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36 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

ਮਾਤ ਗਰਭ ਮਹਿ ਆਪਨ ਸਿਮਰਨੁ ਦੇ ਤਹ ਤੁਮ ਰਾਖਨਹਾਰੇ

॥ Maath Garabh Mehi Aapan Simaran Dhae Theh Thum Raakhanehaarae ||

In our mother's womb, You blessed us with Your meditative remembrance, and You preserved us there.

ਸੋਰਠਿ (ਮਃ ੫) (੧੮) ੧:੧ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੬੧੩ ਪੰ. ੧੬  Raag Sorath Guru Arjan Dev - Ang 613

Yeah that's why it's wrong   even in the womb the child is remembering waheguru so why should the parent destroy that? 

In would never kill my child regardless of its health. What ever waheguru gives you you should accept it

Waheguru loves all children and trusted you with that child 

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1 minute ago, puzzled said:

Yeah that's why it's wrong   even in the womb the child is remembering waheguru so why should the parent destroy that? 

In would never kill my child regardless of its health. What ever waheguru gives you you should accept it

Waheguru loves all children and trusted you with that child 

Yeah I know, thought I would post it again so it sinks in.

When we are born into rhe world, we start to forget about Vaheguru. 

Its like how as babies we can breath under water, then as we grow we just forget.

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9 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

quickening is the term used to describe the point at which the child is more active and you can feel it


It's just that people (who didn't have scientific knowledge) took that to be the first sign of life.

And then, without any basis, they then took it to be the point where the soul enters the body.

Which is something that they can believe in if they want.

The problem comes about when Yogi Bhajan picks up that piece of superstition and passes it off to his followers as some kind of legitimate Sikh belief.

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21 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:

I'm sorry, but I think you might be 5......

Frustration in being able to explain a matter to someone else is generally correlated with fuzzy thinking.

21 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:

"Meaningless sounds"??? What the devil are you on about?

You do realize that verbalized words are sounds, don't you? I was asking you whether "baby" and "fetus" have semiotic content, or are merely meaningless sounds (like a grunt).

In response, you have given what I take to be your definition of the words.

21 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:

A baby is a person and a foetus is not. It's a scientific definition.

Is it really, now? In what medical school or premed, nursing school, or biology course is a baby defined as "a person"? That's a scientific definition?

I'd like to know exactly how you mean your definition. Do you mean to say that that all non-persons are fetuses? So your dog is a fetus?

How does your statement that "a baby is a person" clarify the debate?

Why don't you try again?

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Guest London jwaan
8 hours ago, BhForce said:

Frustration in being able to explain a matter to someone else is generally correlated with fuzzy thinking.

You do realize that verbalized words are sounds, don't you? I was asking you whether "baby" and "fetus" have semiotic content, or are merely meaningless sounds (like a grunt).

In response, you have given what I take to be your definition of the words.

Is it really, now? In what medical school or premed, nursing school, or biology course is a baby defined as "a person"? That's a scientific definition?

I'd like to know exactly how you mean your definition. Do you mean to say that that all non-persons are fetuses? So your dog is a fetus?

How does your statement that "a baby is a person" clarify the debate?

Why don't you try again?


I think you are lacking any type of intellectual capability whatsoever. Indeed, I think you are talking right out of your jagsaw......

Semiotic sounds?? One is a foetus, the other is a baby that has been born. That is not my definition, that is what these terms mean. What in the hell are you talking about grunts and meaningless sounds?? I'm afraid that had the stupidest response I have ever heard to qualify an opposite view to anything......

And as for your other bizarre quip, about your dog being a foetus, next to jkvs typical medical diagnoses, that really is the dumbest think I have heard for a long time. So congratulations for that.  If I were to say bhforce was a <banned word filter activated>, does it follow that every <banned word filter activated> is called bhforce???

And for the avoidance of doubt, I'm still waiting to hear about aborting pregnancy from rape, and we are on the edge of our seats here waiting for you to tell us more about the limbs being ripped off with forceps. 

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Guest London jwaan
On 1/28/2019 at 11:01 PM, BhForce said:

Do the words have fixed meanings? Or are they merely meaningless sounds? If the latter, no further discussion is warranted.

