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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2022 in Posts

  1. are you quite sure , because its amazing how many apnay are marrying gujus and panjabi hindus and seperating the next generation from sikhi
    1 point
  2. I think a lot of you apnay just like talking shyte for the sake of it, a bit like jananian in the langar hall. What has this got to do with us?
    1 point
  3. Meditate before or after. Or focus on the music in your car.
    1 point
  4. Could be exposure of media. Or even advance knitting machines thas able to produce tight clothing, only faster than before. This is main reason why Guru Amar Dass Ji said men should control their eyes... Even if it's right in front of us at work, walking the streets.
    1 point
  5. ਜੋ ਜਾਨੈ ਮੈ ਜੋਬਨਵੰਤੁ ॥ ਸੋ ਹੋਵਤ ਬਿਸਟਾ ਕਾ ਜੰਤੁ ॥ One who deems himself to have the beauty of youth, Shall become a maggot in manure. Sukhmani Sahib, p278 You're not supposed to be proud of your body or beauty. That goes for both men and women.
    1 point
  6. Art is very important and powerful creative force and tool in Sikhi, especially in story telling. If you look at historical gurdwara's they had art depicting historical moments of Guru Ji lives. Art is a way of conveying and expressing a story where words can not. As they say a painting can say a thousand words. Art is encouraged in Sikhi especially when it glorifies the creator waheguru, nature, Sikh history and and Sikh hero's. Also there are designs (mosaics) which can be seen on famous gurdwaray especially around the parikarma of Darbar Sahib. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T129AybwJhM/U4LUfSz7gmI/AAAAAAAAB2E/OG6_3KW1er8/s1600/Untitled-3.jpg http://pictify.saatchigallery.com/files/works/sikh-art-sacred-aesthetics-of-the-sikhs-by-nikky-guninder-kaur-1358579095_org.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/4856/45864050192_0fdb4586c6_b.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d6/62/f7/d662f7c22d209b904a7c9c07de01eda1.jpg When you look at historical paintings of Sikh martyrs getting executed by muslim tyrannt regime and their footsoldiers you realise the cruelty of people and yet you had muslims and others who didnt believe such things took place then you had likes of isis come along and do things to non-muslims in iraq and syria which showed the barbarity that islam can inflict on muslim and non-muslim communities. And it confirmed to others that yes islam or those who follow islam to an extreme literal interpretation are capable of the most evil deeds and hence our hate for their evil poisonous inhumane ideology and their need to be exterminated from this world is justified. https://www.naukrinama.com/stressbuster/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/8-39.jpg https://jarnailarts.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/storming-of-multan-fort.jpg
    1 point
  7. This entire debate is pointless, regarding which places are clean and which aren't. Originally, Anand Karaj's were held by doing parikarma around Guru Sahib themselves. Guru Sahib did not go to people; people came to Guru Sahib. Later, at some point, people started bringing Guru Granth Sahib to their homes to perform weddings. Recently, people starting taking Guru Granth Sahib to hotels and such, which was considered a step too far. So it was collectively decided that if you want to be married, you have to Guru Sahib, not make Guru Sahib come to you. It simply does not matter what the parts per million pollution is in the air where you want to have your "destination wedding." If you want to have a "destination wedding," have the wedding in a Gurdwara, then have the reception at the beach. Problem solved.
    1 point
  8. Agreed. The problem in the West is that they have started to worship the Artist. Art was meant to uplift people's thoughts and hearts. Now, it's entirely meaningless and pointless.
    1 point
  9. sikh calligraphy, poetic form, music, literature is very rich heritage wise and can only stride forward stronger with time and more participants . Sikhi has no rules against music or art except forming pictures or depicting the Guru Sahiban and their households via theatre or portraiture .
    1 point
  10. If viewed in moderation I can’t see a problem with Art. We are not meant to hide away close our eyes and withdraw from the world like Yogis or Monks. Art is a brilliant medium for communicating with people who are more visually inclined. Children learn from visuals far easier than written words. Art has an important role in Sikhi just as long as we do not start to worship or misuse it. Maya can be suppressed but not completely taken away and as long as you use Maya for the betterment of oneself and others around us then there isn’t really a major issue.
