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young guys and girls relationship...

randip singh

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so what is kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankaar?
a search in SGGS will answer that.
and are males and females allowed to have relationship with each other before getting married? . i mean liking each other in girlfreind and boyfriend way.

actually i have a friend living with me n shes a sikh not amritdharee just like me. she beleives in sikhism. n she heard that girls and guys are not allowed to love each other before getting maried as in girlfreind and boyfriend. so we were just wondering.....y????

i persoanlly would agree with your freidn because of the fact, a relationship is supposed to be permanent and a happy one. would you like it if someone came to and said "your dumped!" and moved on? course not, no-one would. thats why one must get married and then have the relation. some may say for todays moderns world one has to have a bfriend or a gfriend, but i could say "sure thats needed for todays social world (yeh right) but so is drinking etc, so is that ok, just because its 21st century? of course not!"

she wants to follow sikhi just like me. and she likes a guy and her parents dont know about it. so they usually hide from everyone except me. they go out on a date alot.

but no relationships.

i think i know this person. from birmingham is she? just because others do it, it doesnt mean its right now does it? i say its wrong (i know, i am a bit of a traditionalist ji), personally its wrong because as i said, a relationship is a permanent one. not a temporary one. and it should only be done when one is married.

so if it true that girls and guys are not to have boy/girl friend relationship then y are there sooooo many young sikhs out there amritdharee having relationship in girl/boyfriend way??????????
just because one is amritdhari, it doesnt mean kaam will effect them. i came across a singh who said it was okj to have a gfriend because for todays social needs. but saying that, alot of the things the gurus lived in (i.e. the era) they didnt do what others did socially (not always, like drinking etc). an amritdhari does not go with what others do, but looks as his guru as father. now if his father (or her) found out his son/daughter was having a relation, what would you think he would do?
another thing i wanted to know is wut does Guru Granth Sahib ji say about gay and lesbian people. is that allowed?

i dont think it mentions any


in my personal view i think its wrong. i know that they r also human n have human rights and all dat equal stuff...but i just think its wrong...wuts ur personal view about it?

my opinion, it has nothing to do with you if anyone out there in this world is a gay.. so stay out of others lives and concentrate on yours ji.

gustaphi maaf.

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ADMIN NOTE: Scarface, you are one of the most rude and obnoxious people on this forum in a few months. If you spew any more of your vile hatred and foul anti-Gurmat swear words again, you will be permanently banned. Not only that but we'll hack your computer and replace all of your files with pictures of the Teletubbies. That was a joke. But the rest of this message isn't. WATCH IT !!!!!!! - 8

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Scarface, tell me, do u practice what Sikhi teaches? Coz it was Guru Gobind Singh Ji who came up with logical yet simple hukum.. "When all other means of communication have failed, ONLY then is it righteous to withdraw the sword." so tell me, just by merely KNOWING that there is a gay or lesbian "Sikh" living in ure area wud cause you to beat them to a pulp? MAYBE that person needs education and doesnt know Sikhism's stance on the subject - you would not try to educate them first? And you also class ureself as a SIkh with that opinion? Paaji/penji, we shud be spreading love in this already "hate-filled" world...

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firstly, gay/lesbian people were an accident, and they have no place in this world. as for boyfriend girlfriend relationships, i just have to say that anyone i know that is sikh that lives near me and does this sort of , ill beat them till they are blacker than a tamil. if my brother was to do it, id shoot him :e:

Scarface, you are a testament to the stupidity in the Sikh/Punjabi community.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

always look at everyone as ure sis and bro before marrige


even in marruge, kaam is to be contorolled

kaam is any type of <admin-profanity filter activated> desire

krode is anger

lobh is greed

moh is material attachment

ahankar is ego

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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firstly, gay/lesbian people were an accident, and they have no place in this world. as for boyfriend girlfriend relationships, i just have to say that anyone i know that is sikh that lives near me and does this sort of , ill beat them till they are blacker than a tamil. if my brother was to do it, id shoot him :e:

Scarface, you are a testament to the stupidity in the Sikh/Punjabi community.

your just mad because ur a [ADMIN-CUT!!!]


Consider this a warning pyario.


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LOVE without a physical relationship..

wow, what an interesting concept. I used to think it was ok too, quite awhile ago...

but you forget, MOH is just as bad as KAAM!!

in fact moh entraps you so much, you cant even see it right in front of you eyes, at least you know when you're being a kaami.

guru sahib says ALL LOVE in this world is FALSE.. 100%.. the only TRUE love, that a sikh can call love, is love for god and guru. Guru sahib says any other love is false.

so then guru sahib says love humanity right? yes, but love all people equally BECAUSE all people have god inside them, this is the only reason. But any love of their saroop or body or person or mind is fake. nobody can have real love in this world without selfishness, desire, attachment, kaam, ego etc etc etc...

it may sound cynical to some of you lovey dovey types out there, but if you step back for a moment and think about it from a logical perspective, its true.

guru sahib has said such things that most of society today wont even admit to their truth. guru sahib is way ahead of our times.

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Love for God is constant. God will never cheat on you, God will never leave you, God will never stop loving you.

People cheat on each other, people lie to each other, people say they 'love' someone but that love shatters when they separate on bad terms. When you grow old and your spouse dies, the love is gone. Therefore, the only true love is that of love for God.

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also, regarding gays, frankly, i dont care, they dont hurt me, or effect me..


one cannot be gay or lesbian and be a sikh. why not? simple reason: in sikhi, relationships, kaam is not allowed without marriage. to indulge in it, one becomes a kuraitee or an apostate from sikhi.

anand karaj is ONLY for man and woman (evidenced in various puratan rehatnamas) therefore, one cant be gay and be sikh.


I have known of certain people who had gay thoughts/feelings and have spent/will spend their lives as celibates rather than indulging in kaami behavior, or marrying a spouse of the opposite sex that they would never be attracted to.

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I have a question then, how does one get married these days? Is everyone in this forum suggesting that people should have arranged marriages?

My personal opinion on the matter is that having boyfriends/girlfriends isn't all that bad IF you have the right intentions (ie finding your future partner). If you are just looking for a good time then thats a different case.

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