy.Majority of sikhs are happy to remain with India.--Some of you who live abroad are disconnected from ground reality..i can bet that if voting is held, 95-98% will support India.

Its not our fault that mullah own bollywood. Dawood ibrahim, mulla control over bollywood is all gift of liberal, anti hindu corrupt politicians

We have just started boycotting the cult which support love jihad and shows Hindus,sikhs inferior in movie.

The problem in Punjab is related to law and order,corruption of akali dal. Its not right to link them with central govt.

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    • Ik i'm a few (13) years late but basically: Get a single Mal-mal dastar (around 3-5 metres) and starch it. You just whisk 2 ladles of starch (Kershaw's, cornstarch or maida) with around 5 cups of water until it's completely smooth and mix it on low heat flame for around 20 mins until it goes clear and think like water. When this cools off, take a clean but damp turban and soak it into the starch and make sure you coat the whole dastar evenly You leave it out to hang dry in the sun/air. Once dry u can store it in a cool, dry place until you wanna tie it (for about 4 months) Take the dastar, sprinkle some water all throughout the turban to make it slightly wet and just soft enough to tie. Then you and another person hold the dastar at each end to make a stretched rectangle (two people holding one corner in each of their hands). Fold it in half width-wise 3 times. Tie the turban like this quite loosely. The starch will make it tighter as it dries BUT TIE IT STAIGHT ONTO YOUR HEAD. NO MINi-TURBAN BENEATH IT. JUST TIE YOUR FLATTENED JOORA ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD AND THE DASTAR DIRECTLY ON TOP Secure it with pins and wear it on your head until it has dried from the water you sprinkled before the pooni. After it has completely dried (give it around 3-4 hours just to make sure) you take it off your head DO NOT UNWRAP IT TAKE IT OFF IN IT'S SHAPE and the next time you need to wear you can just place it on your head over your flattened joora instead of tying this. You can do this for around 5 months after you first tied it until you have to ever tie it again.
    • I tie a Punjabi style dastar with starch. Why do people hate this so much? Once when I was tying my dastar my neck seized up and the apna doctor said staying in that position daily for more than 5 mins is dangerous. He recommended a starched pagg like his dad. And I respect my pagg more than my life. I put it on the top shelf of my cupboard whenever it isn't on my head, recite Waheguruji da naam whenever I am tying my joora, fifty and when i place the Dastar on my head and I mata thek and kiss  it before I do. And when I do tie it (every 4 months when the starch starts to weaken) I make sure that I pooni and tie it with much love and whilst reciting paath. I get that if someone treats their turban like a hat (eg: throwing it on the floor, cramping it or just disrespecting it) then this is unacceptable but just cos one puts their pagg on their head rather than tying it each time doesn't mean they treat it as such. (and let's be honest, starched or not we've all put our dad's pagg on our head like a hat when we were kids as a joke and meant no disrespect. Intention is everything). Ik Singhs who get angry tying their pagg and start doing maa/phen di gaaliyan, and when they take it off they just throw to the side and wait to tie it again next time. (Also, I'm from a Jat Sikh family so pls don't try to make this about "starched paggs are tarkhan/caste based" or anything stupid like that). PS: I do remember that stupidness in the 90s/early 2000s UK when Sikh men used to have a tiny starched paggs and were completely clean shaven or had a little goatee like Herbie Sahara/ Vijay from achanak. Now THAT was stupid and deserves all the hate but I just mean the concept of a starched dastar whether it's Punjabi Style, Kenyan style or whatever
    • Anyone know how to tie this turban? My Nani's dad tied it, it was starched but i can't work out whether the pooni was kenyan orpunjabi (like folded or an actual pooni). This was very common before partition, and uses a single dastar (not double stitched). Is it js Kenyan pagg with a higher larr?
    • It doesn't matter. What the nihangs did 100 years ago has no relevance today. Because people fight differently now. As a karate black belt, 90% of what we learn is useless, cos it revolves around how people fought 100 years ago. Today, most teenage boys likely to cause fights (at least in the uk) do boxing. But when boxing was really popular, people used to throw punches, hence why the "man to man fist fight" image was there. But now that UFC is popular, people do all sorts like grappling, knees and all (even with no training).  And also, I highly doubt anyone ever attacked a nihang Singh unarmed back then, just by seeing their saroop with shastaraan. What they did do, however, was Loh Mushti but that was more of a sport than a combat system. They definitely would have trained in basic fighting like wrestling and strikes but not a system. Because any good fighter knows that trying to find a "code" to fight by is stupid. But in terms of unarmed fighting, it was rare and probably revolved around disarming an armed attacker (do NOT even attemp to learn that, you will get killed and there's no point even trying to learn).   If you're interested for historical/ preservation purposed then great, but if you want to learn it for self defense or fighting tactics then pls don't, because what worked then won't work now and Nihangs were probably quite limited in hand to hand combat training cos they're armed to the teeth, deterring any unarmed attacker and killing one if they tried to fight
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