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SikhSangat predicted the politics of Trump and Modi 6 years ago

Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh

Found it ?     I remembered something I wrote here 6 years ago warning everyone about a new style of divisive politics that would soon be coming our way. At that time (end of 2014) I said politicians would appear who would do and say a serious of crazy, unbelievable seemingly contradictory things that on the face of it would seem illogical but the intent would be to confuse and divide. For a while now I've been looking for that thread. At that time, I stated that the new style owes it's origins to the world of art, specifically the Russian Vladislav Surkov who went from art to politics as Putin's advisor and took his 'deconstruction' theories with him. The style has of course since then taken on a life of it's own away from art deconstruction theories with Trump and Modi taking the style to a whole new level.  What recent events have shown us though is that although this politics of bat-$h1t crazyness is 99% successfull in what it seeks to do there is in the end always one thing....usually a seemingly small and insignificant thing....that causes it's downfall. With Trump we saw how he could lock children in cages and rip babies from their mothers and it didn't make any difference but in the end a flu type virus brought him to an end. With Modi we saw how he was able to steam-roll reforms against all sectors of society and with a stroke of a pen introduce Nazi type policies against his Muslim subjects at will but in the end it was farmers from Punjab who put a stop to him. 

6 years ago I told you what was around the corner. Finally found that thread. Below is a link to that thread and also a snippet of  what I said back then:

Ghar Wapsi In Punjab - Page 3 - WHAT'S HAPPENING? - SIKH SANGAT

Collectively,we're not well-read and intellectual enough to understand how Putin's new idea of politics by confusion is being embraced by organisations all over the world, incuding our own UK govt. In Russia, the way Putin did it was by actively supporting, both in principle and financially, a cross-section of groups totally at odds with each other such as neo-nazi skinheads AND anti-racism groups. The idea is that you make a series of contradictory statements...do a series of contradictory things thus ensuring your enemy is in such a constant state of confusion that he no longer knows who his enemies are, thus rendering him ineffective as an opponent. This is exactly what the right wing Hindu groups in Punjab, such as the RSS have done over the last couple of weeks. They've been doing things on behalf of Sikhs...and for the benefit of Sikhism....such as converting chrstians back to Sikhism not because they are nice people. Its because they are probably 2 or 3 steps intellectually ahead of us.

Let me eplain, this new 'Putin' way is spreading like wildfire across the globe. Governments and institutions (like the Hindu RSS) are embracing it fully. The beauty of it, from their point of view, is that it leaves those on the receiving end of it (as this thread demonstrates : us) so confused it (we) no longer can the good guys be distinguished from the bad guys. To find the beauty in it you have to look into the world of art, specificaly Putin's main political advisor Vladislav Surkov. Surkov came to Putin from the world of art, and he used deconstruction art principles in politics. In other worlds, he created unreal realities or real unrealities ....where good can be bad and bad can be good...so people won't even see or notice the bad things you do because you ensure their minds are permanently focussed on the good. So, no matter what you do, you will always be seen as good.


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20 hours ago, Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh said:

With Trump we saw how he could lock children in cages and rip babies from their mothers and it didn't make any difference but in the end a flu type virus brought him to an end.

Except it was under Barack's administration where the cages were also used, and it was under his administration that what you're highlighting went unnoticed and unreported. Trump continued the policy. He didn't create an executive order on the first day of his administration, and instruct the immigration services to construct cages for "dirty foreigners".

The Trump administration DID separate children from their parents, but only so that agents could interview the children AWAY from adults accompanying them, because there was an unfortunate phenomenon where child traffickers were abducting children, taking them to the border, and posing as their parents in order to get into the States.



Your manipulative, emotional rhetoric about "ripping babies from mothers" is misleading and inaccurate. Be honest. Don't think you're the only one with a brain around here.

If you want to be taken seriously, think outside of the Left-Right dialectic. You're old enough to be thinking beyond this dynamic. Do better.

