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What does it mean to be AKJ??


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NO it's not bad to have akj, taksal, nihang jatha and so on.. I read on this forum long time ago, forgot who posted the reply (i think it was ms514).. but it explains that how each jatha took the place in our society: Each jatha acts as an institution in our community, for example: taksal jatha is good in santheya, katha and soo on, akj is here Akhand keertan, gurmat samagams, nihangs acts as an martial institution.

It's good to have different jathas cauz its more organized in that way but UNITY is needed between the groups. And also most importantly one should not keep himself limit to just one institution or jatha..

oh i just remembered.. it was gurki who actually told me this.. :wub:

just my opinions..

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I disagree, today the sikh youth a split, may it be betweenm jathas, its stupid now even jathas are spliting into different sects, take akj and akji as an example. I do not support any jatha but respect all as they do great work for the panth. but today its like have u taken amrit who from.

we seem to be divided and falling in the same old trap, a cult comes along and puts complete crape into youth saying u can do this that and the other and slanders all jathas, etc but yet no one does anything.

do jathas fall asleep when they are being attacked on there own soil. cant they get up and take action.

y do we want to say u can only be part of this that and the other jatha. when a programs going on first thing asked is, which jatha has organised it, and which part of this jatha. if its organised by another jatha u wont get paap for going, unless i missed something.

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when you take amirt at any amrit sanchar at a akj smagam the panj pyaaray clearly state that the amrit you are taking is your initaiton in to the KHALSA panth and not AKJ amrit, this is made very clear none should think that they have taken amrit from anyone but Guru Gobind Singh ji in the form of the panj pyaaray

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I've encountered many unpleasent conversations when people ask me 'are you AKJ'?(coming from an 'AKJer) Or asking why do you wear that certain style of dastaar? How can you believe in Raag Mala? From my slight observations, I feel it is a very negative way of thinking..why do you not do this, do not do this..You all may say we all want to be part of the Khalsa, but look at this website for example, if I wouldn't know any better I would think it is a purely AKJ influenced site. I think the question is what does it mean to be gurmat walking being....

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Recite naam... read bani... ALL OF GURBANI...THEN you should form opinions about all the different issues regarding various different jathas. Theres no point in going "1, 2... miss a few... 99, 100!"

You will ONLY get the CORRECT answers from Gurbani.. so why question things if you havent tried to understand every ang of Guru Granth Sahib Jee??

Make yourselves worth of being a Sikh.. if you do that Maharaj will give you the answers personally.

Bhul chuk maaf jio

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I've encountered many unpleasent conversations when people ask me 'are you AKJ'?(coming from an 'AKJer) Or asking why do you wear that certain style of dastaar? How can you believe in Raag Mala? From my slight observations, I feel it is a very negative way of thinking..why do you not do this, do not do this..You all may say we all want to be part of the Khalsa, but look at this website for example, if I wouldn't know any better I would think it is a purely AKJ influenced site. I think the question is what does it mean to be gurmat walking being....

Gur Fateh Parvaan Hove!

Rattan Jee, you are not alone in your experience.

Have a look at the www.mkhalsa.com where Manjot Singh Veer Jee has written about his recent experiences and clearly shows that whilst in 'theory' we can all speak of being ONE Khalsa and so on, in 'reality', particularly in the US, Canada and UK, terms like AKJ and Taksal are treated as Gang Memberships by some of the younger members to the extent that they act not too differently from the followers of the infamous Priest Larenzo as they seek to enforce on all and sundry what they perceive as being "Tat Gurmat Maryada" through this gang mentality.

This of course doesn't reflect what is the true purpose of the AKJ or the Taksal, however Manjot Singh's words speak for themselves with regard

to the situation you describe and are particularly note worthy given that he himself is/was an active member of the AKJ and is regarded by many here to be a Chardikala Gursikh.

This all said, it applies to many Sikh movements today.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pyare jio, what has happened in California is specific to it. I am sure there are enough wise Gursikhs in California to sort out any problems.

Mkhalsa is a very nice Gursikh, who is naturally upset. In life this happenes to everyone. In Bhai sahib autobiography he wrote about the sadhu who he followed. He was really immersed in him. When he saw him smoke, the spell was broken.

This is a good thing. It is Guru ji`s way of breaking our attachments. Like we can get ego from our sikhi, we also can get attachment. It is one of the vikkaars. In this way Guru Ji teaches us to attach to Gurbani only. "Shabad Guru Soorat Dhun Chela". From my experince this what the jatha singhs have always told me. We are not a group, but Gursikhs with a common purpose of listening to as much bani as possible. From what I have seen the jatha has not ever tried to be anything more.

Mkhalsa is 100% correct in what he says. If we are nothing more than just kirtan listeners, then we are useless to the Panth. We are like Buddhists who ran away from the world. Our purpose is to use our spiritual energy from bhagti to a greater worldly good and help make this world & panth a better place via pyar, seva, jeevan, and maybe one day shaheedi.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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