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help my sister got groomed by a muslim guy on instagram

Guest tina sharma

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Guest tina sharma

Hi I am not sikh but hindu punjabi however I do have Sikh relatives and learning about sikhi online. I came to this forum to ask for advice my older sister whose over 21 now and has run off with a muslim guy of pakistani origin and rumors are that she was pregnant so felt she had to run away and converted to islam for him. She is currently living in a flat on rent with him but she wont tell us where exactly they staying.

We live in a muslim dominated part of the UK where muslims out number non-muslims in schools and colleges and it was at college that she started to secretly date muslim guys but she never told me about this until recently. Recently I found out she was seeing a guy secretly who she had met from instagram, our family isnt very religious but they believe in pundits and babay and go mandir and bhawans time to time. So to find out my sister might have converted to islam is a massive shock for us and has put added trouble in the family where we have got a bad name now in the community. When I last spoke to my sis she said she loved this guy and she wants to marry him. I feel as if I should have stepped in sooner to stop from all this happening but now i think its too late.

What if anything can I do to make her see sense or bring her back into the family? Our family isnt the only one who are experiencing this crisis I have learn many other british indian families also are suffering the same thing happening to their daughters and sisters.

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Guest tina sharma
2 hours ago, simran345 said:

Contact Sikh Awareness Society, they will advise you better:





Ok thanks but not the kinda help I'm looking for hence I came here for advice.

I don't want other people who may know our family to get involved as its quite disgracing and shameful for any indian family to getting a bad rep when a girl runs away from home especially with a muslim guy, so we want to solve it ourselves.

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Guest Please contact SAS

Dear Tina, Sikh Awareness Society are very discrete and non-judgemental and not well known among the Hindu community.

The Quran gives permission to Muslim men to rape non-Muslims and use them as sex slaves. Without SAS the situation is dangerous for your sister.

Good luck 

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi

All hindu and sikh girls should be made aware of these circumcised predators from a young age. Girls elope because we don't educate them enough on all these live issues 

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Guest Maybe Try This


I know you are concerned.  Please forgive any negativity from the above posts. They clearly lack compassion, which is a priority before one can call themselves Sikh, Hindu etc.

Please forgive if I also offend in any way.

If you can still speak to her, etc. it may help to meet without judgement of what has happened. Everyone makes bad decisions. Humans are all full of flaws because there are five thieves that prevent us from being absolute - this includes desire (including sexual desire). We all suffer from this. It is one of the most difficult vices to control. And when it is mixed with emotional feelings, it becomes almost too powerful where it takes over our better judgement. Understand that she means well, and try your best to disregard what the "world" is thinking.

Brother, I cannot help you myself. But I know someone beyond that can - the poorea Satguru.

If you can convince yourself and/or your sister, take the blessed dharshan of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. You see brother, the guru is antarjami - i.e. the Guru is not a "book", he is beyond and knows your inner pains and sufferings without being told.

If you can, please see the gurdwarra with your sister and kindly ask the granthi or some other Singhs in your area to do Ardaas and ask Maharaj for a Hukamnama. The Guru will give you and your sister the perfect advice.

I highly recommend doing this. 

May Dhan Guru Nanak guide you.  All you need to do brother is take one step towards the Guru and the Guru will go beyond anything in this world to not only meet you, but to resolve your affairs. Be genuine in attempt and fall infront of the Guru, he will pick you up!

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Admin: Why was my second reply to this post deleted without any notification? What did I write wrong? At least let me know if you are going to start deleting my posts without telling me. 

So my post with the good advice gets deleted, but other ones are left that may not be as relevant to topics. 


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