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What The Next 5 Years Are Going To Be Like, A Katha About The Future


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Awsome katha!

A hard slap to the face, we really need to wake up!

I had a ? that Giani Ji states that:

-A very horrendous time is going to come

-punj piyare will be hard to find

-we wont have any pothiya

Are these Mahapursha dey bachan??

Alot of bani is on the internet ppl have bani on their phones iphones, laptops,

how can it all disapear?

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Giani jee has just stated what baba thakur singh jee said to the singhs a long time ago and also what other mahapurhs have stated previously regarding pothia and gurbani and the time approaching, mahapurkhs in india were saying similar things 1 year ago when asked, however they dont give a time period and rarely ever speak to anyone. Giani jee is just saying what he was told.

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Sau Sakhi tells us that one day shaheed singhs will make all the bani go gupt b/c of all of the beadbi of Gurbani that is happening. When that happens... you will only be able to do paaath of the bani that you have memorised. Take santhya, and if you cannot, then start internet santhia using the pothian on www.gursevak.com.

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Can SGPC, or they attempted to, direct their salaried granthis to venture into remote areas and spread sikhism.if we are good, as we say we are and other alo say that, then it should be easy to spread Despite the universalism of the scriptures, despite the example of the Gurus themselves, they have restricted themselves to equate Sikhism with Punjab (may be because they can not get money control , as happens with hazoor saahib and Patna Saahib and they are more or less independent). Spread the message beyond ......the language (Punjabi) with dehdhari messengers on the rolls of SGPC. this will satisfy the needs of general public and kill the dera movements. Had Christianity similarly remained tied to the linguistic forms and its origins, it would have been a small cult. Jesus had preached to a people within a small geographical area; he lived and died among them. But Christian missionaries carried the message of their messiah everywhere. The Bible was translated into every language of the world and transformed into the idiom of cultures that were completely alien to that of its origin.

There is a demand, if SGPC does not fulfil it, then ashutosh sacha sauda, radha soami would fulfil it. Even pure hindu sects are taking away sikh devotees.

Just look at it from demand and supply perspective.

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