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toddlers kachera

Guest mummy

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13 hours ago, Guest Mummy said:

WJKK WJKF Mahakaal96

I agree with you - you are correct in what you say we can never live up to the standards of such Baane wale Gursikhs - their roop cannot be matched. Your prespective is correct.

Though if you could please look at it from my prespective too?

When my children wear their Baane their whole person is transformed into that of a Gursikh. The way they present themselves, walk, talk, behave etc etc is all of a positive Gursikh nature. I guess it's the blessings of the Gurmukh Saroop. It's those qualities a mother tries to dig out and nurture so their child's mindset and physical being adapts and lives by those qualities as a norm. I rather my children imitate and dress as a chardikala Gursikh in hope they idolise them rather than imitating or wanting to be like 'x' cartoon/tv character or celebrity etc. Waheguru.

Nihang Singhs have a bola.... Bani bana phunk pechano...... singh Guru ka panchi jano......

notice how Bani comes before bana..... 

If your children start acting differently when they remove bana then it’s all just a show I’m afraid..... the real transformation & building of avastha has to be internal.

i think it’s really good that your children look upto Singhs & want to wear bana etc..... but if it was my child I would use that to incentivise them to learn bani & start doing nitnem etc..... say to them, if you want to wear bana when you are slightly older you must learn Bani, do nitnem, learn shaster vidya & do seva. If they are true Khalsa souls they will do whatever it takes to wear that bana...... give it a try 

ps..... by nitnem I don’t mean the kids need to be reciting or listening to full nitnem 5 bania..... start them off on 5 mins waheguru jaap etc & definitely don’t force them to wake up at amritvela.... children need plenty of sleep & rest to help in growing etc

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11 hours ago, Guest Mummy said:


WJKK WJKF Mahakaal96

I agree with you - you are correct in what you say we can never live up to the standards of such Baane wale Gursikhs - their roop cannot be matched. Your prespective is correct.


I understand your sharda but this is not correct. Those gursikhs were all humans like us.... we have the same guru they had... we have the same Bani to read that they had.... there is nothing stopping us being exactly like them.... the only thing stopping us is us thinking we can’t be like them. When we start to want to be exactly like them then the panth will flourish.


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6 hours ago, Mahakaal96 said:

Nihang Singhs have a bola.... Bani bana phunk pechano...... singh Guru ka panchi jano......

notice how Bani comes before bana..... 

If your children start acting differently when they remove bana then it’s all just a show I’m afraid..... the real transformation & building of avastha has to be internal.

i think it’s really good that your children look upto Singhs & want to wear bana etc..... but if it was my child I would use that to incentivise them to learn bani & start doing nitnem etc..... say to them, if you want to wear bana when you are slightly older you must learn Bani, do nitnem, learn shaster vidya & do seva. If they are true Khalsa souls they will do whatever it takes to wear that bana...... give it a try 

ps..... by nitnem I don’t mean the kids need to be reciting or listening to full nitnem 5 bania..... start them off on 5 mins waheguru jaap etc & definitely don’t force them to wake up at amritvela.... children need plenty of sleep & rest to help in growing etc


Thank you for sharing this. I have never seen it from that angle. No harm in trying; am sure all parents will agree that in which ever way it takes for our children to cherish Sikhi we're willing to take it.


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18 hours ago, Mahakaal96 said:

I understand your sharda but this is not correct. Those gursikhs were all humans like us.... we have the same guru they had... we have the same Bani to read that they had.... there is nothing stopping us being exactly like them.... the only thing stopping us is us thinking we can’t be like them. When we start to want to be exactly like them then the panth will flourish.


Kachhera preserves modesty of the wearer , it doesn't matter if the person has had amrit or not , given the problem of sexualisation of children (I mean prepubescent ) it can only be a good thing if our kids get used to wearing and maintaining rehit of Kach . Children who have been brought up with ideas of lajja will never select revealing , closefitting clothes for themselves. By your logic they should never be allowed to exercise what comes naturally  but force them to select nanga firangi wear which gets them fixated on colours look etc and gives zero protection from prying eyes . Even my christian friend's daughter and lads all have this idea inside them from the start it comes from them not outside ; her daughter will not wear dresses skirts without pyjami or at least shorts ...my friends accepts and honours this .

