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Proof of Singhs doing jhata of goats at Madho Das dera!

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5 minutes ago, monatosingh said:

You can eat the front garden grass, that needs a bit of cutting too.

Also, don't bother replying with fun making teases. As a former hardcore meateater, I gave you an honest post of what I've "sikh'ed".  There is scientific proof out there showing you do don't need protein from meat.  You wanna be ignorant, that's up to you. But it's obvious to anyone that does abyaas that you don't do simian or naam jap.

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Just now, JUSTAJATT said:

But it's obvious to anyone that does abyaas that you don't do simian or naam jap.


Speak for yourself boy, my nitnem is gupt for me and only with me, I know how much simran/naam jaap I do and that's between me and the Guru.

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9 hours ago, Prokharkoo84 said:

the same soorh eating nang who flaps it from suleh in his own home ends is piping up lol. i rather be an aloo than a nang like you. i dont need jhatka, i dont live in the jungles where there is a bounty on my head, do you live in the jungle and havent got access to food? 

and listen to sant ji's speeches and what i actually said, Sant ji said that if u catch any 'amritdhari' who is drinking eating meat etc then set them on fire. the only thing a nang like you and your step dad big tedh can do is set fire to a bbq to eat bakra lol

So amritdhari deserves to be set on fire if he drinks and eats meat? That is a bit extreme dont you think? No one has got the right to take someone's life for a small reaaon as someone drinking. I think you got your patka on to tight mate! The only soorh is you. And you are a dirty one at that!!

Your a fat Aloo!! lol That eats way to many veggies. That is why you fart so much with all that nitrogen gas inside of you. I would keep away from Pakroo. guys as his farts are dangerous!! That why I did not meet him also. As he has a fart issue. He is known as the biggest farter from cardiff. hehehahahaahhehhaheheehhahaehehehaha



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20 hours ago, monatosingh said:

@Big_Tera Allow pro pakhandi, the guy is 100% aloo, man goes Sant Ji said to burn any amritdhari who eats meat.

If you knock him out I guarantee he will start to eat jhatka after that.

@Prokharkoo84 You aloo.

I agree 100% 

Pakroo is an Alooooo

Definantly will KO him one day when I find him and give him a  good beating by a meat eater!! That will show him never to mess with a meaty again. 

Infact pakroo is so scared of meat he once saw a chicken and ran away. Or the time he saw a sheep and did a runner. He can only hand veggies. I got news for your pakora nakh I eat bakra for breakfast. Your messing with the wrong one!!! be warned. 


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3 hours ago, monatosingh said:

This is what I don't understand. Why do people say stuff like "you are wearing bana but you should improve your nitnem, etc".

How on Earth does the other person know my nitnem or naam simran?




Khalsa back then did jhatka, Khalsa is not a "jatha" as you say.

"Raising my avastha"?

I smell a bit of ego.


bro sikhi is always about improving your avasta , your abihaas ... in purataan times singhs used to greet each other and ask after each others nitnem ...it  is not insulting just encouraging each other to be active. Khalsa did jhatka when necessary when folks started overly consuming e.g. in misl times those people slipped in kirdaar just as those who stray from restrictions placed by guru ji now are rendered useless imitations

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43 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

bro sikhi is always about improving your avasta , your abihaas ... in purataan times singhs used to greet each other and ask after each others nitnem ...it  is not insulting just encouraging each other to be active. Khalsa did jhatka when necessary when folks started overly consuming e.g. in misl times those people slipped in kirdaar just as those who stray from restrictions placed by guru ji now are rendered useless imitations

What I'm saying is people say to me to improve my nitnem when they have no idea whatsoever what my nitnem is, surely they can be saying it as advice but the people I am on about are the big headed ones who come to me specifically because I'm wearing bana.

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I have recently returned from Sri Hazur Sahib where I managed to speak to many people about their feelings regarding slaughtering of goats. I was surprised to hear that many people expressed strong dislike to slaughtering of any helpless innocent animals, let alone goats. They believe  Sri Hazur Sahib is too sacred for slaughtering innocent helpless animals. They firmly believe in Sarbat Balay and killing of goats, chickens or sheep should not be allowed under any circumstances.  According to these lovely gentle, most welcoming  and accommodating people the Sikh Gurus were liberating poor creatures desperately caught up in never ending cycles of reincarnations during their hunting expeditions. They were not consuming animal flesh in any way. They also added that the Sikh scholars have changed Sikh history to a very large extent to suit their temporal desires or needs as well as to stop others from  following Sikhism seriously. 

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1 hour ago, monatosingh said:

What I'm saying is people say to me to improve my nitnem when they have no idea whatsoever what my nitnem is, surely they can be saying it as advice but the people I am on about are the big headed ones who come to me specifically because I'm wearing bana.

price of bana - you have represent ..

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What about the sakhi of Guru har rai ji as a child. He was running around and his chola got caught in a rose bush and broke one rose and its petals fell everywhere, Guru Har Rai ji got very upset when he saw this and Guru Hargobind ji told him to be careful with his chola. Guru Har Rai ji loved animals, planted trees and created many gardens, guru ji even got upset with destroying a rose so you really think guru ji would be happy with chopping a animals head off? 

Even Guru jis gurdwara in Hosiarpur i think? is called "gurdwara hariyan bailan" green vines 

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