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Harassed AT Trinidad AIRPORT

Gurpreet Singh

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I was discriminated at the airport at trinidad by an airline employee....this is what i am planning to send to the newspapers, airport authorities and the airline officials. please proof read this for me.....thanks sangat ji..

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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I was travelling back to Toronto Canada after spending the holidays with my family in Guyana. While in transit at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad, after clearing security I approached the BWIA counter to go through the airline procedures of checking my passport and boarding pass when Mr Maniram Chittar (A Bwia employee) checked my documents and told me to have a seat. After checking the other in transit passengers Mr Chittar reinspected my passport meticulously before his very rude interrogation began. Again, Mr Chittar demanded that I return to where I was sitting and I was made to wait another fifteen minutes. By this time, passengers were being called to the gate since boarding was about to start. I was again called to the counter where Mr. Chittar Impoliteness towards me grew.Informationg that was clearly stated on my passport was repeatedly asked of me; it was clear that Mr Chittar thought that I was carrying a false passport. I had no problem with this because since my last passport picture was taken, I have since grown a beard and I wear a turban which is synonymous with the Sikh religion.

Mr Chittar made no attempts to make this interrogation private; I was questioned in the presence of all other travelers and passerbys. As his questioning continued, I could see the reaction of other travellers towards me; they were looking at me as if I had done something wrong. My humiliation grew when Mr. Chittar, with everyone now discretely observing me, asked me how long I had grown that ‘that thing’ on my face; he was referring to my beard. Appalled at this disrespectful question, I asked Mr Chittar if he was referring to my beard. He demanded that I answer his questions regar

dless of how he asked them. I remained as calm as possible and explained to Mr. Chittar that I am a Sikh and keeping a beard is a requirement of the religion; I went on to tell Mr. Chittar that referring to my beard as ‘that thing’ is very disrespectful and hurtful. Mr. Chittar responded, ‘Yeah Whatever’.

Shocked at Mr Chittar’s indignant response, I asked him if he was harassing me because I have a beard. This direct question obviously infuriated him as he told me that he can do whatever he wants to anyone he chooses. Determined to assert his authority. Mr Chittar instructed another BWIA employee that my bags be removed from the plane so that it can be searched. Obviously upset at this point, I told MR. Chittar that he has no right to speak to me in such a manner since I have paid for my ticket and am entitled to the same respectful treatment as other passengers but my words seemed unheard by anyone. I was then summoned by Mr Chittar to the boarding area and made to wait until everyone boarded the plane, even though I was seated in section 1OF. This Horrible encounter mercifully came to an end.

I am very humiliated and hurt by the actions of Mr. Chittar and I am determined not to let this prejudice go unnoticed. I want everyone to realize that this discrimination still plagues us, and it is not restricted to normal civilians; it s evident even in Airline Authorities with whom we place our trust. Persons like Maniram Chittar should not be allowed to get away with such behaviour. I was the center of harassment and embarrassment because I have a beard and wear a turban. Think about this for a second: I was treated like a criminal because of the length of my facial hair and the turban on my head; I was insulted because I chose to follow the requirements of my religion. Imagine being insulted because you wore a cross on your chain. I was exposed to this prejudice because Mr. Chittar Thought that tolerance was too good for someone like me.

Mr Chittar is a paid Employee of British West Indian Airways

(BWIA); and on January 6th he was paid to make me feel less than a human being. He was given money, by his employers, to harass me because of my beard and turban. Of course this is not the intention of Mr Chittar’s employers, but should he continue to be employed, it would suggest that Piarco International Airport and BWIA condones and encourages this religious intolerance. It suggests that Mr. Chittar employers support his opinion that anyone who is different by his standards should be subjected to harassment and embarrassment. Mr Chittar should not be allowed to subject other persons to the prejudice and humiliation that I was made to endure and I sincerely hope that his employees at BWIA share my sentiments.

I will never forget this humiliation, but I do understand that these are people who do not understand my religion and culture; but this should not give anyone the right to treat another person with such disrespect because they have not been properly educated. So this is my mission: To make as many people aware of this actions of Mr. Chittar and those like him; to encourage anyone who has been discriminated against because of their race, religion, culture or nationality to stand up against this religious intolerance. We have a voice, the media is capable of reaching every corner of the world; and this is where my story intends to go.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Veeray, change your picture on your passport immediately! I did it and trust me it saves you loads of hassles at airports! I visited Iran this Saturday to renew my visa and had no problems at all. Actually those guys were pretty friendly!

Now back to this chitter dude (he deserves them as well). Make sure you complain against him and make the airlines aware as to how offended and insulted you feel after this humiliation at the hands of an arrogant and ignorant officer. I am more than sure you will come out in flying colors as Gurujee is with you, and so are the sangata.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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I so wanted to smack him but gurukirpa i kept my cool.....anyways is it written properly...i just wanted someone to check it out and make it better :wub: ........Mr Mehtab Singh...can u do the honors......

oh and on a lighter note.........u guys been posting stuff about me on t he other posts..... :@hit.gif ....im gonna deal with ya in a few days rolleyes.gif

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I so wanted to smack him but gurukirpa i kept my cool.....anyways is it written properly...i just wanted someone to check it out and make it better :wub: ........Mr Mehtab Singh...can u do the honors......

oh and on a lighter note.........u guys been posting stuff about me on t he other posts..... :@hit.gif ....im gonna deal with ya in a few days rolleyes.gif

Gurpreet veer,

I feel for you.. i went through a similar situation at russia when i had no choice but to go wit my families decision of taking airline aeroflot :@

Anyway bro, best of luck wit that letter, ill help you as much as i can, just give me a shout.. i know people ... :nihungsmile:

Also, i hope ur not referring to me about posting things about u in other threads... hahahaha.... tsk tsk nonono.gif why make fun of gurpreet veerji ... :e:

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