There have been sexual type assaults(gropes, pulling down of clothes) on girls in my daughter's primary school and yes same suspects but one was done by a girl so the need is there in real life

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17 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

Kachhera preserves modesty of the wearer , it doesn't matter if the person has had amrit or not , given the problem of sexualisation of children (I mean prepubescent ) it can only be a good thing if our kids get used to wearing and maintaining rehit of Kach . Children who have been brought up with ideas of lajja will never select revealing , closefitting clothes for themselves. By your logic they should never be allowed to exercise what comes naturally  but force them to select nanga firangi wear which gets them fixated on colours look etc and gives zero protection from prying eyes . Even my christian friend's daughter and lads all have this idea inside them from the start it comes from them not outside ; her daughter will not wear dresses skirts without pyjami or at least shorts ...my friends accepts and honours this .

There have been sexual type assaults(gropes, pulling down of clothes) on girls in my daughter's primary school and yes same suspects but one was done by a girl so the need is there in real life

You don’t have to be amritdhari or in full bana to wear a kachhera...... on the flip side there are many ‘amritdharis’ who wear a kachhera but get upto all sorts of kanjarpuna. Adorning a kachhera without the knowledge of why jat sat is important is a waste of time & just an outwardly ritual.

children need to be taught about the importance of jat sat & the importance of brahmacharya.... only then can the true purpose & value of a kachhera be appreciated..... I know of nanga sadhus who belonged to the udasi sampardai and they had complete control over jat sat.... much more then the majority of kachhera wearing amritdharis today. 

The kachhera is just a piece of cloth if you don’t have knowledge of jat sat.....

just like a kirpan is a useless item unless you have knowledge of shaster vidya 

regarding the issues at your child’s school..... I personally would have my children wear kachhera type underwear but explain to them the importance of jat sat and explain how later on when they are older the kachhera will form part of thier bana

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18 hours ago, Mahakaal96 said:

I understand your sharda but this is not correct. Those gursikhs were all humans like us.... we have the same guru they had... we have the same Bani to read that they had.... there is nothing stopping us being exactly like them.... the only thing stopping us is us thinking we can’t be like them. When we start to want to be exactly like them then the panth will flourish.


ਗੁਰੂ ਸਿਖੁ ਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਹੈ ਏਕੋ ਗੁਰ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ਚਲਾਏ ॥

Guroo Sikh Sikh Guroo Hai Eaeko Gur Oupadhaes Chalaaeae ||

The Guru's Sikh, and the Sikh's Guru, are one and the same; both spread the Guru's Teachings.

ਆਸਾ (ਮਃ ੪) ਛੰਤ (੯) ੮:੫ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੪੪ ਪੰ. ੮ 
Raag Asa Guru Ram Das


ਗੁਰੁ ਚੇਲਾ ਚੇਲਾ ਗੁਰ ਹੋਈ ॥੧੬॥

Guru Chaylaa Chaylaa Guru Hoee ||16 ||

Then the Guru and the disciple become identical.

ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੧੫ ਪਉੜੀ ੧੬ ਪੰ. ੭


ਗੁਰੁ ਚੇਲਾ ਚੇਲਾ ਗੁਰੂ ਕਰਿ ਚੋਜ ਵਿਡਾਣੈ।

Guru Chaylaa Chaylaa Guroo Kari Choj Vidaanai |

In this stage the wonderful feat of becoming Guru by the disciple and vice-versa is enacted.

ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੧੩ ਪਉੜੀ ੧ ਪੰ. ੩


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3 hours ago, Mahakaal96 said:

You don’t have to be amritdhari or in full bana to wear a kachhera...... on the flip side there are many ‘amritdharis’ who wear a kachhera but get upto all sorts of kanjarpuna. Adorning a kachhera without the knowledge of why jat sat is important is a waste of time & just an outwardly ritual.

children need to be taught about the importance of jat sat & the importance of brahmacharya.... only then can the true purpose & value of a kachhera be appreciated..... I know of nanga sadhus who belonged to the udasi sampardai and they had complete control over jat sat.... much more then the majority of kachhera wearing amritdharis today. 

The kachhera is just a piece of cloth if you don’t have knowledge of jat sat.....

just like a kirpan is a useless item unless you have knowledge of shaster vidya 

regarding the issues at your child’s school..... I personally would have my children wear kachhera type underwear but explain to them the importance of jat sat and explain how later on when they are older the kachhera will form part of thier bana

agreed have met guys in gursikhs households who were of the type you mention, as a kid ,really repulsive can only guess the situation is a lot worse  . My children have all been told what is expected of them in terms of jat sat  even prior to amrit because of the cultural looseness around them .(I have seen that it is a major problem   also  in India with Tinder etc, elders stressing over there too  ) .

the problem is not so much with goray and kaley they have been instructed in sikh ways enough to recognise to not mess. However musley of both sexes at schools these days because they are on a mission to destroy sikhi honour by any means possible, will try to undermine and attack personally and physically. 

Because of this behaviour my kids all distance themselves from them and others who keep those kind of people's company










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