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Why aren't British Sikhs as active/engaged as their Canadian counterparts in politics?


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8 hours ago, TejS said:

If you go through my post history, you'll realize I don't talk much about Muslims, and the only reason I'm even having this discussion is because you, a Muslim, is arguing away with misinformation on a Sikh forum. I don't even understand what a Muslim is doing on a Sikh forum in the first place lol! 

In significant numbers of threads on this forum you people always find a way to bring Muslims into it.Talk about obsession.


8 hours ago, TejS said:

Arabs while being ridiculed by them. 

hahaah classic line.Heard it many times from Hindus.Man their randi rona about Arabs never stops.get over it

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8 hours ago, TejS said:

can you post a screenshot it here.Could not find anything.


8 hours ago, TejS said:

You guys are even worse that you discriminate amongst the dead:


You see this stuff happening in Bihar and India where caste system is in practice with much more intensity.I don't see any of this happening in Pakistan.here whether you are rich or poor you get buried in same graveyard. By the way you people are not far behind discriminating people even on death. here is an excerpt from this article http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-exclusive-where-do-we-take-our-dead-and-go-ask-dalits-1599355 
All the Sikh organisations, from Sikh temples to the political parties, are under the control of the Jat Sikhs, who refuse to consider Dalit Sikhs equals even after death. The former disallow cremation of the latter’s dead in the main cremation grounds. Over the years, such harsh discrimination has forced Dalits to establish separate gurdwaras, marriage places and cremation grounds. This, in many ways, is the biggest paradox of Sikhism, which is often characterised as ‘emancipatory’ and ‘revolutionary’.

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9 hours ago, TejS said:

Oh, marriages like those have happened. Multiple times. The same can't be said for Muslims. Dude, you're the one initiating this conversation, you are the one that started throwing stones, but I'm not surprised.

By that logic if you dig enough there will be a lot of inter-caste lower/higher marriages among Muslims too.It's just law of probability.But these would be classify as exception.Similarly there is no denying that some Jutt Sikhs have given their daughters to mazhabi sikhs but this would be an exception.I was referring to general practice where lower castes still face discrmination in every community. As far throwing stones well it was your lot started categorizing Muslim pecking order. I merely responded with the same tongue. 

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9 hours ago, proactive said:

He complains about Sikhs discriminating in not allowing Dalit Sikhs into their Gurdwaras and yet in his Sohna Pakistan one sect of Muslim will happily bomb the mosque of another sect of Muslims

That's because there is a strong secular central govt in place to keep check on you guys.We all know the violence between Nirankaris and Bhindrawale people in 1980s when central govt gave some leeway in Punjab. Even today if there is no strong govt to keep check there will be a lot more violence against babas of different dera who seem to have a lot of following in egalitarian sikh majority Punjab lol 


9 hours ago, proactive said:

jhootha sadh kept the Guru Granth Sahib in his dera the Sikhs would not bomb it

Quran is just a book of Allah to Muslims not a living prophet.Same can't not be said of GGS.A sikh blowing up in some dera where GGS is kept would akin a Sikh murdering their own Guru.See the difference.

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9 hours ago, proactive said:

There would have been no violence from Sikhs had there been no Rawalpindi violence.

Nah man I don't think for a second that even without Rawalpindi massacre Sikhs would have happily accepted to be permanently cut into two halves in both countries.With or without rawalpindi riots east punjab muslims were destined to be doomed.

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9 hours ago, proactive said:

ISIS has done to the Yazidis and the whole Muslim world just sits there bitching about how bad is is for Muslims around the world

Who do you think is fighting against ISIL ? Martians ? Last time I checked it was Muslims who are fighting against ISIL with western help of course and isil is almost finished in levant.

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1 hour ago, YOYO29 said:

That's because there is a strong secular central govt in place to keep check on you guys.We all know the violence between Nirankaris and Bhindrawale people in 1980s when central govt gave some leeway in Punjab. Even today if there is no strong govt to keep check there will be a lot more violence against dera followers who seem to have a lot of following in egalitarian sikh majority Punjab lol 


Quran is just a book of Allah to Muslims not a living prophet.Same can't not be said of GGS.A sikh blowing up in some dera where GGS is kept would akin a Sikh murdering their own Guru.See the difference.

So it is a strong secular government stopping Sikhs killing other Sikhs. That has to one of the dumbest responses ever. Sikhs held power between the 1770s to 1849. Was there any case of intra-Sikh violence based on religious differences? Between 1986 - 1992 the govt was very weak in Punjab and Kharkoos has a free run in many areas of Punjab. So how Kukas were killed? I am referencing the Kukas because they a akin to a Sikh sect in the sense that unlike the Sant Nirankaris they follow many of the beliefs of Sikhism and do not disrespect the Guru Granth Sahib. The Sant Nirankaris cannot be classed as a Sikh sect because they have no respect for the Guru Granth Sahib. 

So being a book of Allah it's destruction by a Muslim is not a big deal and your response almost looks like that you think it is acceptable that Muslims from one sect will bomb another sect and destroy the Quran in the process. It's almost a norm. You can try and rationalize that is the difference between the status of these two religious scriptures but it is actually the differing levels of spirituality that each religious scripture creates in its believers that lead one believer to actually commit suicide and in the process destroy the very religious scripture that he claims to adhere to and another believer who would RATHER commit suicide than bring any harm to his religious scripture. There you have the difference between Sikhi and Islam. The one which creates a better human being who does not discriminate against those who do not believe as he does and the other who is allowed free rein to kill even those who believe as he does. 

Your clutching at straws to bring Sikhi down to the level of your religion is quite sad because you come across as an intelligent human being albeit encumbered by the noose of the religion in which you were born. You live in Pakistan so I am sure that you cannot but see daily how non-Muslims are forced to live as third class citizens and this is not because of political, social or economic reasons it is solely because of the religion you follow. Any positive atributes you possess are inspite of Islam and not because of Islam. 

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32 minutes ago, proactive said:

So it is a strong secular government stopping Sikhs killing other Sikhs. That has to one of the dumbest responses ever. Sikhs held power between the 1770s to 1849.

Were there any nirankaris during sikh raj period ?


32 minutes ago, proactive said:

Between 1986 - 1992 the govt was very weak in Punjab and Kharkoos has a free run in many areas of Punjab

They had a bigger enemy at that time THE INDIAN GOVT. Besides when you are facing a bigger enemy or outside force.All the internal religious divisions becomes least of your worries


32 minutes ago, proactive said:

Your clutching at straws to bring Sikhi down to the level of your religion is quite sad

I never said anything against Sikhi. Some people on this forum are very cocky.They love to degrade other groups for discriminating their own people but get so worked up if someone talks about similar discrimination happening to their low caste members.

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