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh
4 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Except it was Barack who instigated the cages, and it was under his administration that what you're highlighting went unnoticed and unreported. Trump continued the policy. He didn't create an executive order on the first day of his administration, and instruct the immigration services to construct cages for dirty foreigners. Be honest.

If you want to be taken seriously, think outside of the Left-Right dialectic. You're old enough to be thinking beyond this dynamic. It's time to grow up.

Well now MisterSingh ? you know full well that I once wrote a long piece on this very forum a few years ago in which I said Obama deported more brown people to lands they had never known in his first year in charge than Trump had in his first 3 years. You also know that I had written extensively about how Trump has simply implemented the things Obama wanted to but was too impotent to. So why you think you are now scoring points against me as if I'm some sort of Obama supporter ?   

oh....and not that I care at all to stand up for Obama (because he was a fool) but seeing as you're the adult brained one here you might like to know that Obama built those cages (but never used them) for the time that America was inundated with scores of unaccompanied children. Despite his serious shortcomings I'm sure even your adult brain can appreciate that never in his wildest dreams could he have envisaged tearing children from the arms of their mothers and then locking those children in cages. Away from their mothers. and then sending the mothers hundreds of miles away. And also not documenting whose child you were snatching from which mother. And so, 5 years later, there's still 500 + of those children still looking for their mother.  It's all shocking stuff but to be honest I still can't get over the fact that Mister' Singh thought I was an Obama fan ?  

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3 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Except it was under Barack's administration where the cages were also used, and it was under his administration that what you're highlighting went unnoticed and unreported. Trump continued the policy. He didn't create an executive order on the first day of his administration, and instruct the immigration services to construct cages for "dirty foreigners".

The Trump administration DID separate children from their parents, but only so that agents could interview the children AWAY from adults accompanying them, because there was an unfortunate phenomenon where child traffickers were abducting children, taking them to the border, and posing as their parents in order to get into the States.



Your manipulative, emotional rhetoric about "ripping babies from mothers" is misleading and inaccurate. Be honest. Don't think you're the only one with a brain around here.

If you want to be taken seriously, think outside of the Left-Right dialectic. You're old enough to be thinking beyond this dynamic. Do better.

Barack only created the cages he never used them and especially not with kids

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4 hours ago, Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh said:

oh....and not that I care at all to stand up for Obama (because he was a fool) but seeing as you're the adult brained one here you might like to know that Obama built those cages (but never used them) for the time that America was inundated with scores of unaccompanied children.

False. https://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5?r=US&IR=T

50 minutes ago, Arsh1469 said:

Barack only created the cages he never used them and especially not with kids




In this June 18, 2014 photo, two female detainees sleep in a holding cell, as the children are separated by age group and gender, at a US Customs and Border Protection center in Nogales, Arizona. Associated Press/Ross D. Franklin.

Trump was elected in November 2016.


Trump and his Q cult are clowns. Pathetic and impotent. They're under the impression their guy will overturn the election results and sweep into power as if this is some kind of Hollywood thriller.

In an ideal world ruled by righteousness and justice, both Obama and Trump would swing for being traitors. Unfortunately, humanity has been forced into picking a side for centuries, and the "useless eaters" -- as these elites refer to us common people -- can't see beyond the false choice with which we're presented.

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2 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

False. https://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5?r=US&IR=T




In this June 18, 2014 photo, two female detainees sleep in a holding cell, as the children are separated by age group and gender, at a US Customs and Border Protection center in Nogales, Arizona. Associated Press/Ross D. Franklin.

Trump was elected in November 2016.


Trump and his Q cult are clowns. Pathetic and impotent. They're under the impression their guy will overturn the election results and sweep into power as if this is some kind of Hollywood thriller.