    1 point
  11. The problem is that a lot of western wedding norms are getting mixed up with our traditions. These "kids" think because that Church weddings have everyone standing when the bride comes in that we do the same, or when there is applause we should do the same. It is just ignorance. Sometimes it is pure common sense but these kids need it spelt out what is correct and what is not. If there is one western practice we could adopt is a semblance of the rehearsal like a rehearsal lawan. Then you could go through stuff with the couple and tell them what to expect and the correct protocol is. The video here shown is either from US or Canada. Canada in particular is far more extreme than the UK in that either Sikhs are very religious or extremely westernised or what they call "whitewashed ".
    1 point
  12. In India , most people stay in the shaadi 'palace' eating, drinking, partying up whilst the people who actually came to see the Anand Karaj could be counted on two hands , my bro got married there and it was only the amritdhari sikhs and bazurg who bothered . The ragis looked shocked that we wanted a longer kirtan session and sikhiya to the couple. Mind you nobody returns fateh there, sings along with Kirtan anywhere.Godless due to hand of Guru ji's protection being withdrawn due to their mentally ill rejection of sikhi
    1 point
  13. I am talking about the additional shabads after the marriage ceremony has taken place and then some speaker they have afterwards. This is when people get fidgety. In India I have heard that Lawan are supposed to be done before sunrise.
    1 point
  14. I don't understand why these types don't just have a registry wedding. If they want petals and garlands and dress up them they can.
    1 point
  15. This guy left his sikh desi wife to have a marriage and business with his gori mem ... and it is they who cooked up the whole gorification of what should be a dedication of ineself to Akal Purakh and Guru ji. Coconuts just lurveee this nonsense of showing off on beaches etc.
    1 point
  16. "It's her big day. Let her enjoy it." ?
    1 point
  17. I suppose this is reason 3rd Guru Ji stated "Men should control their eyes." More than media it's the idea of corporations to manufacture n produce clothing as such. People buy whaeva selling the most. Nothing to do with Media n superstars.
    1 point
  18. Any surprises for guessing the usual dog has come back barking again. Here is a little advice get yourself a bone and chew on it. As for lowering gaze I am aware of the phraze but In sikhism or punjabi we have a different phraze for that. So why copy the exact muslim one is what I was saying.
    1 point
  19. It's no wonder you get sick, because it seems you like eating street food. To the OP, or anyone else: Don't eat street food! Why would you? Don't buy cut fruit. Buy whole fruit, take it home, wash it, cut, then eat. Don't eat outside. Problem solved.
    1 point
  20. I'm in the UK, we're used to plastic bottles.
    1 point
  21. I always found it strange that the milk come's in plastic bags, i was okay with Buffalo milk when i was young, as I've gotten older and used to cow's milk in the west i get issues when i have buffalo milk in India know, i think that goes for most food in India, out bodies become accustomed to a western diet and we have trouble digesting food in India.
    1 point
  22. I take these polls very seriously. I am proud to be the greatest. Why be jealous and wish you got the votes?
    1 point
  23. That is the big issue. We cant have left wingers who side with the enemy at any given opportunity. This kind of stance will be a bad influence on the forum. Also he does have a penchant for bringing caste into everthing and bigging up his type at any opportunity also.
