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Cleaning Sarbloh with sand outside of India

Guest sandy

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Does anyone use sand to clean sarbloh on a daily basis?

If so, how do you do it without blocking drains etc.? I would really like to know the process you follow.

Please no comments on using lemons/citric acid since it is not traditionally used and can dissolve the sarbloh.

Also the citric acid crystals are likely from GM corn/sugar beets and contain harmful chemicals like MSG so I want to use sand. 

Look forward to hearing your answers.

Thank you! :sardar

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1 hour ago, Guest sandy said:

Does anyone use sand to clean sarbloh on a daily basis?

If so, how do you do it without blocking drains etc.? I would really like to know the process you follow.

Please no comments on using lemons/citric acid since it is not traditionally used and can dissolve the sarbloh.

Also the citric acid crystals are likely from GM corn/sugar beets and contain harmful chemicals like MSG so I want to use sand. 

Look forward to hearing your answers.

Thank you! :sardar

Considering the core of the bibeki Singh's successfully use citric acid outside of India don't see what the issue is. At bhinder taksal they use a large sandpit, build one of those under shelter if you have space and recycle the sand when required.

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28 minutes ago, InderjitS said:

Considering the core of the bibeki Singh's successfully use citric acid outside of India don't see what the issue is. At bhinder taksal they use a large sandpit, build one of those under shelter if you have space and recycle the sand when required.

yep lemon or vinegar with salt , a little elbow grease and Baldev's your uncle ... you can get ready made covered sandpits of plastic just drop in yard and fill with sand , you could put the overly soiled sand into your plant's soil after a while .The jia jant will appreciate it .


The other product I use is barkeepers pots and pan cleaner it is a dry powder which is slightly abrasive but fine enough to not damage piping flow .It is my go to for my kadayi will not cause pitting if you are worried about that and there is no taint of taste.


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9 hours ago, Guest sandy said:

Please no comments on using lemons/citric acid since it is not traditionally used and can dissolve the sarbloh.

Are you talking about initial cleaning to take the blackness off, or day-to-day cleaning? I highly doubt it will "dissolve" the sarbloh like criminals dissolve bodies with acid in movies. It's just taking off a small layer on top, but what do you think rubbing with sand does? It takes a small layer off the top.

9 hours ago, Guest sandy said:

Also the citric acid crystals are likely from GM corn/sugar beets and contain harmful chemicals like MSG so I want to use sand. 

Umm, what?? It doesn't matter if a cleaner comes from GMOs. Acid is not going to be mixed into the iron. You would use it to clean your utensils, then rinse it off. I presume for chinaware, you do rinse off detergent, don't you?

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Wash sarbloh normally w kosa pani and fairy liquid and scrub until the rust is gone and he Sarbloh gets that shiny silvery look. Then dry them properly with a towel or kitchen roll. If they still rust or need storing for a longer period of time then rub a little bit of oil into the Sarbloh with a tissue ??

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1 hour ago, AjaipalSingh said:

Wash sarbloh normally w kosa pani and fairy liquid and scrub until the rust is gone and he Sarbloh gets that shiny silvery look. Then dry them properly with a towel or kitchen roll. If they still rust or need storing for a longer period of time then rub a little bit of oil into the Sarbloh with a tissue ??

we used to dry on gas flame to ensure full dryness after cleaning , no need for oil then , best use wire wool pad with fairy  if rusty because green scourers only have so much oomph.

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42 minutes ago, InderjitS said:

Any good for cleaning steel sinks?

loverly ...i use it for my stainless steel pans with copper bottoms come out super clean you know with that almost white chamak , the copper drops all discolouration with barely any effort . as not perfumed can mix with fairy without the wet dog smell you used to get with ajax/vim ....I know of one lad uses Cif cream on his sarbloh bartan told him it was a bad Idea because of the solvents in it .


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