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1313 Akhand Path Sahibs For Sarbat Da Palah!

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We ask ourselves why bad things happen in this world......and most of time we have no answers.....we look to reasoning and understanding and to the one teacher that always gives us the right answer...Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.....who tells us....that Waheguru firstly puts us through pain to give us peace in the end.

Bad things happen and the world goes through the pain.....What do we do as Sikhs to put ourselves at peace.....we remember WAHEGURU.....and ask for "SARBAT DA PALAH" - "Have mercy on the world"

BUT truthfully asking ourselves, how many times have we WHOLE HEARTEDLY said in our Ardaas "SARBAT DA PALAH", before asking for Naam, Bani, Amrit.....how many times have we honestly said Waheguru please have mercy on the world????

Regarding this very important element of our daily Ardaas, Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehowa Wale has with Guru Ji's Kirpa organised the ongoing reading of 1313 Sri Akhand Path Sahibs over 22 days for "SARBAT DA PALAH"

How better to get peace after pain then by showing the upmost respect and honour to the one who gives us all answers.

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Now its for us UNDERSTAND.......Where we are today!.......THINK.......What we are doing!......and REFLECT upon.......What should be done!


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We ask ourselves why bad things happen in this world......and most of time we have no answers.....we look to reasoning and understanding and to the one teacher that always gives us the right answer...Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.....who tells us....that Waheguru firstly puts us through pain to give us peace in the end.

Bad things happen and the world goes through the pain.....What do we do as Sikhs to put ourselves at peace.....we remember WAHEGURU.....and ask for "SARBAT DA PALAH" - "Have mercy on the world"

BUT truthfully asking ourselves, how many times have we WHOLE HEARTEDLY said in our Ardaas "SARBAT DA PALAH", before asking for Naam, Bani, Amrit.....how many times have we honestly said Waheguru please have mercy on the world????

Regarding this very important element of our daily Ardaas, Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehowa Wale has with Guru Ji's Kirpa organised the ongoing reading of 1313 Sri Akhand Path Sahibs over 22 days for "SARBAT DA PALAH"

How better to get peace after pain then by showing the upmost respect and honour to the one who gives us all answers. 

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Now its for us UNDERSTAND.......Where we are today!.......THINK.......What we are doing!......and REFLECT upon.......What should be done!




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I mean no disrespect to the organizers of this akhand paath session but doing path at such a frantic pace will serve limited long term benefit other than improve the reading skills of the pathees.

If we are truly desiring to make a meaningful impact on society through the help of our guru it would be much more useful to do a single akhand paath (even better would be sahaj paath) in each city and discuss its meanings 1313 times rather than doing the paath 1313 times.

The true method to show respect to the guru is not only to read but to reflect, understand and implement what is being read. And for the majority of sangat whose knowledge of gurmat is limited this requires slow and steady discussion/katha/vichaar on the bani being read.

Thus if each of the 1313 akhand paaths is followed by a detailed explanation of the bani then by all means i encourage all to be involved.

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if no one is going to listen to the akhand paat it will do nothing good.. PLEASE GO HOME AND DO SEHAJ PAAT OR AKHAND PAAT AND LISTEN TO IT AND DO AARTH!! understand every salok and get its meaning.... Gurbani has no number system. 1= 1313!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thousands of People surrouding the Gurdwara Sahib are currently listening to the Akhand Path Sahibs. People from all around the World have gone to witness such an amazing programme. People in and around the area have gone to visit the programme.

Now if this programme, encourages people to have Darshan of our everlasting Guru, Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then why is it we can only Criticise?

Once the Akhand Paths have been carried out hundreds of Sant Mahapuraks will ensure that the maximum amount of Gurbani can be explained through kirtan and katha.

Everybody is entitled to there own opinion, and if that means some people cannot appreciate or even ackowledge the fact that something good and usefull is being done for us Sikhs then so be it.

Lets please not turn this Topic into one of doing Ninidya and placing criticisms upon one another.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thousands of People surrouding the Gurdwara Sahib are currently listening to the Akhand Path Sahibs. People from all around the World have gone to witness such an amazing programme. People in and around the area have gone to visit the programme.

Now if this programme, encourages people to have Darshan of our everlasting Guru, Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then why is it we can only Criticise?

Once the Akhand Paths have been carried out hundreds of Sant Mahapuraks will ensure that the maximum amount of Gurbani can be explained through kirtan and katha.

Everybody is entitled to there own opinion, and if that means some people cannot appreciate or even ackowledge the fact that something good and usefull is being done for us Sikhs then so be it.

Lets please not turn this Topic into one of doing Ninidya and placing criticisms upon one another.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


I agree, if someone is trying to do something good for the world, then as GurSikhs, it is their job to encourage, not critisise!

The pictures of the saroops of Sache Paatshah Sree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj look so good!!!

I maybe in Punjab at the time of the Sree Akhand Paath Sahib Jee Bhog, and will definately try to come if I am there.

d_oh.gifVaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguroo Jee Kee Phateh!!! d_oh.gif

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There was no nindhaya in my post, and you may have taken unecessary offense to my words. I was not trying to malign anyone or anyones efforts. I was merely trying to highlight how in todays world we have turned the akhand path in to a mere 48 hr verbal recitation of gurbani with little followup discussion of its meanings or implementation of its instructions.

I have nothing against anyone wanting to do an akhand paath or for that matter 100 akhand paaths. But if one wants to fully benefit from the gurbani being read they have to understand what is being read and then have a desire to follow it.

As i stated earlier, if the akhand paaths are followed by katha and discussion of the meanings of gurbani with equal enthusiasm by the organizers then i see nothing wrong with it.

Only time will tell how many hours are spent in katha of the gurbani following the hundred of hours of reading of gurbani. Hopefully it is tenfold more cuz in todays society there is much more need for us to understand gurbani rather than merely listen to it.

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