Do words have "fixed meanings"? In fact, are we really here or is all just an illusion? 

And more to the point, are you capable of actually understanding anything factual or do you think you are contributing to this e-forum by metaphorically doing an e-lindee on it as above?

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
12 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:


I think you are lacking any type of intellectual capability whatsoever. Indeed, I think you are talking right out of your jagsaw......

Semiotic sounds?? One is a foetus, the other is a baby that has been born. That is not my definition, that is what these terms mean. What in the hell are you talking about grunts and meaningless sounds?? I'm afraid that had the stupidest response I have ever heard to qualify an opposite view to anything......

And as for your other bizarre quip, about your dog being a foetus, next to jkvs typical medical diagnoses, that really is the dumbest think I have heard for a long time. So congratulations for that.  If I were to say bhforce was a <banned word filter activated>, does it follow that every <banned word filter activated> is called bhforce???

And for the avoidance of doubt, I'm still waiting to hear about aborting pregnancy from rape, and we are on the edge of our seats here waiting for you to tell us more about the limbs being ripped off with forceps. 

You, London Jawan, are exactly like a teenage boy upset and unable to deal with his acne. BHS's arguments may be wrong but unlike you he is at least intellectually mature enough to be able to express his points with resorting to abuse. I don't think this forum has ever experienced someone as immature and pathetic as yourself....someone who is just so lacking in any mental ability to express points without resorting to teenage level vileness. Very sad that anyone in our community could be so intellectually backward.☹️

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On 1/30/2019 at 4:30 PM, Guest Thought said:

Well from my life all I can say is please do not think of Abortion because if you decide to keep the baby you will not be able to love that child. You will put the child in life time misery. I am one of them and I could never swallow that the mother and the father are my true parents.  You will feel you are not from this world. The fetus knows everything around the surroundings. The child will not be able to learn why they are acting this way. I found out and it made lots of sense why I used to say I was not born through a mother even when I 5 years old. I do not have left the family because I feel I am not supposed to be here in this world. 

Either the parents should decide to abort or not even think about ending a fetus life. I came to learn it was because I was a very active fetus and the mother did not like me for that.

the fact you are alive is proof positive you are wanted and needed in this world , don't make a couple of folks the basis of judging your status here. Waheguru ji is with you always wills you to live; make your life a sign of positivity . I'm sorry your mother was incapable of putting her ego aside to give you tha support you needed.

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Guest London jwaan
12 hours ago, Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh said:

You, London Jawan, are exactly like a teenage boy upset and unable to deal with his acne. BHS's arguments may be wrong but unlike you he is at least intellectually mature enough to be able to express his points with resorting to abuse. I don't think this forum has ever experienced someone as immature and pathetic as yourself....someone who is just so lacking in any mental ability to express points without resorting to teenage level vileness. Very sad that anyone in our community could be so intellectually backward.☹️

A pathetic jibe jagsaw......

And you? Possibly the most idiotic person to have graced the Internet. Openly lies, use fake statistics to make a point, try to create caste hatred, pro Islam, show extremist views but want other people to do your extremism for you?? In fact, you have been banned lol. And then go into a sulk when I tear you a new one with facts......and for the avoidance of doubt, I shall continue to do so.

Bhforce is talking out of his jagsaw. And like when you spout diahorrea, im trying to give him some e-immodium

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Guest London jwaan
On 1/28/2019 at 11:01 PM, BhForce said:

Your fear is merely of words, not a deadly weapon

I can safely say, I'm not afraid of your words, nor of any other person on this forum. There are a few balanced views on here, some extremists, and the downright behvkoof.

It is heavily skewed to the latter. And that in itself is a downright reality of why the kaum is becoming an irrelevant minority on the world stage with no voice, importance, and whose opinions carry no weight.

But fear you? I certainly do not. I laugh at you. And I laugh loud at the other behvkoofs lack of intelligence. On the contrary I find your stupidity entertaining. Like the scarecrow in wizard of oz. If I only had a brain la la la.

But no, fear you I do not. If you were in front of me I would knock you behvkoofs straight out and would consider it my duty as a righteous sikh to do so.

Waheguru JI ka Khalsa. Waheguru JI ki fateh.

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