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Bhangra At Nagar Kirtans


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Bhangra at nagar kirtans is becoming a trend. We see this in Southall every year. Obviously we have the recent Coventry Nanaksar Pakandi Baba encouraging his followers to participate in this aswell.

Pakandi Baba Harnek is a known problem, attracting attention from Western Media and also being in trouble with police and courts around the world. I am amazed that jathebandis have not spoken out about this joke of a man.

We are quick to slate any Sant, even if they have made no mistake. We will find the smallest of thing to pick on and go mad. Maybe Sant bashers have created a divide, where no one takes them seriously.

BUT this Baba is clearly a pakandi. The Sant Samaj have even been approached about this character. Does anyone know if there was a statement from them at all?

My understanding is that Harnek is banned by the Sant Samaj. Can this be clarified.

We need to address this man. Ideas please?

Bhangra - this needs to be addressed through parchaar. Why do we do Nagar kirtans needs to be looked at and a code of conuduct should be read to all sangat.

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Papoo agrees with Kuljeet. Papoo used to go gigs and now i am trying to be a Sikh. I know not to mix.

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Every year the UK sangat get jittery when it’s time for nanaksar run nagar kirtan in Coventry and almost every year the same situation happens where the sangat dance around Guru Jees float. It is so predictable that this situation would happen yet as an active community we were unable to come up with a united solution to prevent this from happening.

Institutional beadbi is the biggest battle Sikhs are up against. Now it is very easy for all the Coventry Gurdwara committees to wash their hands off this specific nagar kirtan by not getting physically involved in the organising. The fact that they don’t do anything to prevent what they definitely know is going to happen is a cop out. The clout to stop the dancing lies with the local Sikh leadership and I mean everyone, the prabhandaks, the jathebhandia, the sampardays and other nanaksar groups. The youth can have as many protests at the nagar kirtan or outside gurdwaras, but apart from being branded a minority of religious fanatics and zealots you won’t achieve the necessary long term outcome which is to stop the manmat practices being falsely labeled as gurmat!!!!.

My suggestion is to use your ties with influential Sikh personalities and form a national group which will monitor and support nagar kirtans carried out in the UK. This group should be made responsible for setting a standard protocol for nagar kirtans with the full satkar of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jees pavitar saroop in mind. Bhangra dancing, the abuse of nishan sahib, non covering of heads, non-panthic groups, alcohol abuse, smoking etc can be eradicated in this way. It’s not just this specific nagar kirtan which need serious addressing, it’s manmat in almost every single nagar kirtan in the UK which needs to be tackled.

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Papoo thinks gurbal akaal has ants in his pants. Did this happen to you?

I assume Gurbar Akaal is referring to what happened at Leamington gurdwara last November 2005. Each to their own, I personally think what he is highlighting is that the Leamington approach wasn't everyones idea of a good approach. Not all of us wanted to smash the room up, smack up the older men and pour alcohol over their kes, even if they were sitting there doing beadbi!! At the end of the day they still have drink sessions in the hall in that gurdwara car park and the ubhi guy got hit with an 8G fine!!

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yeh but the thing is if we approach the olders they dont care, its the youths dat have sense today and stop beadbi, i remeber at ek niwas, the older guys includin the fedis sed lets cum back tomorow and have a meeting about it, and youths were like <admin-profanity filter activated> we are going in if they dont giv guru jis saroop back and well stand out here untill as long as it takes

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