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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
On 2/1/2019 at 10:44 AM, Guest London jwaan said:

A pathetic jibe jagsaw......


London jawan, no "jibes". As a father of 2 young children I am well used to teaching how important it is to be able to express viewpoints and opinions without resorting to childish abuse and "jibes" are certainly not the way to go about getting that message across.

For you I think there is a mixture of sadness and hope. I genuinely feel sad that something in your personal life has turned you into someone just so full of anger and vicious hatred but at the same time I am hopeful that you might be able to self-reflect and see how immature and sad you come across to other people.

But, if you insist on carrying on with the anger, hatred and abuse I feel I should point out to you that you have used these 3 sentences so many times on this forum over the last year or so that people might begin to think you don't know any other sentences:

  • "Sikhs are Extremists"
  • "Sikhs wave their Kirpans about in the air like extremists"


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Guest london jwaan
On 2/4/2019 at 9:33 AM, Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh said:

London jawan, no "jibes". As a father of 2 young children I am well used to teaching how important it is to be able to express viewpoints and opinions without resorting to childish abuse and "jibes" are certainly not the way to go about getting that message across.

For you I think there is a mixture of sadness and hope. I genuinely feel sad that something in your personal life has turned you into someone just so full of anger and vicious hatred but at the same time I am hopeful that you might be able to self-reflect and see how immature and sad you come across to other people.

But, if you insist on carrying on with the anger, hatred and abuse I feel I should point out to you that you have used these 3 sentences so many times on this forum over the last year or so that people might begin to think you don't know any other sentences:

  • "Sikhs are Extremists"
  • "Sikhs wave their Kirpans about in the air like extremists"


Now you see? there you go again Jagsaw - imodium time again!

Where exactly did I say that "Sikhs are extremists"? I have stated that you, amongst others, are in actual fact are extremists - and I stand behind that. Warm your 2 brain cells up by rubbing them together to try and comprehend that if a sikh is an extremist - it does not mean that all sikhs are extremists. You c0ck.

And as far as kirpans go, just the tone of your bukwaas, jattism and the logic you portray shows that you are an exaggerating, hyperbole, tabloid newspaper type of <banned word filter activated> that probably did a bit of work experience at the Sunday sport and is stupid enough to think that quoting entirely made up statistics validates your bukwaas. And yes i do believe that you sit at home looking for an excuse to wave your kirpan around your head thinking that you are standing up for the community or performing some sort of agitation (against no one in particular), when in actual fact you are acting like a c0ck and living up to stereotypes.

And dont act all hard done by, getting banned from this forum for your extremism and having to change your nickname from West London Sikh to Jagsaw to Jigsaw to disassociate yourself from your earlier vitriol is pathetic in the extreme. Whats Next? Jogsaw or Jugsaw?

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh


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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
13 hours ago, Guest london jwaan said:

Now you see? there you go again Jagsaw - imodium time again!

Where exactly did I say that "Sikhs are extremists"? I have stated that you, amongst others, are in actual fact are extremists - and I stand behind that. Warm your 2 brain cells up by rubbing them together to try and comprehend that if a sikh is an extremist - it does not mean that all sikhs are extremists. You c0ck.

And as far as kirpans go, just the tone of your bukwaas, jattism and the logic you portray shows that you are an exaggerating, hyperbole, tabloid newspaper type of <banned word filter activated> that probably did a bit of work experience at the Sunday sport and is stupid enough to think that quoting entirely made up statistics validates your bukwaas. And yes i do believe that you sit at home looking for an excuse to wave your kirpan around your head thinking that you are standing up for the community or performing some sort of agitation (against no one in particular), when in actual fact you are acting like a c0ck and living up to stereotypes.

And dont act all hard done by, getting banned from this forum for your extremism and having to change your nickname from West London Sikh to Jagsaw to Jigsaw to disassociate yourself from your earlier vitriol is pathetic in the extreme. Whats Next? Jogsaw or Jugsaw?

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh


?   What a thoroughly strange and twisted fellow you are London Jawan. A very strange fellow indeed.

Anger is an Acid by Mark Twain - Source: TheDailyQuotes.Com

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Guest London jwaan
On 2/6/2019 at 11:27 AM, Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh said:

?   What a thoroughly strange and twisted fellow you are London Jawan. A very strange fellow indeed.

Anger is an Acid by Mark Twain - Source: TheDailyQuotes.Com

Thoroughly strange and twisted?? Why is that? Because I have yet again highlighted where you are openly talking out of your jagsaw and talking total nonsense? Or because I have highlighted that you were banned and have to keep changing your nickname?

Go on, show me where I said that all Sikhs are extremists. You can't. 

I would suggest that what is thoroughly strange and twisted, is that you are standing there with your cucha around your ankles again, desperately trying to divert the attention from the fact that you have been caught out talking out of your jagsaw, hoping that quoting an irrelevant quip from Mark twain will some how pull your cucha up.

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
16 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:

Thoroughly strange and twisted?? Why is that? Because I have yet again highlighted where you are openly talking out of your jagsaw and talking total nonsense? Or because I have highlighted that you were banned and have to keep changing your nickname?

Go on, show me where I said that all Sikhs are extremists. You can't. 

I would suggest that what is thoroughly strange and twisted, is that you are standing there with your cucha around your ankles again, desperately trying to divert the attention from the fact that you have been caught out talking out of your jagsaw, hoping that quoting an irrelevant quip from Mark twain will some how pull your cucha up.

steve coogan shrug GIF

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Medusa
On 1/24/2019 at 5:44 PM, Akalifauj said:

Abortion is killing a baby.  

Would someone kill their parent who is solely dependent on his children because of having something wrong with his spine?

The feminist and their supporters use the word fetus to dehumanize the baby that has a distinct DNA at the point of concpetion.

A high majority of babies are aborted today because the woman was having casual sexual relationships and got pregnant.



On point Ji. very true this is. These people are in denial life begins at conception 

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh

Dunno who brought this old abortion back up again but...now that is back up....I remember how, in my younger years,  one of my favourite pastimes was to tease and torment a group of African Christian fanatics that used to preach in Hanwell and West Ealing.  Reminding them that Frankincense was used in biblical times as a deodrant to hide bad odour and Myrrh was used as an abortifacient (a thing that induces an abortion) I used to ask why the wise men bought jesus's mother and father something to hide the smell and something to kill the baby with. 

Point is.....this sad debate about abortion has been around since the start of this sad faith called Christians. Away from the sad environment that perpetuates around anything Christian the rest of the world always has and always will leave it as a private decision to be made by the husband and wife themselves after much deliberation. Unless it involves the killing of a baby that is fully developed in the mother's womb this is a personal decision for the prospective parents themselves according to their own personal circumstances. None of us have any business lecturing others on what they should or should not do. Leave that sad tomfoolery to the Christians. They're good at it.

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