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Some people feel naam/bani some don't

Guest Bani kaur

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Guest Bani kaur

Wgjkk wgjkf

i have a question. Why is it that some amritdharis experience naam and bani and some don't? Aren't we all supposed to experience it if we are given amrit? What should we do to experience it appropriately?


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It has to do with ur state of mind and pishli kamaii. 

If I am busy or scared, or nervous, then I cant concentrate on paath. And dont feel anything. My mind keeps thinking other things.

So u must read bani when ur mind is calm and u r not in a rush.

Secondly knowing the meanings really help. So you can read with gurbank with english translations. So u read a pangti then read the meanings, then read the pangti to fit the meanings to each word.the second time u read it, u will understand the gurmukhi and it will be as if gurbani spoke to u.

Thats when one gets ras and joy from bani.

Also u can try to read a steek. Like read the steek for 1 pauri of one bani daily. And most importantly try to figure out wat each word means. Then when those words come again, u will know them.

It takes a long time to read bani and english translations. So try to read english translations or panjabi translations of 1 pauri daily.

Also try to do more kamaii. So like any weekend say i will do 10 japji sahibs daily or 25 chaupai sahibs today or 15 jaap sahib. Do one outloud, one with dhian, one while reading meanings. And whike u read try to conce trate and figure out the meaning as well.And the more paath u do, the better u can concentrate. 

Also ardaas never hurts. Ask guruji to show gurbani ras. 


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We are not all on the same avastha. Some of us have done more abhiyaas ( maybe in our past lives) in comparison to other sikhs. Just keep doing as much as abhiyaas as you can and follow gurmat. keep good sangat and somewhere down the line i cannot guarantee you will feel or experience naam but you will definitely make progress.

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19 hours ago, Guest Bani kaur said:

Wgjkk wgjkf

i have a question. Why is it that some amritdharis experience naam and bani and some don't? Aren't we all supposed to experience it if we are given amrit? What should we do to experience it appropriately?


Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

Best practice is to read, recite & listen to Gurbani with full concentration.

Try to do paath with read along videos like the one below

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

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Guest Haridas

what helped me is to listen to it in a natural way.  like how you would listen if a friend is talking to you.  so when I read it, i must listen to it like i am reading it to myself (aloud).  first listen (sunnia) then accept it (mannia).  

if i just read it without listening to the sound, the mind wavers. 

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It's cos people are too busy trying to make it somewhere and not taking the time to take the right steps first, small steps, listening, understanding, changing, blossoming. 

What I say below I say from what Guru ji has made me understand thus far.... not what I have only heard yet not experienced ... because that would be a false sermon (sunn vadaa akhe sabh koe, keevad vadha deeta hoe)

Every day we read salok of Japji sahib- "pavan guroo... changiaya buriaya vache dharam hadoor, karmi aapo aapni kei nerrde kei door, jini naam dhaeieaa gai maskat ghaal, nanak te mukh ...."

Translation: According to our 'own' actions we are either close to God or far from God- read the salok again, contemplate it... what is Guru ji saying to us here?

The salok from Japji sahib may be talking about the actions in the past (idk about past)... What I can say for certain however (from 'experience') is it's deffs talking about our current actions.

  • Every day, every moment think- are you in remembrance of Naam? (= Hukam, Eik etc. Naam is NOT chanting Vaheguru whilst still holding your separate ego). 
  • What action is it that bring us closer or further? the merging back from 2 to 1. The 'dying' in the shabad, how willing are we to lose our intellect, be called crazy just to follow the Truth?
  • People say truth is sweet... but that is afterwards haha. First it is very bitter, we have to listen (sunnie) and understand (jap) what gurbani is saying... once we hear home calling (from inside) only then gurbani is sweet. (bcos yay we remembered why we are here)

Following on, 

"aapan hathi aapna aape he kaaj savaare'

But what is this aapa?- if we act from our haumai- self then we will only lead to falseness.

  • Truth can only be found through truth, not falseness (i,e. thought, wordly intellect, mind etc.) 
  • Let your mool realise it is that Jot, that Jot is Vaheguru--> listen and act from this Self, then Truth will follow. 
  • A lot of people will fall into the "but I do paath and I wake up and i do so much"- yet the "I" is still there...that is the filth Naam washes (...bharie mat paapa ke sang...)

A lot of the times whenever something isn't working out we (especially punjabi-sikhs) like to pull the 'pichle karam' card as a way to justify our own evil doings + fulfil ego to say we are doing enough. Trust me, I been there. But let it go, at the end of the day you're only hurting yourself with this victim card (in a twisted way its us victimising ourselves- "picchle karam karke don't feel gurbani etc."

Rather, time and time again Guru ji says regardless, if your a thief like sajjan thug, prostitute like ganaka etc you can still be saved... so why focus on pichle karam when we can really make some changes here and now!

The biggest factor in why some experience Gurbani and why some don't is because of the amount they LET it CHANGE them

Eis mann ko basant ki lagae na soe. 

Being fearless and courageous isn't about braving society and growing your hair/ wearing a dastar to work despite what people thing/ being prideful about sikhi

It's about facing our biggest fear- death. embrace it. embrace it while alive. let go of that part of you that causes that separation.  

This is something that happens on the inside, it alienates you from everyone around you because few are those that walk that path, it makes you stop liking the things you used to like because you can see right through the illusion of it.. you can't lie to yourself any more. 

Are you ready for that type of change? to sacrifice it all? 

be honest...

if you aren't at this stage then need to contemplate further on 'why is this important' first. Contemplate and practise daily Guru ji's sayings of 'we came here with nothing, leave with nothing'- think about this, let it sink deep... (this is where fear comes in- let that fear go)


  • Trying to skip steps
  • Not enough Naam Simran
  • Not honest with self- caring too much about worldly society (even if it is religious)
  • Not correct process (learning through false self not True Self) 
  • Kirpa .... obvi.... without God's Grace I wouldn't even be breathing right now.... akhan jor chupae na jor, jor na mangan den na jor 


The experience is always waiting, it's right there with you at this very moment.

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