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Anyone doing gardening this year?


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Guest GuestSingh
10 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Bro, I should've mentioned, I've been doing low-carb diet for a bit now. It just agrees with me and keeps me lean. That obviously dictates what I grow. There are a whole host of other things (like you mentioned) that you could grow that I don't. I don't do any root veg for example which seem pretty easy. 

Get yourself some massive pots (or a bin) for the potatoes. 

I put a small raised bed in a year or so ago that I haven't used (apart from as a compost dump), see what I can do with that this year. 

have u tried growing any herbs/spices? nuts/seeds? medicinal stuff e.g. aloe vera?

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26 minutes ago, GuestSingh said:

have u tried growing any herbs/spices? nuts/seeds? medicinal stuff e.g. aloe vera?

Oh yeah!

I've grown dhaniya (which I don't now because it's cheaper and more convenient to buy from the shop), different types of basil (tulsi), methi, thyme; I've got some oregano going on right now (first time, takes ages to grow); I bought some aloe vera bootay a couple of years ago and have 3 of them going on right now (keep 'em out of direct sunlight indoors and water sparingly! I use them as face cream). I've had mint going on before (aka pudheena). 

No seeds or nuts apart from sunflowers but some kabooter (or some other animal) always gets at them before I do. I wake up and find the flowers partially devoured on the floor. 

I've got a fruit plant called a calamondin  (which are like mini oranges) an old tutoring client gave me years ago. 

I tried the following with little success (but may try again) peas, celeriac, french beans and probably a bunch more. Bell peppers are too much headache and give little yield from my experience.

Might try ginger and garlic in the raised bed, but they are long time plant. Wouldn't mind getting my own haldhee going on too. I brought a bunch of fresh haldhee last year and peeled it and dried it outside and then ground it to make proper haldhee powder because it's meant to be a major medicinal root.  That was a dirty job though. Wear rubber gloves and old clothes if you ever do this. 

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Guest GuestSingh
1 hour ago, dallysingh101 said:

Oh yeah!

I've grown dhaniya (which I don't now because it's cheaper and more convenient to buy from the shop), different types of basil (tulsi), methi, thyme; I've got some oregano going on right now (first time, takes ages to grow);

would like to grow my own dhaniya, pudina and tulsi - guru har rai ji was said to have grown this herb in their garden and treated many sick people inc. the son of a muslim king if my memorys correct..

I bought some aloe vera bootay a couple of years ago and have 3 of them going on right now (keep 'em out of direct sunlight indoors and water sparingly! I use them as face cream).

bought one of these about 4 years ago and just ate the gel (after washing off the laxative sap of course) but tried to plant it and it just ended up dying...even kept it indoors/outdoors with plenty of warmth..cant remember how much it was watered but it just wouldnt grow any new leaves for weeks...

my parnani has 'greenfingers' - every plant she touches ends up prospering...she used to keep this houseplant that had a really fresh fragrance especially wen u rubbed its leaves and it grew really tall..never knew the name of it but can still smell it now just thinking about it...

I've had mint going on before (aka pudheena).

No seeds or nuts apart from sunflowers but some kabooter (or some other animal) always gets at them before I do. I wake up and find the flowers partially devoured on the floor.

think almonds are simple to grow indoors but aint tried it myself...

I've got a fruit plant called a calamondin  (which are like mini oranges) an old tutoring client gave me years ago. 

I tried the following with little success (but may try again) peas, celeriac, french beans and probably a bunch more. Bell peppers are too much headache and give little yield from my experience.

bitter gourd, baby pumpkin, aubergine and okra would be nice to grow - cabbage as a saabjia is one of my favorites with rotiya so that too...

Might try ginger and garlic in the raised bed, but they are long time plant. Wouldn't mind getting my own haldhee going on too. I brought a bunch of fresh haldhee last year and peeled it and dried it outside and then ground it to make proper haldhee powder because it's meant to be a major medicinal root.  That was a dirty job though. Wear rubber gloves and old clothes if you ever do this.

did u attempt to grow haldi?

u dont need to tell us how messy it gets bro - just gettin a few sprinkles accidentally on ur clothes or the kitchen counters/cooker is just enough to get 'chuttiya time'...

dug up one side of my garden about a year ago but its a small area so not much available to use - just gotta work out what to grow, how and where etc. any recommended sites/videos that can help? theres a lot of info out there and its easy to feel overwhelmed with plants/flowers etc...


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You know what I just discovered. Freshly dried oregano tastes so similar to the Indian herb Ajawein, they must some from the same family of plants. Gonna try growing some ajawein seeds for the sake of it. 

Mahandulai made me remember I bought some catnip seeds for meow-billy months ago. Now I can't find them. Damn! Cats love getting high on that ish!

Another tip: don't get cat-grass. Bought and grew some and the cat was not remotely interested. Prefered the normal grass in the garden to chew on. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have dabbled in the odd bit of gardening now and then. I planted a shrub and evergreen tree a while back. This time I will concentrate on edible stuff.

At the moment I am growing some herbs such as coriander, Rosemary and mint. But want to go advanced and start with some lettuce and strawberry which I heard are the easiest veggies to grow. 

Growing your own veggies here and there should be the way. It will be free from harmful pesticides and fertilizers that comes with commercialized mass produced produce in the supermarkets. 

Things I would like to grow




ginger garlic

Spring greens


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