    1 point
  24. Where do you get this? Some new-age 3HO pamphlet? When has homosexuality ever been promoted in Sikhism? From the time of Guru Nanak Dev ji? Only heterosexuality has been promoted. If "gays are not looked down" by you mean to say that men can have close personal friendships with other men, fine. But men have always been encouraged to get married. Gurbani talks of the love and union of a woman and a man. Never a man and a man. The books of Sikh history never talk about homosexual unions. Where are you getting this? OK, what is that supposed to mean, exactly? You make sweeping statements. If a love is unconditional, that means no conditions at all, whatsoever. Also all means all, right? ਜਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸੇਵੇ ਆਪੁ ਗਣਾਇਦੇ ਤਿਨ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਕੂੜੁ ਫਿਟੁ ਫਿਟੁ ਮੁਹ ਫਿਕੇ ॥ One who, not serving the True Guru, praises himself, is filled with falsehood within. Cursed, cursed is his ugly face. p304. Does that sound like "unconditional love for all"? Sounds more like if you hate God and love yourself and Mammon, then you are cursed. ਵੈਰੁ ਕਰਹਿ ਨਿਰਵੈਰ ਨਾਲਿ ਧਰਮ ਨਿਆਇ ਪਚੰਦੇ ॥ Those who hate the One who has no hatred - according to the true justice of Dharma, they shall perish. ਜੋ ਜੋ ਸੰਤਿ ਸਰਾਪਿਆ ਸੇ ਫਿਰਹਿ ਭਵੰਦੇ ॥ Those who are cursed by the Saints will continue wandering aimlessly. p306
    1 point
  25. You keep putting this Christian belief of this original sin and only way to redeem.... Please Sikhism is about unity consciousness. One God in many infinite manifestations. Gay are not looked down upon as in Christianity which is build upon separation and redemption. It’s about unconditional love for all not selectively and keep printing new versions of scriptures to their convinence. Judging condemning punishment are hallmarks of your scripture. In Christianity GOD is like a bigger version of your human father who gives and take away stuff as you please or displease him it’s a conditional not Unconditional love Sikhism is talking about.
    1 point
  26. That is the thing. We cant start changing what religions say about queers. Christianity cleary condemns the practice so people should just accept that its wrong. If they dont agree then dont be a christian. Become a buddist or something else. We cant try and knit pick things we like about a faith. You kind of have to accept everthing or not. There are no half measures.
    1 point
  27. I think you might be decontextualising that. If you look at CP in the DG, it also gives umpteen examples of men being made fools of by their wives which must have reflected at least some contemporary events (unless people are suggesting that the examples given in CP didn't reflect the nature of society around at the time? which would be a strange conclusion to draw to my mind) Do people actually think that there was a time when relationships between genders was simple and straightforward? hhmmmm Okay, I think there is truth in - the more options certain jananis are given the more this can mess them up. You see this with LOADS of gorian, who've been able to choose their own partner in their own time, and then decide he wasn't what they wanted after x amount of years. So social pressure obviously plays a massive part in fidelity. But even some gorian are rejecting the new gora introduced norms, which I think just facilitates promiscuity and an easily compliant workforce for obvious economic and personal sexual advantages (for a culture of men who aren't really that concerned with fidelity compared to others). Dating used to be a way of meeting potential life partners not long ago - not what it is now: Social media plays a big part in this.
    1 point
  28. My 2 paise: I think a lot of women will think men being leader of the house is some kind of privilege but actually it is responsibility. Men are the rock solid stoic structure of families. Women look for leadership from their men. Don't follow their words, watch their actions.
    1 point
  29. Every human act doesn't necessarily need a metaphorical religious or spiritual justification in order for it to make sense. Some things just are. You can search the scriptures for all manner of reasons to justify nearly anything you like, but that doesn't make it any more valid.
    1 point
  30. Puzzled I know you have issues of your sexuality. If you want to be woman and become the woman of the house then go for it. But you need to dress the part aswell. ie wear plenty of makeup. To give the authentic look. Dont forget stilettos.
    1 point
  31. Because since the 'annexation' Farsi skills amongst Panjabis has dwindled to nothing. Our lot simply don't understand it anymore, besides there are very subtle political allusions in the text that people would miss out on, unless they were familiar with ancient Persian literature. See this attachment (if you haven't already) to get an idea of this: http://www.bhainandlal.com/website/ebooks/zafarnama.pdf The last apna I knew who was fluent in Farsi was a Panjabi teacher in the 80s I had at senior school (he didn't stick around for too long). Remember during the Sikh empire many more people were fluent in the language which was the political lingua franca of the ruling classes. For instance Hari Singh Nalwa was fluent. Moghuls used to study and discuss old Persian manuscripts in their darbar. After goray came, they made English the language of power, and I guess that the motivation for people to learn the language decreased significantly. After partition - there was little patronising of the language which leads us to today's situation that you mention. I would imagine Zafarnama is of especial interest to nonSikh Farsi speakers because of its exoticism for them. Plus it gives an example of a significant religious and political figure's (dasmesh pita's) employment of the language. Linguists would be interested to analyse his style and references, and indeed ideas. Historians would also find it useful to extract contemporary information from.
    1 point
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