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Akj Amrit Sanchaar?

Khalsa Fauji

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Firstly regarding how naam is given in an amrit sinchaar, I'd like to say that there are really no detailed puratan rehitnamas that detail how to conduct an amrit sinchar or what happens inside.  They don't even explicity mention the giving of gurmantar. 


so you're saying that there's no references to the AKJ method of naam drirh that certain individuals have been harping on and on about on this site?...you're saying that people like akj4ever and singh47 who have been trying to make other amrit sanchars seem less valid really have NO basis for their assertions..?...hmmmmmm...interesting!

oh singh123...you should really be careful when trying to point out "faults" or shortcomings of other amritsanchars...you're lucky that we all actually have some level of respect for people like bhai randhir singh ji and haven't thrown that fact that the akj believe in a different kakaar than the Akal takt maryada in your face....although we may disagree with your stance on such matters we have enough respect for you to leave it alone...and i would never say that that makes amrit sanchar at akj samagams any less....you should also not make judgements about other jathas that may prescribe three banis in the morning..after all they are ACTUALLY following akal takt approved maryada.....again..i don't believe it should be 3 banis...but i would never make my brothers or sisters that were told to read 3 banis feel like they are inferior or anything like that...i think there's a lesson in humility and mutual respect to be learned here!

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and singh47 who have been trying to make other amrit sanchars seem less valid really have NO basis for their assertions..?...hmmmmmm...interesting!

JSS, it seems like you either need reading glasses, or have a desperate need to make others look bad. If you had read my post carefully, you would have known that my intent was was not prove/disprove Naam Drir. My sole reason to write on this site was to reply to your baseless argument that none of the so-called "Puraatan" sampradhas do Naam Drir as the a basis for your argument against Naam Drir. To which I replied that two of the the four socalled "Puraatan" sampradhas are not even puraatan to begin with! then we are left with Udasis and Nihangs, and we all know how anti-Gurmat thier beleifs are, such as animal sacrifice, anointment of Nishan Sahibs with blood, making the socalled low caste Mazabi Sikhs take a different Amrit, or women take Kirpan dha Amrit, worshiping Hindu deities the list just goes on and on.

I think that the reason you seem to be bitter is because I asked a question about the Dodras. I just simply asked the question because you mentioned them as another group that does not do Naam Drir in your argument against Naam Drir, when on the other hand, I have heard some really whacky stuff about the Dodras from people. To tell you the truth, I have nothing against Dodras... I just asked a question and you seemed to get offended for no reason. Until two years ago, I didn't even know about any group called the Dodras. So there is no need to get offended. Take it easy....

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and singh47 who have been trying to make other amrit sanchars seem less valid really have NO basis for their assertions..?...hmmmmmm...interesting!

I think that the reason you seem to be bitter is because I asked a question about the Dodras. I just simply asked the question because you mentioned them as another group that does not do Naam Drir in your argument against Naam Drir, when on the other hand, I have heard some really whacky stuff about the Dodras from people. To tell you the truth, I have nothing against Dodras... I just asked a question and you seemed to get offended for no reason. Until two years ago, I didn't even know about any group called the Dodras. So there is no need to get offended. Take it easy....


well actually he said that sadh sangat(dodra) does have naam drirh ... so maybe ur the one that needs reading glasses. :TH:

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JSS wrote:


oh singh123...you should really be careful when trying to point out "faults" or shortcomings of other amritsanchars...you're lucky that we all actually have some level of respect for people like bhai randhir singh ji and haven't thrown that fact that the akj believe in a different kakaar than the Akal takt maryada in your face..


Jss, why are you so bitter and angry? If you re-read my post I didn't try and point out any "fault", I pointed out differences and didn't make any subsequent comment on what's right or wrong. For your sake, I'll paste my comment here:


If one amrit sinchar says it's ok to eat meat and to read three nitnem banis, while another says eating meat is a bujjer kurehit and nitnem in the morning is of 5 banis, then of course something is inequal. One is allowing what another sees as a bujjer kurehit. So things, unfortunately, aren't quite as simple as that.


As for the historical references, I have shown that there is a method to jap naam that is not taught in many amrit sinchaars and that there are historical references for it.

Please fix your tone. There is no reason for you to have such an insulting and offensive style of writing.

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ssk wrote:

well actually he said that sadh sangat(dodra) does have naam drirh ... so maybe ur the one that needs reading glasses.

oooohh, that really hurt.... LOL.gif

When I said 'Naam Drir, I meant doing Naam Abhiyas using your swaas, like how people like Bhai Randhir Singh Jee, and Sant Attar Singh Mastuanaywalay did it. In fact, I have even heard Sant Ishar Singh Jee Rarawalay describing this technique in one of his Kathas exactly the same way. He described this method as the technique to do Naam Simran. These three men are without a doubt one of the most spiritual Sikh saints of the 20th century. Personally, I'd rather follow thier examples.

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Guest noonespecial

Personally, I don't care if someone does swaas swaas simran or does simran standing on their head. Whatever works for you..

BUT, just because you're doing it with swaas doesn't make you better. (Sorry if that's what you've been led to believe, but it doesn't).

One technique of doing Gurmantar Simran is in no way superior to the other. There have been many Gursikhs who have achieved muktee using many different types of methods...so who are we to argue that one way is better than the rest? I think the key is who actually DOES Simran. You see arguing about a method of doing Simran does not equal to doing Simran.

Also, Singh47, bringing up Dodra is kind of a childish thing to do. If you don't have the knowledge to debate the topic at hand then don't post. Don't take cheap shots and then tell people to "take it easy"...

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