In an ideal world ruled by righteousness and justice, both Obama and Trump would swing for being traitors. Unfortunately, humanity has been forced into picking a side for centuries, and the "useless eaters" -- as these elites refer to us common people -- can't see beyond the false choice with which we're presented.

please note that this was all done under the direct actions of AKAL security aka yogi Bhajan's rentathug, same place also shaved and cut hair by force  of indian sikhs incarcerated there

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh
16 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

No. Not false. You've chosen to completely ignore the fact that I said Obama built those cages at a time when the USA was absolutely inundated with unaccompanied children. You obviously don't know what the word 'unaccompanied' means and I'm assuming you therefore also don't know of the existence of a thing called a 'dictionary' so let me help you out a bit MisterSingh. A dictionary is a book - also available electronically online - that lists all words alphabeticaly. What you do is look up the word you want and it will tell you what that word means. If you were to look up the word 'unaccompanied' it will say something along the lines of 'on their own' or 'not with someone'. At that moment you will quickly need to put the definition to the context you have. You will need a fast brain for this as people ain't got all day to wait but the more you practice it the faster you will get. So, once you see that your context is 'unaccompanied children' your fast brain will quickly tell you that it means those children are without their mother or father. Or elder sibling. Or indeed anyone. I.e. completely on their tod.  What you then do is sit down and imagine you're the president. What do you do ? You know the nation has a legal obligation to shelter the children and not put them in danger by letting them go so what do you do ? Do you break the law and let them go or do you give them shelter ? Of course you don't let them go but at that point you ask yourself this question: 'Am I the President of America or am I the Prime Minister of a civilised European country' ?  When the answer comes back that you're the president of america you remember that your nation is a bit third worldy when it comes to incarceration and welfare and so you do what you do. 

And then, 6 years later, you as the former president sit and roll your eyes at the low level of intellect of some random mr singh sitting in far away dull, grey and depressing England who doesn't know the difference between unaccompanied children and deliberately separating children from their mothers - and then going on to losing those mothers because you didn't write down what kid you were separating from which mother. 

So there's your playskool word of the day MisterSingh: Unaccompanied. let me know if there's any others you're struggling with. I'm always willing to help out.

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On 12/15/2020 at 10:11 AM, Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh said:

No. Not false. You've chosen to completely ignore the fact that I said Obama built those cages at a time when the USA was absolutely inundated with unaccompanied children. You obviously don't know what the word 'unaccompanied' means and I'm assuming you therefore also don't know of the existence of a thing called a 'dictionary' so let me help you out a bit MisterSingh. A dictionary is a book - also available electronically online - that lists all words alphabeticaly. What you do is look up the word you want and it will tell you what that word means. If you were to look up the word 'unaccompanied' it will say something along the lines of 'on their own' or 'not with someone'. At that moment you will quickly need to put the definition to the context you have. You will need a fast brain for this as people ain't got all day to wait but the more you practice it the faster you will get. So, once you see that your context is 'unaccompanied children' your fast brain will quickly tell you that it means those children are without their mother or father. Or elder sibling. Or indeed anyone. I.e. completely on their tod.  What you then do is sit down and imagine you're the president. What do you do ? You know the nation has a legal obligation to shelter the children and not put them in danger by letting them go so what do you do ? Do you break the law and let them go or do you give them shelter ? Of course you don't let them go but at that point you ask yourself this question: 'Am I the President of America or am I the Prime Minister of a civilised European country' ?  When the answer comes back that you're the president of america you remember that your nation is a bit third worldy when it comes to incarceration and welfare and so you do what you do. 

And then, 6 years later, you as the former president sit and roll your eyes at the low level of intellect of some random mr singh sitting in far away dull, grey and depressing England who doesn't know the difference between unaccompanied children and deliberately separating children from their mothers - and then going on to losing those mothers because you didn't write down what kid you were separating from which mother. 

So there's your playskool word of the day MisterSingh: Unaccompanied. let me know if there's any others you're struggling with. I'm always willing to help out.

? Never change, Jagsaw. You're amazing.

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