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Proof of Singhs doing jhata of goats at Madho Das dera!

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On 7/4/2018 at 11:48 AM, monatosingh said:

No I am not in a jungle (if anything you would probably eat the whole jungle you veggie <banned word filter activated>, LMAOOOOOOOOOO)

I am always ready to eat jhatka (prepared from the KHALSA maryada) because I've done my bit of research, I've asked around and compared people's opinions. I am not like you who follows someone else's opinion without doing the prior research yourself just so you get in some guy's good books.

If I ever see you in real life I will make you eat my back garden's grass, it needs a bit of cutting, and you are a veggie, so it balances out.

lol budha dal... same dal where your baba santa sio sold out on the quom. 

anyways i dont go round following sheep, i try and follow the examples of those who have done something for the quom and not your baba santa sio. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, someone who gave his blood for the quom and countless other jujaru singhs - ALL VEGGIE. then high jeevan wale singhs and mahapurakhs i.e. maskeen, bhai etc are whose katha i aim to follow. not clowns like you and your baba. you might wana feed me grass, i will feed you something else and trust me you wont like it. your in birmingham yeah, next time i am there i will drop you a message and lets see if you turn up or whether your gona flap it like your bingah buddy big tedh

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On 7/4/2018 at 3:18 PM, monatosingh said:

What I'm saying is people say to me to improve my nitnem when they have no idea whatsoever what my nitnem is, surely they can be saying it as advice but the people I am on about are the big headed ones who come to me specifically because I'm wearing bana.

from the sh!t you chat, your jeevan seems nearly as low as big tedhs and you probably are doing beadbi of the banaa by wearing it to KFC lol. if you wana be a nihang, then act like one - but dont behave like a nang pukh

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On 7/4/2018 at 12:35 PM, Big_Tera said:

I agree 100% 

Pakroo is an Alooooo

Definantly will KO him one day when I find him and give him a  good beating by a meat eater!! That will show him never to mess with a meaty again. 

Infact pakroo is so scared of meat he once saw a chicken and ran away. Or the time he saw a sheep and did a runner. He can only hand veggies. I got news for your pakora nakh I eat bakra for breakfast. Your messing with the wrong one!!! be warned. 


what a JOKER. find me? geeza i travelled from cardiff to southall and waited for you from 6.30 to 9 - why did you flap it then? your sad attempts to be funny just prove it to everyone that you are a sad fat soorh who lives with your mummy, who has to give your big tedh a rub after you eat to much goat meat. seriously though, for a clown who flapped it, you dont stop doing your own besti

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On 7/4/2018 at 12:14 PM, Big_Tera said:

So amritdhari deserves to be set on fire if he drinks and eats meat? That is a bit extreme dont you think? No one has got the right to take someone's life for a small reaaon as someone drinking. I think you got your patka on to tight mate! The only soorh is you. And you are a dirty one at that!!

Your a fat Aloo!! lol That eats way to many veggies. That is why you fart so much with all that nitrogen gas inside of you. I would keep away from Pakroo. guys as his farts are dangerous!! That why I did not meet him also. As he has a fart issue. He is known as the biggest farter from cardiff. hehehahahaahhehhaheheehhahaehehehaha



so you admit to flapping it LOL and setting those who did beadbi of the gurus roop is better than killing animals, just to feed your fat tedh... salah soorh

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On 7/4/2018 at 12:04 PM, JUSTAJATT said:

Also, don't bother replying with fun making teases. As a former hardcore meateater, I gave you an honest post of what I've "sikh'ed".  There is scientific proof out there showing you do don't need protein from meat.  You wanna be ignorant, that's up to you. But it's obvious to anyone that does abyaas that you don't do simian or naam jap.

bro your wasting your time on these clowns, one is a nang whose baba santa sio was the biggest rat, and the other big tedh... LOL what a joke he is

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34 minutes ago, Prokharkoo84 said:

from the sh!t you chat, your jeevan seems nearly as low as big tedhs and you probably are doing beadbi of the banaa by wearing it to KFC lol. if you wana be a nihang, then act like one - but dont behave like a nang pukh

I don't eat KFC lmao, stop describing your self, have some self-respect...


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2 hours ago, monatosingh said:

I don't eat KFC lmao, stop describing your self, have some self-respect...


one min your calling me a grass eater and the next i go to KFC, think all the weed u been smoking you nang has affected your brain. anyway, i should be in birmingham in the next few weeks, I will drop you a message so lets see whether you turn up or sh!t it like big tedh

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6 hours ago, Prokharkoo84 said:

so you admit to flapping it LOL and setting those who did beadbi of the gurus roop is better than killing animals, just to feed your fat tedh... salah soorh

So the fart master blaster is back from cardiff. ?

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4 hours ago, Prokharkoo84 said:

one min your calling me a grass eater and the next i go to KFC, think all the weed u been smoking you nang has affected your brain. anyway, i should be in birmingham in the next few weeks, I will drop you a message so lets see whether you turn up or sh!t it like big tedh

Aaja fir, internet tough guy.

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