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Guest Hope

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I was wondering what would it be like to migrate to India to live a very rural way of life without a single western amenity, kind of back to basics with lots of good people around you and no fuss no fake appearances etc on daily basis. Has anyone else had this longing and if you have what have you done to fulfil it? It’s a very strong longing for me and I just want to return where my ancestors lived once. Please share your feelings and impressions or even your desires or longings on this subject, if you don’t mind. I would love to hear from you. I hope it’s not too much to ask. Thanks.

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On 2/22/2021 at 3:16 AM, Guest Hope said:

kind of back to basics with lots of good people around you and no fuss no fake appearances etc on daily basis.

good like finding those "good people" in punjab.  lol.  you clearly haven't visited there before?

good people?  more like devious, lying, money hungry, unprincipled, unethical, etc etc.  they wont waste any opportunity to try and rip you off.

also you have romantic notions of not having access to hot water, heating, basic hygiene faciilties?

theres rubbish and toxic pollution galore.

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"fake appearances" are something our punjabi bretheren (including the women) excel in both in punjab and the diaspora.

oh OP, most punjabis are desperate to get out of punjab and away from each other, and you are trying to get back?


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hi the thought has crossed my mind many times too. I have travelled alot to India prior to covid and all the trips I had were amazing. by the way they were all sikhi orientated. 

however one fundamental thing I realised is that every time I'd been whether for a week or 6 weeks+ I was there as a tourist; visiting any country as a tourist is different to actually living there. 

but I completely understand why you would want to go there..........this modRen western world is getting too much. 

at the end of the day the choice is yours but just be wise and do your research prior to  moving. Maybe take a trip out there and trial it for at least 6months to a year........then make your decision. 

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You can go off grid wherever you are,no need to migrate anywhere.Premi5 is right,you will be an outsider in India.

On 2/22/2021 at 7:16 PM, Guest Hope said:

lots of good people around you and no fuss no fake appearances etc on daily basis. 

This requirement would be tough to find anywhere,unless you go settle in some really spiritual Babas Dera or something and dedicate yourself to Bhagti.But then there is the serious risk too of you ending up with the wrong Baba for eg Gurmeet ram raheem,and end up being turned into a eunuch.So tread carefully.

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4 hours ago, Premi5 said:


How old are you ?

I used to think the same until my last two visits to India.

If anything, keeping up appearances is much more important in India than the West. You will always be an outsider.

But you can make it work if you really want to, probably

What would be your livelihood? As you will be aware, farmers have it very difficult in India. 


4 hours ago, Premi5 said:


How old are you ?

I used to think the same until my last two visits to India.

If anything, keeping up appearances is much more important in India than the West. You will always be an outsider.

But you can make it work if you really want to, probably

What would be your livelihood? As you will be aware, farmers have it very difficult in India. 


32 minutes ago, PuzzledToo said:

You can go off grid wherever you are,no need to migrate anywhere.Premi5 is right,you will be an outsider in India.

This requirement would be tough to find anywhere,unless you go settle in some really spiritual Babas Dera or something and dedicate yourself to Bhagti.But then there is the serious risk too of you ending up with the wrong Baba for eg Gurmeet ram raheem,and end up being turned into a eunuch.So tread carefully.

Thank you both very much for responding. I really appreciate what you both’ve said. I am 51 and have never lived in India apart from visiting it every now and then. Our children are both grown adults, we’ve travelled all our lives, seen and done everything within the ambit of Sikh dharma.  We both now feel that it’s time we devoted whatever life we have left towards bakti, seva and simran without any western influences or distractions. We are thinking of moving to a very remote part of Punjab with basic rural settings such as fetching water from the nearest village well, sleeping outdoors under a neem tree at night during summer months, having only few clothes, eating very simple diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables snd lentils either with boiled or steamed rice or a wholemeal chapati, cooked on wood fire. We would have plenty of time left to visit all our gurdwaras packed with Sikh significance and would love to mingle with our village folks in spare time.  We have both written down a list of things we both would love to do when we migrate. We can both work as farm labourers for little bit of money and be amongst our people where we belong. We don’t get this feeling of belonging anywhere in the western countries. To start with, we don’t get to speak Punjabi anywhere. We really and truly want to revert back to who we are, for better or worse. We don’t care. At least we will have no regrets whatever the outcome is. We just want to wash our western conditioning out of our hair forever. What do you think? Do you think, it’s a good idea? Do you think it will work. We don’t have anymore desires left to travel, to do any other worldly things and have reached a point where we both realise how fake this world is, full of fake things and people.

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46 minutes ago, Dsinghd said:

I’ve been to India several times. Visiting Gurdware is great. I really want to go to Patna Sahib. But i get fed up after 4 weeks and want to come back. I’ve noticed the people are different.

But when you are at the Gurdwaras, don’t you wish you could stay longer for two or more days, or never even leave? This is what we feel every time we have been there. People are very nice and they are very helpful and willing to chat with you. I think, you will feel different, say, if you decided to move there for good. Then you would realise the benefits of of spending time and life with our own people. It gives you such a nice feeling of belonging when you start mingling with them, I don’t mean just your relatives, I mean also strangers and the rest. It’s a spiritually elevating experience. They are so down to earth, with no airs or graces about them. They are so genuine and welcoming, always being who they are and not who they are not. They present themselves as themselves and as someone else. Honestly, it’s the most exhilarating experience in life to be blessed with an interaction like this one with people so genuine and pure and so giving. Immediately, you feel they are you and you are them, no differences no judgements and no pre-assumed impressions anywhere.

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Guest Mr Lynx

Its pretty normal to feel like this as its easy to get disillusioned with modern life especially during these tough covid times.

I think you should spend more time in nature and then go travelling when things open up.

Also plans usually look much better in ones imagination than in real life and as mentioned above india also has negative points just like anywhere else.

I used to love watching vids on youtube of people living in remote areas, totally back to basics it was very relaxing too lol


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