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Read an article today about how a young couple decided to abort their child after the 22 week scan because the doctors said the there are strong chances that the baby will have a challenging life because there is something wrong with the babies spine.

What would the sikh point of view be on this?

In sikhi it is wrong to abort as you are killing an unborn child, in sikhi abortion is considered killing. We also believe that the unborn child is in a meditative state in remembrance of waheguru. 

But what if you find out that the baby has a serious condition which will give it a very challenging life? Spine related, disability, mentally not well, deformed, not properly developed or even life threatening, and other things on this line ? Is it still wrong for the parents to abort it?

I have a cousin in his mid 30s who was born paralysed from waist down, he cant walk so has been on a wheelchair all his life, he cant use the toilet so has to wear a nappy at all times which his parents put on him as he can not move. It is not easy and is a very very hard life. I have have see how hard it is. Its not easy for a parent to see their adult son like this.

So is it ok to abort the baby if it is not well(if the parents want to)  or would it still be wrong in sikhi? 

On one had waheguru has given you a child and it doesn't matter if it is well or not but waheguru still gave you it and trusted you with the responsibility of caring for it and looking after it So it's wrong to abort it    on the other hand it is very hard and some parents believe the best thing would be to abort it for the child's sake.


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I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this post, but I was just wondering what would be the right thing to do according to sikhi.

What would guru ji say?  I'm sure guru ji would take the situation into account too ? 

If something sounds offensive then I will edit it out.


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I was going to post something along similar lines. (Mainly about how severely mentally disabled people have obtained a human life but are unable to utilise it for its purpose). 

We know only because of modern technology. In the “olden” times, a child born with disabilities would have been discovered only after birth. Such children would either have not survived, not cared for (and allowed to die), or looked after. I’ve encountered women who’ve been physically or verbally abused by their husbands who blame their wives for giving birth to such children. At least abortion allows a way out for them.

But abortion is killing a fetus. Does Sikhi recognise unborn children as human? If not, then abortion would be fine. If yes, then abortion, for whatever reason would be wrong. Bani doesn’t mention anything other than the soul coming into the womb (Ang 74). Which I would interpret to mean that we should not kill the fetus. 

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i cant remember the details, but i remember reading that the belief in sikhi is that the life enters the foetus after a certain period (i think before 3 months?  i really dont remember).  i think this is if the child would be severly effected or the pregnancy is due to rape etc.  abortion is allowed if the mothers life is in danger due to the pregnancy.  i think the time period in from a verse in SGGS.the SGPC rehitnama states it.

please no one take my word for it, this is just what i recall

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Abortion is killing a baby.  

Would someone kill their parent who is solely dependent on his children because of having something wrong with his spine?

The feminist and their supporters use the word fetus to dehumanize the baby that has a distinct DNA at the point of concpetion.

A high majority of babies are aborted today because the woman was having casual sexual relationships and got pregnant.



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Guest GuestSingh
37 minutes ago, Akalifauj said:

Abortion is killing a baby.  

Would someone kill their parent who is solely dependent on his children because of having something wrong with his spine?

The feminist and their supporters use the word fetus to dehumanize the baby that has a distinct DNA at the point of concpetion.

A high majority of babies are aborted today because the woman was having casual sexual relationships and got pregnant.



some of these feminists and their supporters will also call men murderers, evil etc. but what do they say about the women in those circumstances?

after all, life is in every living organism...and a murderer is a murderer.

what do u think jagsaw? a panjabi dr for health and nutrition appeared on tv a few years ago informing us how dozens of apnia in the uk alone are shamelessly running to these clinics on a regular basis...u still believe woman - who destroys living beings in their womb - can still save man from....destroying those living beings...on earth?

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4 hours ago, Guest guest said:


i cant remember the details, but i remember reading that the belief in sikhi is that the life enters the foetus after a certain period (i think before 3 months?  i really dont remember).  i think this is if the child would be severly effected or the pregnancy is due to rape etc.  abortion is allowed if the mothers life is in danger due to the pregnancy.  i think the time period in from a verse in SGGS.the SGPC rehitnama states it.

please no one take my word for it, this is just what i recall

There is that word again, fetus.  Why can't you use the word baby because that's what it is?  I know because calling the baby a baby would been you are advocating for murder of a human.  For you it's a baby when the parents want it and it's a 'fetus' when the girl got knocked up because she wanted to have sexual relationships but did not want to take on the responsibility that comes with such risky behavior with strangers.

Don't make up lies about Sikhi and Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.  Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji says first have faith in the Guru and speak honesty.   You were in such a rush to spread your feminist views you could not take a minute to even do a quick search of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to see what the Guru is actually saying.  How can life enter after three months when something doesn't have life then it doesn't exist. Everything has life therefore it exist.  Time to tune up your lying skills. No such rehatnama exist.  You are making up lies to appeal to authority.   First authority you used was Sikhi, then Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji then sgpc and lastly rehatnama, which none state what you are imposing on them.  

What you meant to say was, you watched the faithless Guruka Singh video and he imposed his views on Sikhi and now you are the learned Sikh.

There is a reason why I am being very assertive with you.  I don't take murder of anyone lightly.  Especially of a baby who innocently started to form as a distinct being after concpetion.  It's not abortion, its murder.

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Does anyone have any idea how many abortions are done because the in laws insist on having a boy? If a female is confirmed as being expected, then the daughter in law is rushed to many of the clinics here in downtown.   I can testify that we have over at least 4/week just in Vancouver area.  

Killing an unborn is no way justified in sikhi. 



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8 hours ago, puzzled said:

Read an article today about how a young couple decided to abort their child after the 22 week scan because the doctors said the there are strong chances that the baby will have a challenging life because there is something wrong with the babies spine.

What would the sikh point of view be on this?

In sikhi it is wrong to abort as you are killing an unborn child, in sikhi abortion is considered killing. We also believe that the unborn child is in a meditative state in remembrance of waheguru. 

But what if you find out that the baby has a serious condition which will give it a very challenging life? Spine related, disability, mentally not well, deformed, not properly developed or even life threatening, and other things on this line ? Is it still wrong for the parents to abort it?

I have a cousin in his mid 30s who was born paralysed from waist down, he cant walk so has been on a wheelchair all his life, he cant use the toilet so has to wear a nappy at all times which his parents put on him as he can not move. It is not easy and is a very very hard life. I have have see how hard it is. Its not easy for a parent to see their adult son like this.

So is it ok to abort the baby if it is not well(if the parents want to)  or would it still be wrong in sikhi? 

On one had waheguru has given you a child and it doesn't matter if it is well or not but waheguru still gave you it and trusted you with the responsibility of caring for it and looking after it So it's wrong to abort it    on the other hand it is very hard and some parents believe the best thing would be to abort it for the child's sake.


Sikhi is totally against abortion. Remember Guru Sahib said don't even go near that person who does kurri mar (when they used to kill babies because they were girls). And the baby has potential life. We can't take away life or give it, so it is up to Waheguru ji what happens and Maharaj says that Maat Garab Mai Aapan Simran Dei. He's protecting us inside the womb. And about children with disabilities, yes it is hard but remember we can't blame anyone. Jo Mai Keea So Mai Paeaa Dos Ne Deeje Avar Jana. It is because of our Paaps and Karams that things like this happen and we have to go through them.


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